Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Woot! I made five feathers!

And the fursuit community gets why that's a big deal. :)

Seriously, though, I am pretty proud of this part of this fursuit project and just wanted to share with the community that helped me get this far on it. Still more to do, but this was a huge chunk of the costume.

Deviantart Link:

Furaffinity Link:

And the Youtube video of it in action:

And props to anyone who recognizes the character this will be from the tail. (No, it's not a Pokemon or Digimon.)

The most durable headpiece

So har ive seen a lot of methods of building heads such as wire frames, resin base, balacava+glue on foam, Sheets of foam cut and glued into a base shape, and whole foam blocks sculpted out.

Im curious to know which of these heads would be the most durable to taking impact or accidental damage or crushing! Seeing the resin base heads look super detailed, but I get the impression that one good impact would just destroy them. Same with metal frames too. Pesonally myself im attracted to carving a whole foam block as it looks easier for me cause I have a good skill in sculpting (though have never worked in foam before)

So what technique can handle wear and tear the best... and what is the pros and cons of using such technique (ex: how is it apply fur to?)

Shaving fursuit heads- how short is too short?

Now this'll be an interesting one to see responses to because naturally everyone's 'style' of shaving will be different. Shaving is something that I've been trying really hard to improve in my fursuit making as its one of the more difficult aspects and it can definitely make or break a suit.

This isn't a direct question about what shavers you're using or if you prefer scissors or whatnot, but how close do you personally shave your suits? (say, a generic toony canine on the muzzle with luxury shag fur)

Obviously you don't want to shave right to the backing, but if you shave close enough to be able to easily see the backing when you part the fur with your fingers, is that too close or just about right? Of course it depends on the fur and the species all sorts of other things but I suppose just speaking generally I was interested in seeing what responses I would get~
Some makers leave their faces quite fluffy and others shave very finely.

Tissavel Fur?

Since beginning on a new personal suit a few months back, I've had extreme difficulty finding a light yellow faux fur aside from the one at I'm Stuffed Furs (which, at the moment, is a bit out of my price range haha;; ). I'm looking for something around this shade of yellow: http://www.colorhexa.com/fffbc1
The only other faux fur I've found that is similar to that is one here on etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/226636822/tissavel-woven-faux-fur-buttery-yellow?ref=sr_gallery_11&ga_search_query=yellow+faux+fur&ga_page=1&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery
However, I've never heard of Tissavel fur or this seller until now, and they don't seem to offer swatches. Does anyone have any experience with tissavel fur, or another pastel yellow color that they know of?
Alternatively, I have considered buying white fur and hand-dying it with the acrylic paint and water method. If I were to do that, are there any ways to keep the fur from fading, or is it about the same as airbrushed fur?

Good Quality Green Fur

I'm looking for a fur in a bluish green color, ideally jade, that is similar in to quality fox fur in that shaves down well and looks realistic. All I can find in green are either fun furs or the "shag" furs, which from experience I feel are difficult to shave and not very realistic looking. Even though I'm looking for a specific color, if anyone knows of any blue or green furs like this, would you mind sharing?

Also, has anyone ever tried using mongolian fur for a mane? I like the knotty, wavy look it has and I haven't seen anything else like it. I'm ordering some samples of that and NFT to see which I like better, but mongolian is certainly cheaper.

3" pile ... Straight and poofy?

Hello everyone, I've been watching this group for a while and just now needing to ask a question.

I'm searching for preferably straight, 3" pile faux fur, similar to arctic fox, but in exotic colors (looking for yellow and cyan).

Ive come across gorilla from fabric.com and its horrible! There's also party monster from Mendel's... But is it at least denser than fabric.Com's? I'll definitely order swatches from Mendel's just to make sure...

Foamies that aren't quite Foamies

So I wanted to "upgrade" my Foamies. I use the regular white stuff for 3-D eyes but decided that the outer rim was too thin and I wanted something thicker, like the 6mm Foamies. Of course, that stuff is nowhere online and I'm unsure when I'll be able to drive to the nearest craft store again since my life is very busy at the moment.

Found a cosplay forum discussing the same issue and got linked (eventually) to, well this! http://www.ebay.com/itm/191556782066?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

Bought it, came in the mail today aaaaand it feels like styrofoam. Kind of. It's hard to pierce, has the consistency of a "more exquisite" foam cup and it's shiny.

