resin base scult critiques needed!
Need a little advice on which type of fur for a project
From the pictures on the Wikipedia page, the rabbit's fur coloring is not a deep brown, but rather looks light tan and variegated. This rabbit also doesn't have long, shaggy fur, but it isn't necessarily a seal fur, so I was hoping for something a little longer.
I found these and thought maybe one could work, although I wouldn't mind seeing each in a different light (either a fursuit or other project; just something not as close up as on the page): (only for inner ear highlights and tail; maybe some highlights in other places)
Thank you for any input/advice you can give!
Need advice and/or redlines please.
But my head suddenly looks like a stinking bear. I have no idea how it suddenly has turned into a bear, but that is what it looks like. I really need some help figuring out what I need to change without comprising excellent vision. That is one of the major challenges with this head is that the commissioner requested specifically two of the primary things they would really like are excellent vision and ventilation so I'd like to not compromise those two things.
If someone could offer redlines that would be the most helpful thing to me, but if not, I'll take any advice possible.
Here is the head currently (I don't have the ears on yet and the head isn't completely sideways there, you can usually actually see the back of the head):

Wefting hair/bang fringes?
My question is, is it even possible to make a bang fringe like this out of kanekalon? To make it look just as choppy and full? This is the look I really want to go for because the style fits my drawing style perfectly. Any advice, tutorials, etc. are greatly appreciated! Pink, White, & Red Sale
This sale ends on the 17th.
x-posting to fursuitauctions
Elastic or Nylon?
Since there has been sort of a controversy lately, what is preferred for belt loops on tails?
Elastic has the advantage of fitting a variety of belt sizes, but it “wears out quickly.” (Has never happened to me or anyone I know, this is just an observation I made on comments in this group.)
Nylon webbing (or even better polypropylene) is more heavy-duty, but unless you have the buyer's exact belt size that they plan on using with the tail, it can be a pain to put on. Great for commissions; not so much for pre-made or auction suits.
So, what are your thoughts? Is elastic a horrible material that should be shunned? (Even though I've never actually heard of it giving anyone problems) Or should all tails be done with nylon, and hope the buyer has a belt the correct size? If nylon is the way to go, what is the acceptable standard size for the loops?
Is there any reason to not build heads entirely with reticulated or dry-fast foam?
Here are some of the foams I'm looking at.
Furring semi moving jaw - flick though to see the duck tape pattern
My bottom jaw is attached, but i guess the slit does go back up into the cheeks. So my question is, I plan on having a seam right at the corner of the mouth to make the lower jaw anyways, do i fur into the crack along the cheek and then fleece further down or do i fleece all the way back into the cheek?
feel free to redline - im horrible at descriptions anyways
Looking for undersuit.
Hi guys, I wanted advice for a good undersuit or leotard to use that I'm planning on building digi-padding on.
Does have any good leads where I could find such a thing, and what materials to look for/watch out for?
First Fursuit Head WIP - Crits? Redlines?
I have finally bitten the bullet and constructed my first fursuit head, I was going to start duct-taping it yesterday until I realized... I would benefit from having a fresh pair of eyes to look over my work first! And of course, what better place than this wonderful community?
Here's a link of the head progress :)
Basically with the head shape, I'm very inspired by the Laki & Loki fursuiters with characteristics such as big eyes, big ears, small nose and mouths - I was hoping to emulate that here. The personal nitpicks I have with the head is that I think I may need to work on the mouth more (the upper lips specifically) and perhaps add more foam to the back of the ears to give them a more curved 3D shape. I have foam washers inside the eyes (not glued) which will help keep the fursuit's eyes in place - in case anyone was wondering X3 I am really pleased with how the side-views look because it gives off that sorta chibi look I adore ^^
Just realized... I forgot to foam the ram horns, whoops! :'D
Any constructive criticism or friendly advice is encouraged!
ears on elastic
I've tried several different things but my big problem is I cannot for the life of me keep ears standing upright on a headband like that. I've put various materials of stiffness inside my ears (thick fabric, plastic mesh, various widths of foam) and the STILL flop over. It's aggravating. Am I missing a step somewhere? Do they need additional support -- like something in the middle pulling them back towards the center? It's driving me CRAZY. If anyone can shed some light on this it'd be so helpful!! ;_;
Gatomon's Gloves (remake!) Interior Structure
Much better defined shape and much better straps that wont rip away from the foam! Instead it wraps around plastic canvas.
On the left we have my old version, on the right is the new version.

