Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Problem with Darting on Muzzle - Help?

Im down to the last few pieces of duck tape pattern to cut fur out for and I cant get the muzzle to lay flat. I darted the front of the muzzle, but where it connects to the face/cheeks, i cant get it flat. Im assuming i have to cut a whole separate piece there on each side, but im not 100% sure :( heres my how I cut my pattern, and here is where im having the issue.

Any help on how to dart or cut this would be greatly appreciated.

Pics below cut.

First Handpaws! Critique me? ^^

I finally finished my first handpaws!

lj teaser

It took forever because I'm in school, but now they're done! I started by making my own pattern (draping was an epic fail) and modifying it based on some free glove patterns I found online. Each finger is made of four parts so they take forever to assemble, but they fit amazingly and have great dexterity.

Also, what kind of luck do you guys have with Sculpey claws? I don't feel like it's the most durable of materials. Is it sufficient to glue them to the fingertip with E6000? Many tutorials recommend slitting the fingertip and slipping the claw through, but my fingertips have a lot of seams and I'd hate to make cuts there.

Finally, I'm aware the fur is crap. I bought the cheapest stuff I could find from JoAnnes to play around with, so no need to mention that if you critique ^^

paw gloves

help with moving jaw

hey, i'm just wondering, i'm getting started on my 3rd suit and i'm gonna attempt a moving jaw (attempted it with my first fursuit. didn't work at all) and i was wondering, do you glue the foam to the elastic itself? or to the balaclava, avoiding the elastic? or all of it together?

i've tried looking for an answer to this question before on google, but i couldn't find anything.

(sorry if i'm doing anything incorrectly. this is my first ever livejournal post, so sorry if i mess anything up)

Handpaw planning

In trying to find a way to adapt a human hand to a slim fit paw that looks somewhat realistic, I came up with this plan in question.

Looking at a cheetah paw (the animal I'm focusing on) the pawpaws are pretty different from toony hands, with short fingers.

So I decided that I would only use from the second joint up (first being knuckle) on my fingers to create smaller fingers for my
paws. I want to put pawpaws more accurately on the rest of the glove to create an illusion of a realistic paw.

Feedback before I set on making these? Does this seem like a good plan?

Fursuit advice?

There may be a lot of topics about these, but I haven't really found the answers I wanted upon searching through the memories, and I'd prefer asking directly if this is OK.

I plan to make a fursuit VERY soon, and it is of this character- http://i.imgur.com/XSCobpa.png
Ignore the LED thing, I probably won't add any since it will be my first suit! The suit will also be digitigrade.
Anyway, here is a head base I've come up with- http://i.imgur.com/5YEXqhh.png

It isn't final, and a lot is subject to change, along with my design.

What my questions are-
How hard is it to make a suit?
What should I expect?
What are the challenges?

And lastly, what supplies will be needed? Here is a list of what I will be getting, please let me know if I need more things that will be helpful!
Balaclava (Ninja hood)
Purple/blueish faux fur
Lime Green faux fur
White faux fur
Charcoal Faux Fur
Charcoal Fleece
Hot Glue gun
Hot Glue sticks
Sewing Machine
Polyester String
Hand-sewing kit
Sculpey (For nose, horns, claws, spikes)
Duct tape (For a DTD/Patterns)
Box Cutter/Razor
Acrylic Paint/Brush
Electric Pet Trimmer

If you could also suggest to me good working, affordable tools, that'd be great.

Furs I am looking at are from "Big Z Fabric", if you could let me know if this is a good company with good quality fur, thanks!

Long post, sorry, I just want to know and be as prepared as I can. uvu Thank you!

Sewing complicated markings and hair question.

It's me again with my stupid questions.
I'm going to make a resin based head for my coywolf like character Dex. I've browsed lots of categories and posts on here - it resolved many of my problems, but not all.

So, at first, have a reference for his head (apologize my bad drawing style and the asymmetry)

The colours aren't greyscale, but you have an idea.
So at first, markings. No way to airbtush them, and they seem kinda complicated to sew. Is this even possible? If so, what stiches would work best? I'm a total newbie to sewing, so i'll aprecciate diagrams etc. showing them.
And hair. I've seen lots of wefting tutorials, but they were about completely different styled hair, not short and standing like he has. So, i have no idea how to attach that kanekalon to get the right look. Also, i dunno how much bags of this stuff would be needed.
Thanks for help if someone decides to reply.

Gentlelady Raptor

Would it be okay (or even possible) to make a pair of pants into digitgrade legs for my fursuit? My fursona is a reptilian avian species I made up, and always wears nice clothes, particularly this awesome red suit vest I used for a costume I made when I was playing Sebastian in a Little Mermaid musical my high school hosted.
Since she only wears that and a top hat, but no pants, I was just wondering if it'd be possible to make sperate digitgrade legs maybe attached to the feet(or separate) and if so, where there any tutorials on it. It'd also be mega helpful if somebody told me what type of pants to make it all with if it's possible.

Starting foam

Head size issues...

Long time lurker, first time poster so I'm sorry if I do this wrong X3

I've just finished a caribou suit and think the head to body ratio got messed up somewhere.I thought the fullsuit would help even but it still seems a bit off. Any suggestions for future suits would be greatly appreciated!

**Note I'm till working on some minor tweaks on suit still like shaving the muzzle a bit ad fixing the padding a bit**

Anyways, heres the suit -> http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12983790/

best flex foam for fursuit applications?

More footpaw questions

Hi again!

So I have another couple questions about footpaws...
I want to have the toes a different colour from the rest of the foot, and I'm just wondering, should I do each toe as a different piece of pattern, or all the toes in one? I've just taped them up so I'm not sure if I should cut each toe out or if it would be easier another way. If I do cut them out seperately, should I sew them together and then slide them on and glue it as one piece? I've looked at quite a few tutorials but none have really explained it enough, though I could just be incompetent!

