Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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For apoxie sculpt gum/bottom lip would I do the apoxie first and then fur or can I apoxie over the edge of the fur backing?

Does it take to paints (acrylic/createx) the same as anything else? Like, can I just buy a bunch of white and paint/seal it as it pleases me or is it best to buy black and white?

Apoxie sculpt and Milliput the same thing? Any preference/benefit to Milliput standard vs. superfine?

Planning a new Rarsuit

So I've finally begun planning my Mr. Claws costume I've wanted to do for a few years now:


This is what I have thus far:
Snarly wolf base by Dreamvision Creations; May need to dremel out the lips further to make room for teeth. May cover it in anton fleece to make the lip smile and cover the jaw hinge. Will hide a fan in the nose.
Sculpted teeth; either super sculpey or sculpey ultralight.
Going to make a super basic bodysuit (No padding) here: http://fursuit.tanidareal.com/savoy/en/02fmakebodya.htm
Going to use kanekalon wefts of 5-7 inches to create his long ruff and the long hair on his lower limbs; may weave some in down his back. http://www.doctoredlocks.com/product/Kanekalon-Jumbo-Braid-Products
Going to use mesh in the ear bases on the head for more ventilation/better hearing.
Will make the claws out of upholstery foam; I'll probably set the claw base far back on my hand to give the illusion that they're bigger than they are and to give me better dexterity. Will probably sheath them in fleece. I'll use a similar trick on the feet.
I'll probably buy my horns from DC.

I'll be using either Long Hair Fur or Extra Long Hair Fur in black from Distinctive Fabrics.

Here are the questions I'm unsure of....
I am 4' 11" and weigh 120 pounds; what is a reasonable and safe amount of black fur?
Can anyone tell me how much Kanekalon I should purchase (Even a ballpark minimum, I can always order more) OR how many braids they used for a given project?
Is it possible to hide ventilation mesh anywhere else in the bodysuit?
I want it to be sane to get the suit on myself...are front zippers with a tab like wetsuits have ok? Tips for hiding the zipper?
Has anyone used rare earth magnets to make horns easy-on easy-off for transport? Any idea what size I need?

And lastly...what are opinions on tail length or shape? I want the tail to move naturally, but a long dragging tail seems like it would damage fabric over time. I'll probably have to make a tail harness that hooks around my waist and each leg in order to hold it exactly in place.

Any other thoughts are of course totally welcome. :3

This Fandom Needs More Terriers. Let's Make One!


Hello once again. I've started on my second suit out of the prying eyes of mother dearest, because what she doesn't know will allow me to have tons of fun. Anyway, I'd like some feedback on both fur color and foamwork:

I'm making a suit of this derp: a Sonic-styled, half-blind, snaggle-toothed yorkie. How's that for a character description--

Specifically, he'll be a 3/4 suit for now, in this outfit and color scheme (w/ pink ears. That's what I get for being in a rush)--

With a slightly nervous expression because he didn't get that scar above his eye playing chess. Strangers (read: other dogs) make him a bit nervous, so it'll be interesting playing such a character at a fur con of all places--

So questions!

1.) Would anyone happen to know where a light yellow long pile faux fur is even available? Looking through the memories, my best lead was a mention of SyFabric's "Light Gold" which arrived today and disappointed me thoroughly. It's just a soft tan (next to their neon yellow for comparison), which feels very off from the pretty yellow they're advertising. Nice on its own, but not suitable for this project. If there is no light yellow, I'll settle for him being blazing yellow. He was that color once upon a time anyway.

2.) How is the foam work coming at this stage? I see now that I actually need to lower the cheek and brow on the side of the yellow eye so that it appears he's looking forward, as well as twist the nose a bit to the left and make it smaller. But any other critique? Especially for the expression, because I really want to nail that. And the harsher you are, the better it'll be. <3

Thanks once again!

