First head complete!
Bucki is done! Thank you for the advice on the eyes. I decided to go with buckram and just paint them to look rounded and shiny. Despite a few things I have learned from and will know how to do better...
View ArticleMaking heads adjustable- thoughts?
Noobie question time.. Working on this head and thinking of auctioning it when I am done, so I wouldn't have an idea of how big the future owner's head will be. How would I deal with this? Is there a...
View ArticleInterchangeable Expression Idea!
I want to have an interchangeable expression on my next head; happy will be the default mode, and devious will be the alternate mode. I think this method would be fairly simple! I really like angry...
View ArticleAmazing cat fursuit/costume heads - NEKO FUNJATTA | Dancing Black Cats, anybody check this out already? It looks as if they scanned a real cat head and 3d printed these out from a life model, or rather...
View ArticleShaving fur
So I've gotten into shaving fur (before I was able to use short pile so I didn't need to shave) and now I've run into a small issue. I stitch the fur together, and then shave, but there's still hair...
View ArticlePreserving the dynamic jaw
so I am working on taping the resin fox blank that I got forever ago so I can pattern the fur and I have a question : how should I pattern the fur to preserve the dynamic jaw? will the faux fur be able...
View ArticleThis color fur?
I was lookin' for the brown color fur on this person's suit. Any idea where I can find it?
View Articlequestions about fursuit eyes
im a first time fursuit maker, and im planning on making a partial sometime in the spring and i have tons of questions, but i guess ill ask one for the time beingi dont want follow me eyes, and those...
View Articlecurled ears? + feline base critique
i'm currently working on a kinda challenging commission, and what's given me the most trouble so far are the ears...the commissioner wants them to look like an American Curl cat's ears, and i have no...
View ArticleLooking for 'calico' fur
I'm desperately looking for this specific calico colored fur. I had only bought half a yard some time ago in but never again have I seen it there or else where. I've tried auctions several...
View ArticleFur Color
I'm looking for a fur around this color, however it needs to be around 2-3in pile. This is the 'brick' luxury bear from Mendels. I'm going crazy trying to find a color like this :/
View ArticleFirst suit is finished!
Dustin' off my LJ account to share a project that has been a long time in the making!This is Henbane- he's the first fursuit I've ever made, and I couldn't have done it without this community c: He's...
View Articleeven more questions
i apologize for all of this, haha, im just really excited and i want to make sure everything is perfect when i get to making my suitfirst;im far sighted and i wear some pretty strong glasses. i can see...
View ArticleLooking for some constructive criticism and redlines
I'm working on a semi-realistic costume that is a cross between an alligator and a lion, so it works along the lines of a more realistic gorgonopsid than the flesh-over-bones dinosaur depictions you...
View ArticleAdvice for fursuit pins?
Greetings all, I am seeking some advice or suggestions for a fursuit accessory I am working on. I am a Perler bead artist, and in an attempt to expand my variety of products I'd like to start making...
View ArticleDoes Build-A-Bear Workshop Plush Toy Stain Remover work well on stains in...
I was looking through supplies in storage and some old Build-A-Bear Workshop plush toy cleaner, I however have not used it yet on plushes or faux fur yet and was wondering if anyone in this community...
View ArticleOn the search for decent blue and yellow fur!
Hello all,I've been looking for both a bright yellow and bright blue blue faux furs for my next suit, but after checking various sites, namely Mendel's, CRcrafts, imstuffed, and fursuitsupplies, I've...
View ArticleFur and lining choices?
Hey there, I have some questions about furs and lining material.So, a client wants a head and hands by Halloween, but I'm having trouble finding the right colors for the suit. Help finding the right...
View ArticleInvisible zippers without a sewing machine
Alright, I'm currently planning out my first bodysuit and I'm running into a major snag on how to close up the suit. I don't own a sewing machine and don't really have access to one currently, and have...
View ArticleHelp with shape of digitigrade feetpaws
After all summer working on them, I am finally getting to the patternmaking stage of my foam digilegsI put my feet onto the dummy just to check up on them, and now something seems offThey're not bad, I...
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