Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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baseball caps

I've seen a handful of makers use these instead of balaclavas for bases and it's a method I'm considering as an alternative for a balaclava. I like the results of balaclava base heads, but sometimes they drive me crazy --mainly my hair...no matter what I do it always goes crazy underneath. I'm thinking it'd be more helpful as far as getting airflow as well which would be nice.

My question is -- does anyone have progress pics of this? I'm trying to envision how one would go about foaming on top of a cap and I'm a little lost. I'm sure everyone has their own method, but any advice on this technique would be great. I'm going to attempt building a very short muzzled critter so I'm not sure if that will make this method more or less effective. I'd like to start with the muzzle if I can kind of to keep things centered, so I was thinking of using a wire down the middle and maybe mounting my muzzle on that and kind of build from there? Any tips would be great!

Also, I'm considering using plastic comes over buckram to achieve a certain effect, but I've heard they can fog up pretty badly (and I already wear glasses so fogging up is a big no no for me) and just wondering if a head has good ventilation is fogging up of these domes a problem?

Sly Cooper update


Here's a update on my Sly Cooper cosplay. I've done the clay sculpt while watching the Face off Marathon on Scifi. Now I'm making final touches before my silicone arrives to make the mould then cast in resin. Thoughts on it? Any changes you think I should make? I thought I'd ask since this is my first resin fursuit head I'm sculpting for. I tried to match the character as much as I could and I tried to make it as symetical as I could. I'm thinking that when the resin one is done I'll add some extra foam for the remaining fullness of his cheeks. I've been considering building up the brow. I've also been trying to figure out where the best spot for cutting the moving jaw would be. Any thoughts?
I've finally found the fur I like so I'm ordering that next week. The silicone and resin were on backorder so I'm waiting on them. I'm also planning to get the blue yellow and red fabric at JoAnns soon that is if my grandma hasn't stolen my coupon again.

Short fur for equines or deer?

Hi there! I'm working on a full fursuit of a fawn or deer and I'm having trouble finding the right type of fur to use... I'd prefer something realistic, so I need something short that lays relatively flat like an equine (but without being too shiny like minky) or that matches the pictures below.

Please pardon the picture of real fur! Here are some small samples of what deer fur looks like here for reference:

It looks like deer fur is usually about 1-inch or 1/2-inch pile and kind of lays flat (kind of coarse, maybe?) with mixed brown tips and a white undercoat. I don't really mind the color of the fur as I'm planning to airbrush it anyway, so I'd probably start with a lighter color since I'm going to be making my own fawn spots anyway.

Fawn fur seems to be a lot thinner, though, from what I can tell, and I'm planning to try to make this suit as close to the skin as possible, so shorter might be better! This was the thickness I originally had in mind, closer to equine shortness and I'd custom airbrush the spots and details.

I'd like to find short, equine-type fur like this at least for the arms/hooves to get this kind of effect, but if I can find enough for the whole body that would be great, too! :)

(Hooves by Qarrezel - click image for original)

I really like the effect this person got, but it looks like they used real elk and waterbuck skins, and I'd prefer to use faux materials if I can find them. :)

Please let me know if you have any ideas on where to find fur like these! I really appreciate any help I can get. Thanks very much! :)

eeek one more question

I'm going to have to fiddle with my drawings more but I was just wondering -- I want to make sure I get a nice smiling expression for my fursuit. Anyway, I was doodling a bit (mainly looking at profiles and such) and I was wondering -- since this is a short muzzled canine, would it be possible (in theory) to cut like the front and sides of the face as one shape from one inch foam?

Gonna try and explain what I mean -- like could I cut a piece long enough to wrap around the entire face so one piece would be the sides of the face and the muzzle? This is a short smashed in face doggy, so I don't see a need to carve much of a muzzle. Then I could layer additional pieces where necessary for those areas? Obviously will still need to build up the front a bit, but just curious if that sounds like that would work for that part.

Hopefully that makes sense!!

Ali Express- Has anyone bought from this site?

It seems like a majority of their stuff is sold from China. They have some really beautiful and interesting fur fabrics for sale at decent prices but I've never heard of someone buying from them so I'm just curious, is there a reason no one has bought from this site? Have you bought from the site and had no problems? Can anyone tell me more about it?