Looking for long beige/cream fur

I'm searching for a long (around 3") fur, similar color to the shag beige/light camel. NOT mongolian, I know about that. Also not palomino fox - something a touch more vibrant/yellow, less "natural". I've searched all my normal shops and have come up empty. I don't recall ever seeing something like this, but you never know, you guys turn up interesting stuff!

tips for building with balaclavas?

I made my first four heads on a balaclava, and continued having the same problems with all of them.
Cut to big/small eye holes; muzzle always ended up pointing down; when eyes were installed they were to high up.

I thought the problem was my head stand, so I bulked it up to be the size of my head. It helped with gluing the parts down better, but I was left with the same problems in the end.

So on the head I'm curently working on I'm using a foam base, and finding I'm having almost as much trouble, plus I'm still confused about lining though I know how others say to do it. I like bigger styled heads, but I see my favorite markers make big heads on balaclavas.

So I may make my next head on a balaclava. Is there any tips on how to avoid the same problems I keep having?

Gatomon Cat Digimon Fursuit OOAK by EternalSkyy (ESC)

^^ It is completed!

Furaffinity link: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12604607/

I hope to receive some critique! I have had a lot of critique on the gloves and their shape and not having the claws (was personal preference). I also had some about the head being rabbit-like with the upper jaw. I haven't had details about the construction on how to set up a cat-like base from the get-go, however. I have some sort of idea about this, but any critique is welcome!

I really love critique, it often makes me happy to receive because I love what I do~! <3

I'll have a video up soon.

Sad Day. . . .

For those of y9ou who know Ed Kline and Kishma Danielle, sad news . . . Kishma passed away this morning from a massive hemmorage around her heart. She was a good friend of mine . . . I will miss her greatly.

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We've come a long way!

Under the "spoiler" is a photo of my first "fursuit" ever. Well, an attempt at a fursuit. View at your own risk. ;D I had made the bodysuit and then decided to give up on the project...then made everything else in about 10 hours directly before having to sleep and then depart for the convention.

So when you are frustrated with your fursuit projects look upon this and feel better. I wore this in public. Yes, yes I did.

Year: 1995
Con: ConFurence 6
Me: Mom jeans "cat"
Others: Furlup (?) to the left and Triggur (?) to the right. No idea who the people behind me are.

Question on how to fur digi legs?

Hello! I've looked through all the digitigrade leg tutorials on this community and various others on the internet, and all of them seem to be missing the one step that I'm really confused about. Once the foam is on your pants, how do you cover the legs with fur? How does one go about making pattern pieces/freestyling the furring? I know I could make some legs if I could just figure that out. Thanks!

I made a thing

She was fleeced at first but the customer and I decided to use seal instead. I thought seams with fleece were rough, this shiny seal is like seam advertisement! I don't even know what species this was supposed to be, kind of a hybrid of dragon, orca....Honestly it looks more like a Naga than anything else. Will be a fullsuit but I'm so happy I finished this I had to share.

Also! Also! Airbrushing is hard. I'll probably go back and try and fiddle with all of that. The nose seam is crooked and it makes it look wonky. Ref (safe for work-ish?) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11157713/

rylie 4rylie 5rylie10

Spandex Scales, would it be worth it?

Browsing around and came across this fabric: http://www.spandexhouse.com/products.php?page=3&navId=43&navId2=289&navName=Hologram&navName2=Fishscale

There's also some squared-looking scales too, and then stuff like this depending on where you look.

Now granted, because of the nature of the fabric, I can understand why it wouldn't be solely used on its own. Also not to mention that sewn, puffy paint, air brushed, etc. scales will most likely look neater no matter what.

However, would anyone recommend its use on any part of a suit at all? Or even spandex in general regardless of the print.

Just simply curious~

odd Grey fur?

Remember that time this summer where DF and their etsy shop had this strange fur that wasn't mongolian, but wasn't the normal "solid" luxury shag consistency?  Like it was closer to monkey shag almost than anything?  Is any of that even still around anymore?

Strong deodorant?

I use a very natural, low-key deodorant for every day (Tom's) and I don't think it would really be strong enough for a whole day of con suiting. Are there any brands you can recommend that will work really well? Aluminum free is ideal although not required.


