Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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two finger paws?

I'm thinking of doing a chibi like dragon suit, and I had an idea of doing three digit paws, so two fingers and a thumb, the same you would do with hoofed paws, but with fur instead of clompers.

The ones I've seen like this, the fingers are skinny and I would like to make my round and padded, also in a mitten like style.

My question is, could this be pulled of in a paw style, or would it look a little odd?
And I would think with only three digits you would lose alot of dexterity. Would padding be a bad idea?

Eye Material?

I've tried out a few different methods making eyes and none of them are very sturdy.

For the whites of the eyes I've been using some bowls I got from the dollar store. While they do they job, they aren't completely opaque and they're pretty flimsy, and I'd like a plastic that has both the curvature, full color, and rigidity I need. I'd use those other bowls people use but I'd prefer to use the actual material, whatever that is. The ability to paint it different colors would also be a bonus. Using the foam sheets isn't something I prefer doing for the whites.

Regarding the iris / see-through part, I've been using a fine buckram, and again, while it does look nice, it tends to warp easily, and again I would appreciate something sturdier. I had used plastic mesh for a while but the holes are a little too big, but I might turn over to that later if I can't find a good substitute.

I'm also looking for better coloring methods to use on the eyes, paint pens work fairly well but they are pretty expensive.

Article 1

I am super proud of this, I feel happy with quality, comfort and aesthetic appeal. Within the last few costumes I feel that there's been a huuuge boost in quality, mainly comfort and technical quality.
   Though, as always, I am looking for critique.


FA page:
(Nose is made by MangoIsland creations)

anniepartial fin


Making a Plantigrade Bodysuit


A Sped up video of making a Plantigrade bodysuit with a DTD.

some notes:
-by dressing the DTD in old clothes, I can avoid damaging the DTD as I cut the layer of tape off. As you can see the clothes are pretty damaged, this is from previous bodysuit making sessions.
-I go over my stitching twice, once to sew the pieces and the second time with a zig-zag stitch to finish the seams to make them look nice
-I do NOT use pins. I have lost too many pins in fursuits for my own comfort, it's safer if I just don't use them at all. I mark the fabric and line up the markings as I go. If you do use pins COUNT THEM! Make sure the same number that go in are the same number that come out.
-This video was sped up 8X, the entire process took 2 hours.

Finished this one in my own record time!

So I'm very excited to show this one off. The eyes and teeth are my fave part >w<

If you guys have any questions on the making of this suit, feel free to ask. I will answer any questions and I am even open to critique~
More pictures: http://imgur.com/a/mdaqn#8

*It's also for sale over on furbuy if you're interested*

How best to handstitch paw pads?

Hi guys!! It's me ^u^ I am beginning work on Snicker Doodle's paws. I have used Matrices' template and altered it for my hand, and I am blanket stitching together the hands. But, for the actual paw pads...I don't know what to do. I have no sewing machine.

The fabric I have for these pads is a sort of vinyl, verryyy slight stretch. What is the best way to put them on my hand paws without applique via machine? I would, if possible, like the palm pad to be stuffed and puffy.

Big tail questions

Hi! I want to make a large, fluffy kitty tail for an upcoming project. I also want it to have really good movement, instead of just hanging there or swaying as just one large stiff piece. I want to avoid that as much as possible.
I saw this, and thought the movement was amazing. He said that he used this tutorial. He uses pieces of pvc and nylon webbing to create a tail that can only move side to side, but it looks great.
I also read a couple tutorials on delrin rods, but I don't know if it would have the same movement effects as the pvc and nylon webbing.

tail help diagram

So what do you think would be better? This is the character I'm going to attempt.

Thank you so much for reading!

Article 0

My First Head

Alright so I've been holding this off for long enough I guess. I wanted to post some better shots of the partial all together but I'll get some of those later whenever that actually happens.

Here's my first and only head to date, Nova the Foodog Rottweiler. She features a movable jaw and removable back fangs. This is a foam on balaclava base head, face was furred with fleece. Artslave furred the head for me while I did everything else. She looks a bit thinner on the head form but she fills out when I actually wear her.




Where to begin?

Hello, this is my firt post here(:

I'm trying to make my first fursuit- I'm 13 so I can't commission one (unfortunately), so I'm making a partial of my fursona.

I tried one time; plastic canvas method. I did the base with a moving jaw and tried foaming, but it just ended up way too bulky. So now I'm starting over.

My question is; I'm wondering how to go about it the second time. I'm leaning toward a balaclava, because those seem to come out the nicest. I'm just afraid- how am I supposed to breathe in it??

Also, how should I make the muzzle/moving jaw? I tried (to practice) carving a muzzle out of a 4" foam block but it just came out too choppy.

Lastly, I bought some fur from Joann's, and it's really cheap. like really. when you draw on the back of the white fur with a colored marker, it shows through. So if I got glue it to the green foam, green shows through. So should I order some better quality stuff online?


Kitty Cat Head Finished! (Includes progress shots)

I've made 6-7 other heads of my character in the past and I finally decided to make my "last one". She has a movable/sensitive jaw, poseable ears and magnetic eyebrows. I'm very happy with the results.

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I started with an all-foam base (see Matrices tutorials) and added onto that. Down the road she's going to be a fullsuit so I wanted something bigger than a balaclava head.

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After that I duct-taped the entire head, transferred the pattern and cut out pieces of faux fur. I shaved all of the facial pieces before I sewed them up and glued them onto the head. I ended up using a DVC nose and sculpted some little bottom teeth for the jaw, using fleece for the tongue.

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After that all I had left to do was add hair, eyes and a neck!

