Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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End of the year review

Hey there Fursuit I am looking for some critique!

I am close to wrapping up my first year of doing fursuit work full time and I am looking for some overall critique! I'd love to know what you think I am doing right and what areas you think I could improve on!

Here is a link to my fursuit gallery on FurAffinity:


Besides two projects and a handful of smaller projects I am currently wrapping up the rest of my work is all uploaded to that gallery. I will also upload my five favorite projects from this year under the cut for those of you who don't want to look through an entire FA gallery.






I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to give my work and look and leave some words of advice! I'm looking forward to another year of fursuits both from myself and seeing what everyone else has planned!


Regarding fur for fursuits.

Hello there!

I was searching earlier this month for a fursuitor, when I decided that, perhaps I should just take the liberty to make it myself.

Well, I have run into a dead end. I am currently stuck on what fur I should buy.
I don't have a very large budget, and so far, I have been under that budget (which is good!), but, I am stuck between different fur styles.

The fursuit that I am making is a dragon, if that helps any. And the fur that I am stuck on is: shag, mongolian (I just like the fluffiness), or plush.

I have visited livejournal quite a lot, regarding fursuits and I just cannot, for the life of me, make a decision on whether or not I want to use shag or plush. I will be shaving down the fur so she is smooth but, I don't want my fursuit to look like a plush doll (as I had read in another livejournal forum post regarding plush).

Anyway, if I could have some help, that would be great!
As a broke college student, you guys may be my answer!

Feet bottoms...


Alright, so I just spent a good 10 min or more looking through the memories... but does anyone remember those big feet bottoms?
there were sold by a site that did like, rubber werewolf masks and such?
They were large and one solid piece. I can't for the life of me remember who it was or where to find said feetpaw bottoms.
I can try to describe them more but that's basically what I got... I would know it if I saw it. :/
(the pawpads are on a solid flat piece of rubber? whatever the pawpads themselves are made of I suppose. I can draw a picture if that doesn't make sense)

I'd like to look into getting some for a werewolf costume... but obviously can't find them lol.
Thank you in advance for any help!

Finished head! at least for now

  I posted a few months back about my final 3D design project being a fursuit head, and I wanted to share a few pictures of my final product!

IMG_0842    IMG_0843


  For the most part I'm pretty happy with it, but there are still a few things that bug the crap out of me…namely the shaving. I went so so carefully, and the shave job is still a little too rough, the eyebrow area did not shave well at all and has gouges in the fur, any advice on how to better shave those in the future would be awesome.

Fursuit Foam Head WIP!

Fitted, anime-style cat base recommendations?


I'm planning on cosplaying Nyanta from Log Horizon.

I'd like to use a resin base to try and achieve the more fitted, smaller size easier than foam-on-balaclava could get. (Mainly, room to breathe vs needing foam up against my face for structure on that small of a muzzle)

Pretty much all of the feline fursuit bases I've come across are larger and more realistic, while I need an anime style, kigurumi-like mask. I did come across this one by DKAG, and it's pretty damn close (the profile shape is nearly perfect), but I imagine shipping from Russia will be killer even if he's wiling to sell me just the blank.
So, does anyone know of any US domestic makers of that kind of mask?

(If it comes down to it, I could just mold and cast it myself, buuuttt... too much effort for one mask if someone already has the style I need)

I made a thing!

My first commission fullsuit, first digi fullsuit ever, first time shipping overseas! There are a few problem spots but I'm super happy he can bend over and lift his hands above his head. The nose, jawset, and claws were made by DVC.
Over 2 years of building fursuits and I honestly still feel like a noob. Much to learn!!
katofinishedkato sidejesse3

Fluffy Ears, Additudes, and Some Other Questions.

Hello there! I am Pencilmistic, and I have recently decided to construct a fursuit! I have done a lot of research in the past months, and I have compiled a list of supplies that I will utilize in the creation of said suit, but I have run into a few problems. First off, I believe that the character that I wish to suit as may be too complicated for a first suit. (My apologies for the crude drawing and lighting, It happened to be the only reference I had, and I had to use an already-existing picture from my phone, as my scanner is not working.)