First Fursuit Head Foamwork

Hello all! Long time lurker, first time poster here. I've started construction of my first ever fursuit head, and I think I'm ready for a little critique. It's going to be a female mountain lion when all is said and done. Here's a link to the foamwork pictures: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12639784/

Fursuit was built on a balaclava base and has a pretty good working moving jaw. Aside from the ears and the hair tuft I think my sculpting is mostly done but I'd love to hear some second opinions. Should I smooth out the eyebrows more? Do I need padding on the back of the head?

I'm trying to make it into a toonier version of this character here: http://megamixter.deviantart.com/art/Cougar-Mixter-Reference-Sheet-2014-428672559

Any critiques would be much appreciated! (I'd also love some redlines for the shape of the ears if possible, I'm struggling a bit with how to do those.)

Thanks in advance!

In a bind and need fur quick!

Hi all, just got a couple of questions I need answers for quickly.

First, which longpile white fur is WHITEST: Arctic fox or luxury shag/DF? (I need to match a short pile white that is extremely white... At firstI thought my "white" fur at home would work, but no way. It looks filthy compared to this new stuff!)

Second, which online fur retailer has the quickest shipping? Within USA, and preferably without paying a lot extra.

Thanks in advance!!

white fur, cheap airbrush cons, patterning heads?

hi there! I'm jackal and I've been lurking for awhile and ive trying to gather as much information as I can for a project I wanted to try, my khajiit character from skyrim!! so I guess I'll be asking a lot of questions on really nooby stuff all the time lmao.

soo, the first questions I can think of at the moment are probably pretty simple to answer, although a search through the memories didn't help much ;-;

1. how should I pattern a cat head if its going to be completely white? I've seen that most people cut their duct tape around colors on their heads - but what would be the most simple & easy way to go about this for someone who has no experience?

2. is it really worth the low price to buy a very cheap airbrushing kit? I found one online that's normally $20 and is on sale, but I don't know if getting something extremely cheap will negatively affect the quality of the airbrushing on the head.

3. does anyone have suggestions for white fur that's relatively easy to airbrush and work with for a complete beginner? I'm shooting for a realistic look, but I guess that wouldn't matter..

thank you so much!! sorry for the poor grammar also, I'm on mobile.

Making a Digitigrade bodysuit


Sped up process of making a Digitigrade bodysuit with complex markings. The whole process took over 5 hours.

Resin question

Okay so it seems that some of my resin has gone bad or I'm not mixing enough, because when I demolded a couple of claws they were almost jelly-like. They aren't sticky to the touch but they seem to be half cured or something. I can bend them back on themselves and they won't rip.

My question is: If anyone's come across this before, what exactly is causing it? And is there anything I can do to harden them?

2014-02-02 17.08.54

2014-02-02 17.09.01

2014-02-02 17.09.14

Gauge wire, and fosshape

Im working on a adding new thing to my repertoire, namely posable ears. I know some makers use wire for this, and i would like to give it a go as well. However i don't know what kind to get, nor what diameter would work best. What kind of wire should i look for? ^^'

Im also seeing that fosshape is becoming popular as of late, what thickness do you all find best? I intend to use it for ears, and a large plush I'm working on (for its face).

Realistic canid tails?

I always see this problem and I feel like it bothers me more than it should but whenever I see canid tails made they just look like solid fluffy tail shaped pillows instead of actual tails. The tail of a canid (wolf for easy example) is thin but the fur is very long and fluffy. I want to accomplish this without it looking like it doesn't belong on a suit with semi short fur for the body suit and sudden long fur like monkey shag for the tail. Would a spine (pool noodle, pvc) giving it a more realistic wag help with the image? I see this issue a lot with fursuit dancers where their tail just flops around like a stick instead of an actual tail bending at certain key points. Any tips would be awesome
EDIT: sortof unclear about my question at hand but.. are there any other techniques out there that I could use besides building a spine for a tail? sorry for not really clarifying that beforehand
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