Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Low budget; Best decision?

Alright, so at the moment, I only have a $50 budget. It will probably be a little while before I can have a fursuit-budget again, so I'm trying to weigh a few options:

I have a toony cat mask that I've made and it's ready to fur now. Though there's a problem: fur is expensive, as you well know. I intend for the cat to be black and white, so it will be simple colors to sell. I dunno how much I could get for the head once it's finished, but I do intend on selling it when I'm done. So if I bought a yard of black and a yard of white furs, would that be good for covering the head and possibly making hand paws? If so, is there a place that sells quality furs for cheap (this is my first time buying quality fur, and I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the options)?

If the fur turns out to be too expensive, or not enough to finish the project, I was thinking of making one of my own reptilian characters. He's 2 colors, which would be fleece, and I'd need the balaclava, fleece, and foam to make him. Also, he has black feathers on his head, but I don't really know how to go about adding feathers/a substitute to look like feathers. Is it a good idea to use actual feathers for a fursuit? Also, probably wouldn't have enough for arms, which is also an issue. Anyways, the only reason I'm considering this option is because I can get the fleece considerably cheaper than the cat's fur, and it may be some time before I can make another (at this rate, I've only had the budget to make 1 a year or more). But is it a wise decision?

Opinions are greatly appreciated, as I am a horrible decision-maker. ;w;

Forgot the video of the cat mask for size ref. XD
(Note: the video is old, it now has purdy eyes, eyelids, and mouth-inside c: )

Looking for some scale patterned fur.

What I am looking for is a gray fur that looks like small scales. I am not looking for a fake leather or a vinyl I want fur.

I am aware that fur really wont look correct as scales but I know that a fake leather or vinyl will not hang right on my body and will be way to stiff when I walk around.

Head distress

I just recently made my livejournal, soooo if I put this in the wrong place or somehow messed up I'm sorry pleasedontkillme
Anyways, on to the question...
I decided to do an all foam head for my fursona. I was kinda just doing an experiment and seeing what I could do.
I've basically made the first part of the head... but I ran into a problem.
Though it's round, I've come across the problem of that it looks like a marshmallow. I have a picture of it here:http://xxalicewolfxx.deviantart.com/art/That-masky-thing-424744006?ga_submit_new=10%253A1388887833
Is there any way I can make it look more like a head? Or will when I add the muzzle and such will it look more round?
Thanks in advance!


I checked the memories, but there's no tag for this to my knowledge.

So I just finished a cosplay fursuit head of Twitch from League of Legends (going to get the outfit for his gangster skin, since it's my fave).

The problem is, this thing's ridiculously front-end heavy and I need to counterweight it to make it wearable. Has anyone else built a suit with a similar problem, and how did you approach it?

I've never made anything that needed help staying on properly before, so I'm a little lost! D:

Thanks for your time!

Fur Color Help :).

I am looking for a good quality short pile fur that matches (or closely matches) this color.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hey guys, I have a couple balaclava questions. I've checked the memories, but some of the links don't work anymore.

1. What is the best type of balaclava for a fursuit head? I bought one from fursuitsupplies.com a while back, and it said that type "wicks away" the sweat?
2. Where is the best place to buy a balaclava? An effective balaclava for a decent price. :3 I've found a couple for a fantastic price, but they were cotton balaclavas, and I've heard that those are not good for fursuits? P:

Sorry for all the questions, but I just thought of another one. ;w;

What is the best mannequin-head to use for fursuit making? My current foam head is too small and is falling apart. I've seen some that are pretty durable, the size of an actual human head, and extend down to the shoulders, but I have no idea what they're called. 

Lycra Help!

So I've been playing with digitigrade padding in my suits lately, and have found that I prefer the method of building little pillows which are used to give shape to the suit. I've tried both stretchy and non stretchy material for these pillows and decided I prefer the padding in more stretchy material.

So this is where I need some advice, I'm looking to purchase more lycra material for some future suits and am finding options for Rayon lycra and cotton lycra. I'm wondering if there is a big difference between these or if one is generally recommended over the other? Or maybe you would suggest a different material all together?

In case it helps this is the site I was leaning toward ordering from: http://spandexworld.com/

Really appreciate the input!

Short pile help?

Hey guys! Been a while since I last posted here. I'm currently planning to revamp my old bodysuit for this coming Anthrocon, as it is around 2-3 years old and the design of my character has changed significantly.

I've been looking around at other suits, and the different types of fur people have used to contrast huge chest fluff to regular body fur. I think this effect would look really great on my suit, as in the past using 1.5 inch shag all around just adds unnecessary bulk to my character.