(EDIT: I forgot to put that the color for his body ISN'T micron red. It's just his lineart. It may seem out of context to add this, but any micron user would know how crazy it would be to color an entire ref with a micron pen. It'd be quite an ink waste. I'm not crazy, I swear. )

^ That is the character that I want to create. He's not my fursona or anything, just a design I liked. I have planned out a simplified version of him in my head, without the pink markings, a smoother tail shape, and a less complicated design on the tail's tongue, but I still feel that he may be a little complicated for a 13 year old girl with very few skills in sewing. (My mother has told me that she would help in the sewing process, and she has a lot of experience, and I will be using glued seams in some areas as well, so that isn't of huge concern, but I will be reading up a little more on sewing before I begin so that my suit isn't falling apart, haha. )

Moving on, I am also having issues with different body parts of his, mainly the ears and tail.
My main concern with the ears is that they've got all of that fluff sticking out of them, and I don't really know how to do that on a suit. I know it's possible, as I've seen suits with ear fluff, but just not to that extent. Another issue with this suit's construction is the tail mouth. I've searched online, but I can't seem to find a tutorial for tail mouths, so I have no idea how to do one. ;n; Lastly, I am unsure how to construct a fluffy chest like his. I was thinking about using foam padding and then furring it, but I feel like it would look feminine as opposed to fluffy. The fluff isn't a huge concern to me, though, and I could leave it off worst case scenario.

My final question is about this character's behavior. He's a grumpy creature, and I wish to convey that in suit without hurting anyone's feelings, or making people think I'm mean or a snob. I want him to be grumpy, but fun to be around at the same time, if you know what I mean. I just don't really know how to do that. All of the guides I've seen on fursuit personality have been "Be hopitty and jumpy and happy and friendly!" and they give NO information on other personalities, or they say to just "have fun" but they don't give any additional information about acting, just basics like "don't approach children or people first" etc. I'm kind of considering making him happy and jumpy just to avoid accidentally upsetting people. Any ideas?

Well, that's all of my questions. I hope that this wasn't a burden upon anyone, considering how much I had to ask. ._.' Thanks in advance for any help or advice! :3


Sneaky suiting advice...

I'm Australian, and whilst I've made a few suits, I've never really... Suited.

I've got my full-suit from a few of my favourite makers (TFU, Fursonalities, Pickledlemur etc.) coming in time for FurDu and Supanova at the end of march/early april (Australian summer/autumn).

My suit has a few sneaky-bits to avoid overheating etc. and I was wondering your opinions etc to make it's best. I'll include all that under the cut.

This is my reference sheet :)

As you can see in the ref, she has huge white eyes and a zipper.

Yeah, that's because of ventilation. Having far larger, open areas for vision both help with me and my glasses, and the airflow of the mask. She'll also have a fully working jaw, drilled nostrils and a fan. She's resin based, so that I don't die from the foam, too.

The zipper is actually a zipper. It's from a place online, and is about 22" long, and quite thick. Perfect for unzipping and cooling down without removing my head or suit.

(Image curtsey of TFU). Fur is from furaddiction.com and is lovely! Not the DF stock.

I was thinking of investing in maybe 3 of these:


With these, I can cooldown WITHOUT breaking character.  I'd be getting 3 because it's two 3 day cons, a week between eachother. I don't want to smell.

I'm also getting a sound-box similar to the clockwork hawk made by a friend of mine, I'm thinking to play some kind of canary sounds depending on how I move my jaw. I'm a crazy bird lady and it'd help with the "silent" act. If yo've got any better ideas for noises, as opposed to chattering birdies let me know!

Final question:

I've seen outdated posts about this idea, but no idea how to bring it to life.

How the heck could I get this head to have a scent, like those old toys as a kid. I'm thinking either butterscotch, marzipan, hazelnut or almond, but whatever is suggested too.

I'm okay with a slight spray or incense but I don't want to ruin this suit by doing something dumb,

Thanks in advance
- Kadi

IDEA CRITIQUE - Animated LCD screen eyes? Raspberry Pi? Animatronics? Programming?