So now I feel like I'm out of luck with this one. Can I use this stuff or should I pawn it off and find time to go down to the nearest JoAnns/Michael's and get the stuff I really do want?

How Much Fur to Buy

Sorry for posting so much. I need your help once again! :)

I'm thinking of buying NFT to use for the mane on my suit. I was thinking 1-2 yards should about do it. NFT sells their fur by the square foot though. Any thoughts on how many square feet I'd need for a mane? I'm planning on having the mane start near the top of the head, maybe with a crest/mohawk, and then having it cover the back of the neck and wrapping it around to partially cover the front.

Thanks as always!

Seeking a little help. Dragon Skin® 10 (fast) + Silc-pig Coming out not very clear?

Hi there, I am seeking as much help as possible. I was made aware that Dragon skin should cure to be very clear, or at least moreso than the result I have right now.

I used DAP plaster to get the mold, I poured it over Jolly King clay. When it was dry I added a few clear coats of Mult-surface sealer where the paw pads are indented for more glossy effects.

I am sure I mixed equal amounts of the silicones together (as incredibly hard as it seemed >.<), though wondering if I need a scale or a stronger mixing stick and a stronger muscle or something to mix this better, or what may be going wrong? They feel squishy and fine, not sticky.

Even the white (standard color) of the silicone isn't very clear.

My photos:

The result i'm aiming towards with clarity and glossiness: (website says they use a GLOSSY finish, what would that potentially be?)

I want to re-make a mold for the silicone paw pads using the silicone paw pad + plaster, to hopefully get a smoother/more shiny effect if it helps at all whatsoever. Will there be any interference with silicone against plaster for making the mold again?

Thanks so much all of you ! ^_^ !

Casting Advice? Castin' Craft Mold Builder

I need some advice on casting! I need to make some claws for my upcoming suits. I've casted larger items like masks and horns before using Smooth-on Rebound(silicone) and their Smooth-Cast(resin) and it worked great. Unfortunately, I am on a budget right now so I can't afford to order any smooth-on silicone right now...

I have the resin I need, so that's fine, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience in using Castin' Craft Mold Builder? It's cheaper then smooth-on and I have a 40% off coupon I could use for it.

My fear is that it wouldn't be compatible with the Smooth-Cast resin for whatever reason and then I wasted even more money when I should have just bit the bullet and ordered the Oomoo or Rebound or whatever.

I'm only using it to cast a few different sets of claws and the mold doesn't have to last forever, as long as I can cast a fullset before it falls apart xD

If anyone has any experience using the mold builder or anything I would love to hear your opinions/experiences before I decide what to do!

DVC hooves

I recently ordered their Large foam cloven hooves for a commissioner and have a question. Although first let me say I have no problem with the quality of their product (their stuff is always amazing and as I have said before their customer service is equally so.) So.

Anyway, my thing is I didn't realize just how large they were going to be. I always try to measure before buying (although this was something the customer picked) but it seems like stuff I order is often times larger than I anticipate. So, it says it fits all sizes of shoes and I feel like it -will- glue to the shoe I plan on using but it seems like there is an awful lot of space (gaps?) and not sure if that's going to be a problem (or not) Like, I'm not sure if once the bottoms are glued on and I add the fur it won't be noticeable, or if I should add some foam? Basically, has anyone used these before, and added them to shoes, and if so did you add foam or anything in addition and if so to that where?

Help with this would be super appreciated! This is my first partial commission so I want everything to look nice as possible. Once again, the product looks great, just looking for the best way to install it. :)

quick e6000 question and glue gun questions

Is it safe to use e6000 to glue fur or a mouth lining to a foam head?  I haven't seen any definitive answer to this out there.

Also, while I was gluing some fleece yesterday, a bit of smoke came from the gun, which freaked me out and I unplugged it.  It wasn't much smoke, just a little poof, and it stopped after I released the trigger to unplug the thing.  Any idea what caused this?  Is this something that just occaisonally happens with them?   I know the people on here have lots of experience with glue guns, and google has been prety much useless so far. 

First attempt at digi-padding

Where can I find some brown fur?

Weird texture on luxury shag fur...