Of course, I realize you can't really get rid of all the fur bulk, but I would really like to show the contrast between different fur piles, and I need some help choosing a short pile. I see that the faux seal looks like a popular choice, but checking fabric.com's short piles, I came across this. https://www.fabric.com/buy/bm-299/soft-fur-solid-midnight-black

I'm wondering if this is a good pile to use? I really love fabric.com, and it seems like a pretty good price. Has anyone used this fur type before, or should I just find some black seal? I'd really appreciate your help! I'm open to ideas.

Another Fur Help post!

Howdy all :) I believe I've found the fur that's perfect for my suit, but I'd like some professional opinions before I place my order.

The main color of my suit is a going to be a more richer taupe like the top color example. Something like the arms seen here and the back body color here. Would I be right in saying the first example is something from CRs? If it's not, where can I get it? I'm really set on that fur. For the other colors, I think Honey/Bone and Medium Brown from CRs are a good match, do you agree?

If anybody has any examples of these colors in use, that'd be wonderful :)

Casting resin in freezing temeratures.

I live in Michigan. It's currently around -14 F outside and I need to cast a resin base.
I usually cast in the garage but it's never been this cold. I read in the memories that you can use a space heater near your casting area but I'm just worried about how it's gonna go. I only have enough resin for one cast (until I have to order more) so I really don't want to screw this up!! Any advice would be amazing.

Tunnel Piercing

So my character has tunnel piercings and I'm wanting to implement them into my suit. I've seen tutorials on how to make solid gauges but none on tunnels. Should i just go buy some or is there a way I could craft them and save some coin?

Black on black

Do I need a mold release?

I finished making a Hydrocal mould to cast a silicone nose.
Do I need any sort of mould release?

I found an instructional video that states soapy water or Vaseline will work.
But want to avoid damaging the Hydrocal mould.
Would I be able to remove the silicone without any mould release?

More foam progress!


I plan on moving the muzzle down and moving the ears closer to the forehead.

Also, I'm gonna add black polyester fabric and put some between the eyes, so that the foam bridge won't touch my face and get sweaty.

I think Joann Fabrics should have it?

black spots, paint or india ink?

so Ive read for black markings I can use paint or india ink, I was wondering what everyone recommended? biggest thing I'm worried about is something smearing, or rubbing off and darkening everything else. thanks!

Looking for fur.

Oh how many posts start like that! :)

Looking for the dark brown/multi shaded fur on this suit (pics below cut hopefully!). For years I've been seeing this around on many different suits (mostly raccoons, odd German Shepherd) and the suit in the pic is a Darkstone Realms Brown Fox suit (remember those? Show your age? :) ) Sort of dark gingery brown with bits of black and grey.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, keep finding close, but not the same, fur samples!

(Also interested in the tan belly fur if anyone happens to know, though I can find similar to that fairly easily!)

Many thanks



Horse Nose, Lips and Eyelid Sculpt- Critic Please and Thank You!

Sculpting some eyelids and nose while waiting for some customers to get back to me.
Going to cast them from silicone so they are all squishy! To fit my DVC horse blank.
Going to switch out for a larger eyes the ones I have are too small, 2 In probably. So I will not do the other side.

Gallery of 9 more full size Pictures

Edit: Plus any tips for casting would be nice.
Quick overview on what I am going to do
Plaster mold over the nose and lips
remove plaster and clay
Oogoo the mask underneath with closed nostrils + mother mold
use that to make a plaster mold
use both plaster molds as a two part mold to make the silicone nose and lips
repeat for bottom lip and eyelids
(I am using Oogoo and plaster because my uncle works construction and gave me a some left overs from a job)

Refurbishment- Can Anyone Help?

I'm posting here in the hopes that someone could give me some advice on what to do-

I've got a resin based head that needs some help to be wearable. The only problem(s)? I know what needs to be done with it, but I'm a complete novice at the actual DOING of fursuit making, I don't have any tools or supplies, and I have very limited funds.

Long story semi-shortened- this head is only two (okay, possibly going on three?) years old. I'm the second owner. It was made as a pre-made, bought by someone before me and as far as I know they never wore it, and then I purchased it. I (possibly) made the mistake of thinking two things- firstly, that a suit that was only two years old and hadn't been worn shouldn't have any problems and secondly, thinking that just because it was made by what I knew as a reputable maker it should be fine. Well, it's not fine- and why this paragraph is relevant? Because I spent more on this than I probably should, and as such, I really don't want to have to put another couple hundred dollars into this thing to make it wearable.

What's wrong with the head?


1. The resin base it's built off of is warped to begin with. This means two things- it's hard to wear, and the jaw movement is absolute crap. The solution I came up with? The whole thing is going to have to be stripped down, heated up, and re-formed.

2. The tear-ducts are absolutely tiny. Now, I've owned other heads (of all varieties!) and this head has, by far, the worst vision. Not only that... but the original maker used... window screen mesh for the tear ducts. Let that sink in a moment. Window screen mesh. Pokey metal by someone's eyes. My solution? When it's stripped, the mesh needs to be ripped out, ducts enlarged, and the mesh replaced with something NOT dangerous.