Up late again, and recently bought programming books (for christmas) and am introducing myself to Python and C. This is all so I can eventually have someone I know teach me how to properly fiddle around with Raspberry Pi (and Arduino.) Why you ask?

Firstly, because programming is damn useful, and second... So I can make mini LCD animated eyes for a suit, and perhaps eventually other interactive parts! I think this would be awesome in the long run if your suit could change eyes and blink without needing thick annoying eyelid animatronics right on the front of the head. There'd be issues to deal with like sight, but I've always loved animated fursuits and actually getting to animate eyes for one would be a dream. You could program different moods, change them with ease, and even make them actually follow others around! If I actually get this off the ground, and manage to learn the required programming (in the upcoming months...) then I'll start making heads for sale. I've always wanted to make costumes, but never thought it'd be interesting unless it was a real work of art. Ironically, I'm a bit of a major perfectionist.

Other project ideas I have are:

- Animated, Sound-reactive, and Touch/Motion-reactive LEDs (like Thinkgeek's Quantum Bits) for suits.
- El wire/panels for flexible lit designs.
- Thin, flexible tail designs that move with the body.
- Thin, flexible ear designs that move with the head.
- Flexible, realistically moving jaws and gums for heads.
- Thin, realistically moving retractable claw gloves.
- Fog generators which will not leak fluid, overheat, or make a horrendous noise. (I'm currently looking into Pure Smoke or ultrasonic misters and leakproof water pouches. As long as the mist doesn't get the suit wet it'll look awesome, won't make you deaf, and won't set off smoke alarms for real.)

- AND Basically anything else that will make a suit super special and slightly more interactive/realistic.

Tell me if you think there's any better ideas, want to contribute sketches, or want to comment if I should even go in this direction. Also, if anyone knows of furs with backgrounds in programming or any knowledge on Raspberry Pi (and Arduino) then tell me! I could use the help.

I'll post my continued progress as time and school allow.

A GOOD Pair of Clippers??

I cross posted something like this to the fursuit makers page on Facebook and got 0 responses, so I'll ask on here.

I spent $120 on a brand new Andis pro-pet clipper and a 7FC blade. It turns out that the seller gave me a 7FC, but he glued a piece onto it and now it doesn't attach to my clipper. Worse, the razor itself has the hinge stuck and the original 10 blade won't slip back on. I'm contacting both Ebay sellers to see if I can return my items since this has left a horrible taste in my mouth.

What's a GOOD pair of clippers, and what do you use? In the past I've had two $20-30 Wahl clippers and they both became shotty after several months. I want one that will last a longer time and cut better.


Blue Raptor Fur?

Hello everyone! Long time watcher, first time poster, and I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

After many years of doing costumes, I've decided to attempt my first fursuit, a Swift Blue Raptor mount from World of Warcraft. I've been researching on how to build him, padding and using foam, and I'm pretty sure I almost know what I'm doing.

However, I'm a bit stuck on his skin. I honestly have no idea what to use for it. From other raptor-like suits I've seen, folks have been using short pile fur, but I've been having trouble tracking down a color that is similar to his. Would it be easier to use a seal fur in white and airbrush it, or continue my search for a bright blue short pile fur? Or, perhaps, you all know of something else that would make great raptor skin?

I can't seem to figure out how to post pictures that work on this thing (I haven't been on livejournal in years), so here's a link to the raptor: http://www.warcraftmounts.com/images/skins/pvpridingraptorskinaqua.jpg

Thank you everyone!


Need helping finding fur

Second fursuit head questions.

So, I have not finished my first head yet (it's turning out horrible), but I'm thinking about making a second. And I have some random questions about it.

So, at first, here's the character's reference:
Making heads from foam wasn't so good for me, so I'm thinking about making my own resin base for the second fursuit. Do someone have a tutorial on making these for people who know completely nothing about it, and is quite easy to understand (my English isn't very good)? I was searching for tutorial on making silicone noses, tongues and eye blanks, but found nothing, so maybe someone can help?
Second, the hair. I have completely no idea where to get/how to make something like this and how to attach it to a fursuit head.
Third, in my country there's no way to buy the brighter gray fur, so i'm thinking of get the darker and white fur and paint the bright gray and blue colour on. I really can't buy an airbrush, is there any other way to do this?
And fourth, I'm a girl and the character is the opposite gender, any ways to get a less feminine look?