I ordered samples of yellow beaver furs I may be using for this project remake.
I WILL add claws to these this time! Now I can sew my claws to the plastic canvas instead of relying on hot glue against vinyl, which wasn't durable enough in my opinion.
Critique is always welcome and appreciated by me <3 I handle it very well.
I am especially thankful for the critique I received on my previous gloves!
First Tail- Complete!

I'm really very happy with it. It's made of DF's black/grey husky for the body, and's Arctic Fox for the tip. It's held to a belt with a pair of nylon straps (cut from my bookbag >>;), and has a spine of doubled up 14 gauge wire embedded in an endcap of foam and plastic mesh. It was supposed to give it some stability and swing. However...

I, uh, underestimated its length and therefore weight. It's not super duper heavy when you're holding it in your hand, but it's heavy enough that it stretches the belt/beltloops of whatever it's strung on.
Oh well. Live and learn.
If my sister doesn't want it (as it was made for her suit), I'll probably take out the spine and just sell it. I've already altered my pattern to make tails in a far more reasonable weight/size.
"Pre-made" Fursuit auctions?
Ex. Lets say I doodle up some blue tiger fullsuit design or something, and then lets say someone named Joe wins. When Joe wins, I ask for his measurements and make the full suit for him, but before I start, we collaborate to rework the design if he wants parts changed etc. etc. so hes getting a blue tiger, but a blue tiger to his likings.
Is that a thing? or do people tend to avoid that because it sounds sketch? help, I dunno.
"Fleshy" fabrics?
I'm on the search for a material that generally has a skin/flesh look to it. Would rather avoid general fleece (and antron fleece is difficult to get a hold of in the quantity I will need) as I don't want a fuzzy monster yet spandex and lycra are almost too shiny for me. I'm creating a reptile of sorts in the future and am starting the planning process early. I don't want to go into latex or silicone if I can help it (even though both would be extremely ideal for the look, the weight and the potential allergen to those around me is not desired). A short seal fur wouldn't be appropriate either. I thought of layering up a thinner material with one with a little more "meat" beneath to give it a good shape, but it's the matter of finding that right material on top to start.
Any thoughts?
Feetpaw help
Airbrush paint issues?
Second head critiques-- Struggling with the smile.
She is a full fledged fennec fox, a little doll/plushie character in my head right now, but definitely a fox type..thing, lol. I’m 95% done with foaming her face. I’m having a lot of issue trying to achieve a “smile” on her.
It looks adequate from the front,

But then you get lower and to the side and it’s like…what is happening.

I don’t know why I carved the muzzle like that but I’m not sure how to get the upper, smiling cheek part to curve down smoothly onto the muzzle. I tried to trim up on one side of my muzzle piece, pictured below…

And it just made it worse. Now the muzzle is crooked and I still have no smile. I am unsure of what to do. Do I add more to it or...cut more off? Gwahhh. And then, other than that, I would love if you could point out anything more wonky that I might not have mentioned!! Thanks for any advice you guys.
More misc pics to give you an idea

Looking for some critque again :x
I'm trying to make a bird fursuit this time, a toony canary. How does my beak look so far? It might be hard to tell if any part of it is sitting crooked on the head, seeing as it's not actually glued on, it's just pinned on at the moment so I can easily make any alterations.

I'd like my beak style to be similar to Aoi-Kitsune's beak (Here:, though obviously more canary-like.