Here's a link to some furs they have:
These look thin but could make great floofy ares: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/15-colors-SOLID-SHAGGY-FAUX-FUR-FABRIC-LONG-PILE-FUR-costums-cosplay-cloth-36-X60-SOLD/890738095.html

There are a good deal more but I'm not gonna post em all, just search "fur fabric"


Anyone know where I can get a light pink plastic sheet for the eyes? I recall a site selling the plastic sheets for fursuits in different colors, but I can't find it. The only one I could find was as massive sheet for $20 and I need enough for only one pair of eyes.


The Throw Company

Has anyone ever ordered from The Throw Company before, or used any of their furs in a costume? They've got a lot of great looking colors, even if they're a little bit pricy. I'm especially interested to see if anyone has used this color in a suit or on a tail at least. 

Achievement unlocked

Dense and plush short fur?

I'm looking to make a Doberman pre-made suit for auction and am looking for a short seal (preferably 1/2" pile) in black and a nice camel that's a little more saturated in color rather than dusty. So I'm looking for something dense and plush. Something sheared really even would be great rather than spikey. Any suggestions? I will be shaving the fur a bit in the face. Thanks in advance!

Seam placement on head...?

Where do you place your seams on a head?

I made a duck tape pattern before for this head, which is my first head. I felt it had way too many pieces after I cut it out and I've since ended up tossing the mess. I'd like some opinions on where is best to place seams before I duck tape it again.

Feel free to redline or show examples of your own work. Also, below is a reference to the color pattern. the neck line would be purely white all the way around the bottom (with the body suit containing the black) and black hair poof will be added after.

 photo 4copy_zpsc36bbda4.jpg

How to fix warped mask blanks.

I just unpacked a number of mask blanks that apparently I failed to cushion properly when I moved and 2 of them are now bent/warped. I believe they are made out of a 2 part resin like Smooth Cast 300. Has anyone tried repairing a deformed blank before? I do have a heat gun and was considering using it to try and bend them back into shape but I'm not sure if that will work. Any thoughts?

Critiques for a suit in progress?

Alright, so after fiddling around a bit with the first head I constructed (and didn't finish), I decided to dismantle the thing and make something completely new: a Pokemon suit!

I am going for one of the 6th gen Pokemon, a poodle based one, called a Furfrou. Here are some images of le pokemans...

And, I got started on the fellow today, and got quite a bit done (in my book anyway...)

(It has a tiny smile OvO) I do realize it looks more like a goat at the moment, and I plan on fixing that and the wonky nose. And for the nose, I guess I'll do a little pleather, polyfill stuffed one... What I really need help with is the 'fro' of this Furfrou. How would one go about doing that big hair...?

eyes and coloring and eyebrows

So. I'm embarking on my new suit today! Friends and I are getting together and going to have a fursuit making party! Yay!! I digress. I doubt I'll get to it today (I'd be floored if I can even get the foam done today) but I'm wondering about eyes.

I've decided I'm probably going to go with a mostly mesh material (probably buckram) but was wondering what you guys use/would recommend that gives the best vision/ventilation and what do you use to color the material? I've got some buckram but the spaces seem really tiny and maybe it'd be better once it's colored but it doesn't look like you'd be able to see through it all that great.

Also, it seems a simple question but .... eyebrows? Felt or fur or something else? I need white eyebrows on black fur and not sure what would be the best material to use for that. They're going to be thinner feminine eyebrows, and the black fur is going to be very short, like beaver pile if that makes any difference.

I appreciate any opinions on this matter! :)


My first resin head commission. Out of everything I've ever made I think this is the best I've ever felt about a finished product. One day I'll have a fancy camera and time to take pro pics >.<

Wigs from Arda-wigs.com. 2 black wigs and 2 bags of aqua weft.
Ref sheet http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11765241/
What I'm most proud of are the eyes. Took me over two years to design and execute. Oh! and I suck at cutting hair so the blue weft looks chunky; customer will style!

kittykitty1kitty 2kitty3bitches

What sort of pre-made items sell well?

Hi guys!

