Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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First Fursuit Design - Open to Constructive Criticism!

I am hoping to make my first ever fursuit and after much research, I feel like I am finally ready! I just need some friendly advice on well, ...a few things! :P

I have designed my fursona - a chimera by the name of Snoram (name may be changed) who is a mix of ram and dragon with feline characteristics.

Here are references - First sketch and updated drawing

My questions are:
- Is the overall design too cluttered? Would I be better off simplifying it?
- Are the colors pleasing to look at?
- Would camel/gold faux fur go well with baby pink fur in terms of stripes? Or would I be better off going with neon pink & yellow? *yikes my eyes! haha*
- Would creating a velociraptor tail (out of foam) be feasible for this type of tail my fursona has?

Feel free to go all out - if you have any thoughts, critiques, suggestions or even any concerns, please feel free to say so! I know it sounds like I'm tackling a lot in terms of my first fursuit but I am determined to see through it one way or another ^_^

I need some advice on amount of fabric

Hey everyone!
So I'm making my first fursuit and I've been trying to figure out the amount of fabric needed but I've heard answers ranging from 4 to 7 so I'm totally lost. The suit I want to make is going to be a full suit of noivern.
I was thinking of doing the black and white with fur and the purple,green, and red with fleece. Thinking the fleece would add a slick appearance to pieces I thought looked smoother.
An estimate on the yards needed for each would be really great.

If it helps with the estimations any I'm 5'1 and 126lbs.

Also, what kind of fleece is recommended for use with fursuits? I've heard of antron but I can't find it anywhere, and also blizzard but I can't find that in the colors I need. I was thinking of using anti-pill but I wasn't sure.

Bubbles in clear polyurethane resin

After a second round of casting polyurethane cabochons for eyes, a mass of tiny bubbles still manage to ruin the final product.

Can someone please tell me if there's any way to get rid of these annoying bubbles.
I've already tried mixing slowly, heating up the bottes before casting and using a low temp heat gun to pop the bubbles.
(The last method probably didn't work because it's not an epoxy resin).
Even using a tooth pick to pop the bubbles isn't possible since the bubbles are so small, but there's so many of them that you can see them very easily.

Fur color matching help?

Can anyone help me find fur that matches these colors? I can't seem to find any. Any help is appreciated. :3


Help needed on foaming!

PicMonkey Collage this is a rabbit hybrid im working on. Right now I'm having problems with the ears. I'm not crazy about the shape, and I can't seem to fit them at the right angle I'm going for. I've tried cutting them in the back at an angle but can't get it to work. I'm wanting them to point back, almost in a "shy look". These are the kind of ears and positions I'm going for:


Article 1


So I decided to get back in to fursuits and I am feeling pretty rusty with my carving. I have a very particular shape and style that I am aiming for so I decided to take a photograph of my latest foam base and play with it on photoshop to help me better visualise how I would like the end product to look, I guess you could consider it an extreme kind of red lining. I'm not sure how useful this would be to people who are just getting to grips with using foam and learning to put together a basic animal shape, but I will say to anyone who is trying to refine their work and their carving skills, that I have found this very useful!

red liningI added a basic coat pattern just to better visualize the curvature of the base.

Hope someone finds this useful or just interesting :)

My FA>http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fry-fuzzmutt/

So i went to get my Ed Head today....

it just so happens that Monster Makers, the guys who a LOT of fursuit makers get their base head from (The 'Ed Head' if you aren't familiar) had NO idea that so many people absolutely recommend their product for fursuit resin casting. they live very close to me (less than 15 minutes) and so when i went to pick up my head, i got into a conversation with the lead sculptors and they were REALLY excited about the fursuits! i informed them how many fursuiters list their product as a 'must have' for resin casting, and they were blown away by the amount of workmanship that went into the fursuits. they actually were interested in receiving a few pictures of finished, high quality heads that used the Ed Head armature for their base clay sculpts, and were discussing putting some of the work on their website (with proper credit of course.)

would anyone have any interest in sending them some shots of your recent works? i don't want to throw them pictures without explicit permission, and i would rather the artists send along their own good shots rather than me picking a few from the internet. their email for receiving pictures is sales@monstermakers.com

i hope this falls under the correct criteria, i wasn't sure where to put this where a lot of fursuit makers would see. the people who work at Monster Makers are so appreciative of the business you guys give them, and i hope it makes peoples day that they are super into what you guys do here!

Silicone Pawpds - Making Your Own + Oogoo

So many seemingly unrelated questions!

So. I have plans to (eventually) cast my own silicone pawpads. At the moment I am using Oogoo, which is honestly quite serviceable if not low tech. However, in the future I would like to make more respectable pads for sale.

What kind of platinum-cure silicone would be the best choice for making pawpads? I know SmoothOn has a great variety, as well as BITY, but which of their many, many options would be the most suitable for the wear and tear a pair of pawpads, especially footpaws, would be subjected to? I would imagine it would have to be stiffer than what would be used for handpaws and noses, yes? Or does it honestly not matter?

Now, Oogoo. The stuff is cheap and easy to make (if horribly fumy- GET A RESPIRATOR NO JOKE), and takes dyes wonderfully, but I've noticed that my older pieces tend to become very, very stiff. Is this just part of the curing of Oogoo? I tend to use a 2:1 ratio of cornstarch to silicone, and a splash of paint thinner to help things become more spreadable. It's not really a problem for footpads, but I'm not sure how it'll work for handpads.