3. The hinges on the jaw were hot-glued on. Now, as I said before, I'm a total novice- but even I know that virgin resin and hot glue do NOT get along. Combine the poorly attached hinges with the warped blank and you get hinges that pop off every time you try and make the jaw move. Add in that the tear ducts are tiny and you get terrible ventilation issues. I think another aspect of the issue is that the fur on the cheek, er mouth(?) area is very tight and hinders the jaw movement even further. My solution? When it's stripped and finally re-formed, some holes need to be dremel-ed into this thing so the hinges can be attached properly.

4. The airbrushing/fur pattern is uneven. Not because the blank is uneven- the blank was foamed up enough that the shape itself is symmetrical... but the maker sewed the pattern and airbrushed the markings... lopsided. As much as I would like to keep the fur that's on the head and keep the design, this means that parts of the head will have to be scrapped. Not to mention that the airbrushing is, er, crunchy? I don't expect the airbrushed spots to be as soft as the rest of the head, but I also don't expect crunchy, either. The airbrushing is also really drastic- it doesn't highlight so much as it's just "BAM, AIRBRUSHING!" Solution? Honestly, I don't know. I don't think there's any way to fix this aside from refurring part (if not all) of the head.

Minor problems (some that I don't have a problem with, some that I do)-

The eyes are LED resin eyes. They've got some bubbling. The bubbling itself actually doesn't bother me, as I think it really gives the character some pizazz- but I'm worried about what would need to be done (since the tearducts need to be made larger).

The ears on the character are actually pretty well done. I don't have too many complaints on them, except for the fact that the ears are glued to the horns on the head (which are super flat and somewhat cracked) and glued to the head itself for a "laid back" look.

The jawset and tongue are hand made, and they're actually really charming! Problem is, they're both too big and set wrong in the mouth- I think that maybe the upper lips/muzzle could be shaped outwards just a little to make room for the jawset but I honestly don't know?

Finally, I'm just really torn over this head. As mentioned above, it's made by a pretty well known maker who's always had (what I thought was) good work before, and so I spent probably more on it than I should have- but I expected a sound, fully wearable head! I tried to contact the maker about a refurbishment, but when I started carefully bringing up what needed an update (I was already really nervous, I never know how people are going to take criticism(?) on their work) said maker just dropped contact? I know they were around because I saw them posting things to FA, but I sent a couple of emails and with no response I just kinda gave up. I just... I really don't want to invest any more money in this head, and I can't fix it myself.

Should I just give up on this thing and try to sell it? Should I attempt the fixes myself with such limited experience? Should I trade it?

1. OP was misguided in beliefs, spent more on head than probably should have- so doesn't want to invest much more into this thing.
2. OP has no tools and very little skill in repairing/making a head.
3. Head is unwearable for a number of reasons, primarily in base function but also aesthetically-
a. Base itself is warped, meaning discomfort in wearing, faulty jaw function.
b. Tear ducts are very small and covered with metal window screen mesh. Dangerous for multiple reasons.
c. Hinges on jaw are hot-glued to the base. This, coupled with lopsided base, means jaw does not work. Also, poor ventilation.
d. Aesthetically, fur pattern and airbrushing are noticeably uneven. Horns are very flat and cracked. Jawset an issue.
4. OP has attempted to contact initial maker about this, original maker initially interested then loses contact.
5. OP has no clue what to do and is frustrated. Rambling and some bawwing ensues. Sell? Trade? Attempt to fix?

Please help!

Need bit help on a foam head

Been a couple of years since I worked on a foam head and might need a little help and maybe some redlines and to make sure I am going on the right track.
Will put it in an LJ-cut for size.

The base is an old head I made back in 2009/10 that I am not trying to turn into iBlue the rabbit V2.0
Ref link: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/norsepaw/44954883/50774/50774_original.jpg

I know the cheek need a bit stuffing and cutting. Right now I have worked a bit on the profile to make it more rabbit like and fit my character. I still have much work to do on this old base, I accept criticism as long as you explain what I did wrong and what I should do right.

(the base used to have fur on one side, thats why one side looks a bit diffrent then the other side)

Which One?

Ok guys, this is my last question for a while, I promise. ;w; I just need opinions on the face-mapping before I begin to cut out the duct tape patterns


So my white fur got here from Fabric.com, but the black material they sent was the wrong order. They're sending me new fur, and it'll be here by Tuesday. c: Before then though, I need opinions on what coloring is the best?
Should I weft it like in the pics, or leave it flat-cheek'd?
Should I add the white ear tips (#1) to any of the others?
Should I try to add whiskers, or not worry about it since it's toony?

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