So I would really like to get into building suits, but I need some practice under my belt first. After getting some advice from the community, I've decided to start off with some ear/tail/paw sets and eventually move up to partials. My intent is to get some experience, exposure, and to make enough profit from each project to invest in more materials. In your experience(s), what type of items sell best? It would be super cool if my first few items were all the same color to cut down on initial fur expenses. Also, what sites have you guys had the most success marketing on? I have been stalking Furbuy and Etsy for a while, but neither seem to have screaming sales. I do have a FA, but I'm not very active there so it will take some time to get an audience. If/when I move up to partials, are generic species the safest bet? I imagine I'll need one or two quality sets before I can take a commission, but I'm kind of concerned about being able to sell them. Finally, how do you protect yourselves from scams (or is that even necessary)? I've heard some horror stories about Paypal disputes and I'm a little intimidated about jumping into online sales :P

Anyway, I realize the timeline for this will likely be several months. I've been prototyping all these parts for a while (I have a fitted paw pattern ready and I'm experimenting with rigid mask bases--ears are up next!) and I'm ready to start thinking about sales :) Any advice (or links to advice) would be much appreciated! Also, my intended style is realistic/semi-realistic if that helps :P

footpaw redline?

shipping internationally

I think I've asked this question on here before -but- where do you guys go when shipping internationally? The quotes I get are so high that it discourages me from even offering international shipping, but at the same time I want to be able to sell what I make to anyone regardless of where they live. Yet, I find it hard to accept that these shipping quotes I get are like...almost as expensive as the item in question. I recently sold some hand paws and a tail to ship to Australia and everywhere is quoting me upwards of $50.00 This seems outrageous. I want to sell a partial in the next few days -- a fennec with big ears that due to their construction I'm reluctant to cram it into a smaller box because I'm afraid it'd cause permanent damage. Due to this I'm afraid the price of international shipping is going to be beyond ridiculous for a partial. (at least this one)

What is the expected price on average for shipping internationally? Places you'd recommend? Shipping methods to help reduce cost? I plan on making my heads more squish friendly from now on -- but still like to hear what you guys have done/think. Thanks!

I guess I'm a little confused because I see some people offering tails/paws with very cheap international shipping (like $20 or less) and I wonder how they're shipping for that price?

Fur Database (All USA Websites) (All quality furs in one image)

So, I would like some help here!

I'd like to know what furs in my database should be deleted due to poor quality or other reasons. I prefer to keep furs here that are fursuit quality furs.
If i'm missing any websites, let me know and if you can help me add the fur to the image.

Contact me if a website has changed or a new one has been added, or if anything worthwhile is missing at any time.

Please offer help to add:
FursuitSupplies, BigZ, CaliFabrics, SyFabrics, Haberman, Blue Moon, and Ever After.

I did not add:
Texture fur that I felt may not look good quality on a fursuit, like 3-tone shags.
Pattern fur like stripes, animal prints or poor looking texture.

A lot of hard work was put into this so let's not let it go to waste!

WARNING: HUGE FILE, 18MB (6,000+ pixels x 2,400) or so pixels...
To download (zoomed in can not scroll through the photo on this link, it's a small preview with a download button): http://sta.sh/018gow3q5gyd
To view entire image online (direct link): http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/072/d/0/fur_database__all_usa_websites___all_quality_furs__by_eternalskyy-d79zqj0.png

shipping a fursuit to a hotel

Hey guys! I'm just starting to work on a fursuit for Dragon*Con, and it will likely have some animatronics in the head (assuming I can get it to work that is). I plan on flying to the convention but I'm worried all those wires/circuit boards/battery packs will look suspicious, so I was thinking of mailing the head to the hotel and taking the rest on the plane.

I checked the memories, but I wanted to know if anyone has had experience shipping a fursuit right to a hotel. Just curious how early I should send it and what I can do to make sure it's labeled properly so nobody else accidently nabs it. I'm also curious if there's a shipping center near/in the convention center at Dragon*Con, couldn't find out much info about it. Thanks! :D

First fursuit WIP

Ok this is my first fursuit EVER. It is built on a DVC base with a DVC nose, jawset, eye blanks, and a tongue. I painted the jawset and the eyes. Here are some WIP pictures and I would like your guy's opinion on this so far before I continue any farther.

Here is the most recent WIP: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12954120/

here are the ones before the ears: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12951311/

any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
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