Fish Suit Materials?
I'm in the planning stages for a partial of my betta fish 'fur'sona, and I'm looking for some advice.I'm not entirely sure what to use for the surface of the head and the arms. I'm leaning away from...
View ArticleHand-paw help
(This is legit my first time on LJ and its all kinda confusing so bear with me) So I made these "puffy fingers" for a more toony look and I'm not quite sure how to add them. I had them on a pair of...
View ArticleHorse mane help?
I've been snooping around the "memories" and past entries but haven't found much help with this.Making a realistic horse suit, was wondering how to go with making the mane for the head. I'm using...
View ArticleTails and Kidney Belts
I have a ~4 foot, medium-thin furry dragon tail I'd like to attach to a kidney belt so it can be fairly upright rather than a floor dragger. Where would I buy a kidney belt and what should I be looking...
View ArticleHenley Smilodon, my first head!
It took ages and he's a liiiittle lopsided but I'm very happy I was able to get so close to what I intended to do. Reading everything in this community's been a huge help. I'll have Henley at Anthro...
View ArticleTips for a lightweight head?
Any tips for making an ALL FOAM Fursuit head a little more lightweight? This is of course before I put any fur on it. I'm thinking of cuting a few small holes in it to try to eliminate some weight...
View ArticleSteed fursuit at MFF
Whinnyhi.Sheriff Steed is playing his headless tamborines at MidWest FurFest. They wouldn't let him carry his Colts. head...
View ArticleMaterial suggestions - Shark?
My 'sona is a shark, and I'm planning to make a head at the very least... what materials would you suggest! I'm looking for a more toony head, my style is more big eyes and cute expressions, so I don't...
View ArticleCasting in foam?
I'm making monster-sized claws for the fursuit I'm working on. Imagine a saber tooth, but over a foot long. I'm also making claws for the feet, basically a sculpted claw 'cap' that goes over a shoe,...
View ArticleHow to Wash a Balaclava Fursuit Head?
I have read about using multiple products to clean fursuit heads, yet I'm not sure how to clean a Balaclava fursuit head, because this kind hasn't been mentioned specifically in the tutorials I've...
View ArticleArticle 0
I am looking for a very particular yellow fur and of course having no luck in the slightest.Here is the character reference. The light yellow color is what I'm looking for....
View ArticleAvoiding First-Time Mistakes
What are some common mistakes that people make when building their first fursuit? I am already aware of the following (with fursuit heads, that is):1. Cutting the ears into symmetrical, "flat-bottomed"...
View ArticleSpecific fur
I've been looking for a grey/silver fur everywhere. My goal is to find something that looks like: color on this is...
View ArticleHas anyone used this fur?
I live in New Zealand so shipping costs for most of the recommended sites to buy fur from cost more than the product itself.So I have been thinking of buying this fur from aliexpress since it has free...
View ArticleFish Head Recs?
I'm currently in the planning stages for my betta 'sona and I'm beginning to approach how I want to shape and design the suit for his head. ( he's always been a challenge to draw from the front and as...
View ArticleHow to Make Templates for a Fursuit Head?
I have read that making and using templates when carving the foam for a head is extremely helpful for accuracy, exactness, symmetry, and general simplification of the construction. I want to make my...
View ArticleHeelless boots?
I'm trying to do the high heel approach to the feet since I've always drawn Bryndle's legs straight but her feet aren't plantigrade.How in the world do you get the heel off? I've tried googling to no...
View ArticleHot Glue Gun Recommendations?
Okay, so I'm kinda sorta looking at getting a new glue gun. The one I have right now works fine, its a cheapy $3 thing from walmart, it gets the job done but what drives me nuts is not being able to...
View ArticleSequence of making a fursuit head using a resin base
After months of stalling and researching, fearful to actually mess anything up, I endeavored to finally start working on a fursuit head for my mate using a fox resin blank from Dream Creation...
View ArticleHow to make digi legs w/o using foam?
Is there a way to make digi legs for a suit without using foam? /How would you make polyester padding for a fursuit with a dropped crotch?Thanks~
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