Question on ears

So I've looked around and I see plenty of tutorials for basic ears, which I figured.
I'm not really asking for a full on tutorial just suggestions of materials one would use.

The head I am working on has ears that I don't like the look of using methods cat or dog ears do. Here's a picture of the reference image:


I guess you could say that the closest thing would be like an eastern dragon, like Haku from Spirited Away.
I do not want to do fur on the inside of the ear, either using felt, fleece, or some sort of slick but not shiny material (spandex or something, but that doesn't seem like it would work to well haha)

One thought I had was to make the base out of the material I am going to use for the inside of the ear and use wire to shape it and put fur on the back. I just don't want it to look bulky because I'm not going for toony. There's also the concern of how it's going to be attached but I will find a way to make whatever work.

Any and all help is appreciated, thanks in advance~

how much fur do i need for dtd's?

I was planing on making a 3/4 suit. The pants are going to be digigrade.
I was wondering if you needed more or less when building off of dummies.

I made my first digigrade fulsuit, including a long giant tail, with about 8-9 yards of fur.
I also plan to make arm sleeves, and I'll still need fur for the head and everything.
I was hoping I wouldn't need as much if I'm making just pants on dummies.

Also how many ducktape rolls do I need for the pants?

Airbrush help!

Im a total noob to all this and i could really use some help on the set up. I just got an Iwata Smart Jet compressor kit and have it all set up, but I'm having trouble setting up the brush. This is what i have http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m200/Nevask/DSC02856_zpsd9b1ebb9.jpg Its a Paasche FP-1/32 Flow Pencil, It came as a kit with 2 other brushes as well. i feel like I'm missing something so basic and simple, but how on earth do i attach this to the rest of the system? Help a airbrush noob out? Is it even supposed to get hooked up the the compressor? D:


I just wanted to share a recent partial I completed!


This guy was SUPER fun to work on! I've wanted to dabble with a mohawk for a while as well as solid-colored eyes.

I used this mohawk after some manipulation and played with the eyeshine/highlight of the eyes some (does it work? any suggestions for next time?). This is the first time I've used that blue camping foam for ears as well, I'm not sure if I like it yet!

The jaw is static, but there's openings in the front and sides for ventilation, and the 'backs' of the eyes are full buckram. The fangs are made of fleece. In hindsight I would have added ear vents as well, and made resin fangs.

Claws are DVC. I didn't find out till my model arrived that the mask was too small, so for the collage we giraffe'd it.

You can find a bigger version of that collage here and either my FurAffinity Page or website for more of my work!

Edit: She just sent me an unboxing video if you'd like to see it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoyT2U6gRhA

adhesive (fabric or glue) needed for bonding fur2fur and fur2foam or fleece2foam not hot glue/e6000

Ive been looking for a very long time, memories as well.
Is there any option besides hot glue or e6000 for bonding fur to fur, fur to foam or fleece to foam? Something that sets fast with fumes not being as large of an issue as e6000?

If not....
Some fabric that bonds very very very well to fur and foam using hot glue. Ive tried fleece but it peels off very fast, even after it set and coated top to bottom. Maybe a material that has a bond as if it melts the foam to fur together using hot glue?

My reason: i padded gloves and interiors of costumes using fleece to foam only for extra durability purposes to keep them together, but it peels off too fast. I also want a stronger bond between both foam and fur, and fur to fur, than just hot glue, but e6000 takes too long to set for my application use.

For a better example for what i'm mentioning, gatomons' gloves are made out of foam, sewn fur on the outside and secured with hot glue to the foam afterwards.

But the hot glue does secure the underside of the fur to the foam, i'm looking for something even more durable.

As well as the inside of her gloves, which are very large and made from foam+sewn fur, I used fleece for comfort but it peels away from the foam and glue inside as well as my elastic strap peeling from the foam. https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/1383625_1380546605520284_1643116856_n.jpg

Much appreciated!!!
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