My next question is about the top of the paws, like from the ankle up. How do I tape that? should I tape it? I haven't done it with the last pair but that was really long ago and they aren't great.

Ok thank you for reading!

Rust Fur Color Help?


Hello I'm trying to match a fur to a wig I have and I was going to order a swatch but it looks like CR does not offer that.

I was debating between CR's rust fox and Mendles shag rust. Or even any other type. I was looking at MM fox rust but it don't seem to exist anymore. I am only looking for a yard as I just want to make a simple tail and ears. If you could post photos or even if you are willing to sell me some? Any help is appreciated~!

(I hope my cut works)

This is what I am trying to match


Need some help on foam

I am not sure what foam is good to buy. I can't find any other foam that isn't out of stock, so would this be OK to buy for making a suit?

I'm just getting kind of stressed out because I'm not finding what I need at places, and having to order from multiple places is stressful for me. I can't go out and buy the tools/supplies I need because I only have money in my paypal currently. I suppose my only issue is finding good foam to buy, so I'm just wondering if this foam is OK?

foam head progress

Sorry for all the posting (I'm trying to limit myself I am) and so poke me if I'm abusing the forum. I'm trying not to!

Anyway, recently I posted (and just now deleted because said post is moot) a WIP pic of a muzzle I was carving on a head I'm working on as a personal project. A couple mornings ago I restarted from scratch and started completely fresh. Here is what I have so far. Pardon the mess.


right now she's at a "skeleton" stage if you will. I've got a thin helmet shape going underneath with the basic doggy head shape which I plan to enhance with additional layers of foam. The paper pieces are a rough idea of what I have planned.

My questions is -- how does it look so far? I feel more confident I'm getting closer to how a Boston Terrier looks but outside input is valuable so yeah! I just would like to know if it seems like I'm going in the right direction or if I'm still getting it wrong. >< Thanks you guys!

Latex Residue on Resin?

This isn't exactly fursuit related, but I'm hoping enough members of this community have experience with this to help me.

I'm casting resin parts for poseable animals. Most of the molds are made of silicone (oogoo, technically), but one of the parts has such a complex shape that I needed something more flexible to make the mold, and Oogoo isn't quite flexible enough. I ended up purchasing this to make the mold, since it seems to be good with deep undercuts.

My concern is for those with latex allergies. While the parts themselves will be made of resin, and will be painted and sealed, is there a chance that there will be latex residue on the casts and cause someone problems? Should I play it safe and try again with the Oogoo? Could I wash the residue off?

Seeking fur

I've searched every fur site I know of, but I can't find anything close to this odd.. chocolate brown color? Has anyone seen anything like this? I really don't want to have to airbrush such a large section.. Looking for short pile but I'll make do with anything and shave it down if I must.

Fabricempire Colors?

Okay, so Fabricempire has these weird color names on their faux furs.  What is their beige, creme and mocha?  Are these just renamed normal DF furs?  But then I thought the "chocolate" was their normal shag brown... but then is their brown the normal caramel color?  I'm confused, halp.

Smush face

This is a Persian cat I've lovingly nicknamed smush face. The chibi look was achieved by making the forehead much taller and the eyes just slightly lower than I normally would. Hair is MM fox that has been airbrushed, jewlery is apoxie sculpt on screws, hand painted eyes. I'm getting a little better at shaving, the problem I've been having is shaving DF fur at the higher speed instead of the lower speed. Once I slow down the clippers I ended  up with an evener shave and it didn't cut so close. ALSO I'm finally setting up a decent photo area so no more work desk photos with my phone! Overall I would give her a solid B+

mirera eyemirerasidemirera2front

Articulated tails: What the heck am I doing wrong?

I am trying to make a beautiful, swaying, graceful dragon tail, but I am having a lot of difficulty getting that effect.  I'm hoping to get some input from people who have had success with this sort of thing!

Here is my inspiration:
http://rarsuit.livejournal.com/44876.html<--- Relevant tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pvdnCLW0O0<--- A video of CC showing off an articulated tail

Here's what I have:
Please excuse the sun fading; I accidentally left it outside.  The whole thing is about 26" long and 6" at the widest.  The foam is Super Soft foam from foambymail.com.  It is the softest, squishiest foam I have ever handled.

Here is a cross-section drawing of what I did.  I hollowed out the foam as much as I could, but it touches down at every segment of the skeleton.

Lastly, here is a video I took trying to get this thing to sway.

As you can see, it is very stiff!  When I put it against my butt, it is very difficult to get it to wiggle.  The videos I've been seeing are of tails that sway with little to no effort by the wearer.  I have a few hypothoses as to what the problem might be, but I would really love to hear from other makers before I use up more materials.

1. Should I make the tail longer (or skinnier)?  This tail is only 26 inches long, while the examples I've seen are a yard or more.
2. Should the foam touch the armature less?
3. Is there a better foam to use?  This is seriously the softest foam I have ever touched, I thought it would be a winner :/
4. More weights?  I'm afraid of making this thing too heavy, but if that's what it takes...

Beaks and scales?

Quick question that nothing in the memories could really answer
For the beak, hands and feet of my fursuit, what material would I be best off using? If possible I'd like to make the beak kinda look like a beak and the hands/ feet look scaly, so they'd be different materials.
I was thinking if I used fur, a short-pile fur, and if I use another material some type of fake alligator skin, leather or some other material. keep in mind this is a reptilian/ avian crossover.
I've really been confused on this, because bird and reptile Fursuits are kinda rare... Or I'm just really bad at looking XD
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