Fursuit restoration: Pt. 1

While brushing is important, here's what washing with a good cocktail of cleaners can do haha. Doing a complete restoration on a suit for a local client. Left picture left paw is untouched while the right paw is brushed. Right picture however is after being washed. This cocktail really gets a deep clean and brightens dingy whites:

• One load amount of laundry detergent (no fabric softener!)
• 3 cups white vinegar
• 1 cup Folex
• 1 cup baking soda

Add all this to Luke warm bath water and let the suit soak a few hours. Go about your normal routine for scrubbing and whatnot in the meantime. Rinse and toss in the laundry on cold and gentle. Hang and brush.

CAUTION this cocktail WILL strip airbrushing something fierce. I only do this for the deepest of cleans in order to restore the fur. Vinegar and backing soda removes residue and the Folex removes stains. Means the entire material gets cleaned and stain free. Also removes almost all odors.

Not allowed to reveal what costume this is yet as the owner is wanting to re-debut this at Great Lakes Fur Con but was allowed to post these.


Mint green fur?

Anyone know where I could get some? It's a bit of a hard color to find

Expected range of motion in a bodysuit?

I'm making a bodysuit for a commissioner, and it's my first time doing this for somebody else. We've opted to use measurements and cheap fabric rather than a DTD, to save on money (and hopefully, time). The suit design is a simple one with no padding, like this one.

My question is, how much is the range of motion that can generally be expected out of this type of bodysuit? My commissioner is wanting to raise his arms over his head without the suit tugging or wrinkling. But I warned him, fur is a non-stretch fabric so it will always have some degree of tugging... I'm asking here in case I'm wrong about this. I know that the fit depends on tailoring the pattern, and so far my pattern looks like this (minus the back of the body and the gussets that I plan to put in at the underarms and crotch):

So far, the wearer can comfortably raise his arms to about 30 degrees above his shoulder level without the fur tugging or pulling up very much, but he's concerned it won't be flexible enough. The way I see it, I could make the suit looser and it would impart more flexibility, but would also make it look baggier. Is that right? Or do I have to modify the pattern more?

Border Collie! (looking for fur)

Hey guys! So I started making this fella here the other day:

duct taped
Border collie

Here are a few WIPs of this fella, which will be named PopTart most likely.

He will be a public suit (one where I do local events and such in) and I want him to look like a dog that people will look at and go "PUPPY!". I think that he would look grand with some longer white fur accents, I just don't have any!!!

If you don't wanna look at silly photos of my WIPs... Um, I I'm looking for about a half a yard of MM White fox fur if anyone has some, I can paypal right away. :) 

Using a DTD

A very curious question for anybody who tailors to full fursuits for other people.

I have began to spread my horizons and make full suits. My first DTD is arriving this week. I've used patterns to make 3 bodysuits in the past, however I'm very confused on how to use somebody elses' DTD.

Do you stuff it? Trace around it? Butcher the DTD? How does one transfer the DTD to the fabric, then together as a full suit?

Any input is much appreciated. My first fullsuit as a commission will be for a plush dragon so I'm not terribly worried about anything too complex.

In need of fur color suggestions.


Whenever I get enough storage space and finally invest in making a duct tape dummy for myself, one of the cosplays that I'd like to make in the future is Chip from Sonic Unleashed. But as usual, there's that one problem that I just always end up running into with anything I want to cosplay as- finding the right color or one close enough to what I need.

The colors obviously vary between reference pictures, but the first CG render is what I'm mostly going by in terms of color.

I've search around on the websites listed and other ones that sell fur. But I thought I'd come here first and see if I can get any suggestions on what would be the best fur color to use on this, based on what fur fabric is available out there. So any suggestions or are ideas more than welcomed.

About to start digitigrade padding. Need a little help with planning shape

Hi! I'm about to start making my first digitigrade bodysuit. I will be making my house cat character Romie: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12270111/

I really want it to be as natural looking as possible. I've seen too many people make digitigrade legs that look so broken and not like actual animal legs.

I've sketched out two different ways I could do the legs, but I'm not sure which one would be better. I should probably also mention that I plan on doing a dropped crotch so her body is more elongated like a cat's.

Another random question: How do I make a hair poof? I'm going  for something sort of how DHC does their poofs: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11950808/
I know it's a really simple thing but I'm not sure how to go about it.

Any thoughts, tips, or advice would be great!


So close to finishing my first head I can taste it!  And it tastes furry...
Anyway, I've encountered a strange problem with the fur on the bottom jaw and I hope someone else has experienced this and can share anti-beard wisdom.
When I try to fur the bottom jaw (I've tried black fur and off-white, both shaven down) my head suddenly looks to have a beard.  I hate it.
Thoughts? Thank you ><:

Here is some naked jaw footage for your consideration.

2nd head sculpt, critiques welcome


Hello furs, I'm on my 2nd fursuit, a house cat that I'm building for a friend.
This is the sculpt for the head. I noticed only when I was already close to completing it that is is built crooked on the armature. I think it's still symmetrical (enough), but sorry if it gives anyone a headache looking at it. ;)

Comments, critiques much appreciated <3

Omen the voodoo werewolf

WereShark costume.

Originally posted by generalzain at WereShark costume.
okay peeps...this is my first post here! honestly I need some major help here! what I want to make...well...isn't easy...at all!

I want to make a realistic great white shark suit.

basically I need help figuring this sucker out from the ground up...meaning...designing to building to suiting!

I'm going to need all the help I can get!


Cat mask - Finished

I finished it finally. Though there are some things about it that I dislike.

I decided to go with the #4 color scheme with the white tipped ears.
However, I don't like the eyes. They came out too small (the pics also make them look even smaller from the dark shadows). Also the nose is going to be redone. I made this one out of clay, but I think I'll add a fabric nose instead. And a tongue.

The face looks a little blank, like it needs eyebrows or something. Should I add eyebrows?

catfin all
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