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Because in the past I was unhappy with the expression I decided to use rare earth magnets. I glued them in around the eyes and placed two on the cheeks, allowing the head to have a free range of expressions. I may add eyelids for even more expressions.

quick question on foam.

I'm working on a new suit, and I'm wondering about the foam for the head, feet, and paws.
I really want to use long lasting materials but not "the best money can buy" if not necessary.

I've seen some kind of blue foam used on ears, I heard its better for oversized ears, as I plan to do. Or is there other ways to help structure big ears?

As for the feet I've seen black foam that is higher density? Is that perferd for feet paws?
I've also seen it used on heads. What type of head and what parts would be best to use the foam on? 

Uv reactive sparkle fur?

I can't find my blacklight and I'm going to be ordering it (the blue), but does anyone know if it's UV reactive?

I'm guessing the DF furs are as well but only the four that say "neon."  I have some swatches, but again, my darn lightbulb has hidden from me so I can't check ><.  So its a good chance that regular blue DF colors wouldn't glow, right?  T_T

If anyone knows for sure, any info is greatly appreciated! <3

How to sew Faux Fur (video)


I came across this the other day and I don't recall seeing it posted here before. Quite a collection of tips and tricks, mostly for beginner-intermediate.
Cutting the fur to avoid abrupt edges
Pinning the fur to keep the fur out of the seams and avoid it slipping
Sewing more than 2 layers
Machine Sewing
Thread Tension

Resin head bases/ raccoon head base / fursuit questions.

Hi, I'm in the process of making a Sly Cooper partial fursuit for a cosplay that's consequently my first fursuit ever. My friend's doing Carmelita fox and we're hoping to enter in the competitions at animazement this year. Anyways since I discovered I have a talent for sculpting I decided to do a resin head. I realize that resin's are generally used for realistic heads but, I feel confident enough to make it with resin and a little foam. Anyways I was looking around and I can't seem to find all the answers I need. I was wondering Do you have to use a silicone mold to make the resin head base? Is it possible to use HydraCal instead? Or would a rigid mold be a risk to the head base since you have to have a good releasing agent and have to pry it out. One reason why I ask is I have some hydrocal around the house from making a prosthetic mask for a school project.
Here's a link to it if you want to see it though since it's not fursuit related I won't post the pic here http://axemnas.deviantart.com/art/Shrouded-Man-415954645

Also what's a good dealer for resin? I don't have a lot of money but, I want to get the right type for a good price.

When furring the head should I go ahead and buy some black faux fur for his mask or should I airbrush it or should I use felt any recommendations?

Also I was wondering when doing his tail do I just cut the jagged pattern into the fur like cutting out any other tail or would it be better to cut it out like normally then airbrush the sections in to make it look that way or would it look that way with the fur? I've only made one other tail before and that one was a bit rough.
Here it is sorry about the quality Issac

Also I was wondering if there was any way recommended for doing his legs? Since the fur goes into a jagged look going over his boots are there any suggestions on how I should do it so that it doesn't take away from the illusion? Plus since I'm on a budget I don't have a lot of money to spend on fur so I'd like to know how to do it without doing a lot of trial and error if possible

Thank you for whatever help you can give me

Here are a few reference pics for Sly. If it helps I'm planning to do the Sly from the first game though these pics also are from the second game

Attaching a lot of hair to a suit?

Does anyone know anything about attaching wigs to suits? My fursona has a lot of hair, a large curly ponytail like me to be exact, and I'm looking for tutorials on this topic. Hopefully this hasn't been posted about before. I'm wondering especially if it'd be impossible to do hair like the below image (which is close to my usual hairstyle) for example.

DF Solid Long Fur in Navy?

I'm looking at saving up some money and after the holidays possibly starting on a cosplay.

I know I like DF considering I've already gotten swatches, just not of Navy.

I was wondering if any of you have some examples of it used on suits so I can get a better idea?

Also, this is a sketchup of what I'd be going for.


Glove-like handpaws.

Alrighty folks, I'm going nuts about this.

I've been trying different ways and everything comes out too big.(Not to mention I'm running out of fur that I can use for these and still have enough for furring my head) Am I just expecting too much from working with fur?

I did the whole "trace your hand" thing and then I cut out the fingers and gave them some seam allowance- trying to follow this one person's paws since they looked decent and simple enough, however, I am somehow just really unable to get them to look like it.

One in question: http://fursuit.tanidareal.com/daiquiri/making/paw_step4.jpg

Though I was trying my best for something like this: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2011/346/f/5/cheetah_handpaws_by_monoyasha-d4iwv00.png

The only thing I have left before tackling the head is this, and it's driving me bonkers.

(Making a black leopard partial)

Bolt (the dog) foam base head --Wanted critique/redlines !

Here I am again :D
I want to know anything I can fix, the redline is done beautifully by dj_dew.
Though it was from a while back on the head progress. Right now I want to know if I should adjust my nose at all, my ears at all, and my facial structure of the head at all. OR anything else that comes to mind... <3
(thank you dj_Dew for these redlines so far, i'm curious at how i'm doing right now!)
I am going to make the ears very much more 3d-like by adding a lot more foam behind them and rounding it off. ^~^ May hollow out the plastic mesh part so it's more 3D as well of course.
References: BoltRef
*I am going for the expression on the upper right with his tongue out ^^

CR Crafts Teddy Bear Samples


HI! So Im Looking into these 3 Furs





I want to order swatches but they only have like 1x1" Swatches. How you suppose to compare furs and textures with that?

Anyone got these furs and is willing to send me like a way Bigger Swatch, One i can use to compare properly with? US Shipping i can Paypal you ASAP!

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