So today I received one yard of Ivory Luxury Shag fur I ordered at fabric.com.
But it's got this weird stripey texture and it's not just a lil' spot somewhere on the fabric... the whole yard is covered with it.
It almost made me cry when I opened the box and saw THIS:

It almost seems unusable to me... but I'm still hopeful that the fur will still be usable somehow. :c
Does anyone have any idea on what to do with this fur...?
Does washing it first help?
And would it be a good idea to use a blowdryer to try and get the texture out...?

I'm pretty devastated and angry... like, how could they even send me whole yard of this fur that looks like that?!
I really hope you guys can help me out...

How long do YOU take to make a fursuit head?

So I have this serious issue with rushing to finish any artwork or craft I do because I get excited and so the finished product could not be as good as if I took the time. Without any deadlines, commissions and such and just wanting to make a head on your own time, how long does it take you usually? I've only made a few heads and never finished them due to the above issue so I'm not that experienced hands on(and not that good), just knowledgeable about how to go about it through years of researching. I plan on making myself go slow and taking breaks so as to have a better end product and to not stress myself out due to me being extremely ocd over symmetry. Thanks for any help you guys.

New Head Progress!!

Hey everyone! I posted in here a couple of months ago here about having a bunch of fur that's the wrong color (which I still have haha).
But! Today I'm here to share the new foaming for my head and get some opinions on how it looks so far!

So last time I posted a progress picture this is what we were working with.

Which I was /okay/ with at the time but not 100% happy with.
The fit of the foam was WAY too tight and it squished in my nose which made it really hard to breath and made me feel super claustrophobic.

So I completely scrapped it and went with something new!

She's a little hard of hearing at the moment, but I'm SO much happier with how this looks so far! 8)

Let me know what you thiiiiink~!

Fabric.com Mongolian White Quality

I bought my fur for Happy months ago near Black Friday. I only recently started work on the bodysuit and I don't plan to reorder fur but I was wondering something. Happy's furs are Chocolate Brown Luxury Shag, Camel Luxury Shag, and White Mongolian Shag, all bought from fabric.com. The chocolate is about standard luxury shag quality, the camel is exceptionally dense and soft, and the mongolian... Well it's stringy and thin. The backing is so thin light travels through it if you hold it up and when I cut it, it looks more like it was torn sometimes than if it were cut and has random thick strands throughout its generally thin backing.
I don't have any plans to use more of it soon, but I wanted to know, is Mongolian always this lousy? Why is it more expensive than luxury shag if it's thinner and flimsier?

Fix "sleepy" eyes?

Hi! I'm just looking for some help with my fursuit eye shape. I always make a couple paper mockups while I'm furring and pick the one I like best, but it always seems like my fursuit eyes look "sleepy" (I've gotten a lot of people calling 'em stoned, haha).

I always like my mockup. Those eyes seem happy to me! But inevitably when I put the real eyes on, my character gets all dozy.

Here's a couple pictures:


Do you think it's the eye shape? The eyelid? I personally think it might be the length of the eye (kinda from the middle of the face to the temple, seems like I always make it super long), but I'm not sure. Maybe lifting the outer corner of the eye up a little would make them look more awake and cheerful? I can take pictures of my other heads if you'd like to see those too.

Please do not critique the head shape, as this particular head is a purchased head base. But if you see something I did totally out of line with the furring, feel free to let me know! My shaving isn't the best yet, so there are a couple rough spots.

Looking for critique/constructive criticism on my suits; Please be gentle!

I'm a toony-style maker who works with foam to build. I'm mostly looking for ways and advice to improve my masks/heads! But please feel free to give advice on other aspects of my suits, if you see anything that could be improved.

When I say "be gentle", I just mean "Feel free to be critical, but please don't be blatantly rude."

Inside, I am admittedly a sensitive babby when it comes to people critiquing my work, but I really do know that people are just trying to be helpful, and I really am looking to improve. So I'm putting my dumb feelings and pride aside and asking for a bit of critique & constructive criticism.
That's why I'm asking people to relatively gentle! But please still give tips on what may need to be fixed and improved.

I'm mostly looking for tips and advice from other makers, but if you have never made a suit yet have some practical advice, please feel free to post it!
Saying things like "______ looks weird" isn't really helpful. I'd really like some good advice on how to change what look weird instead of the general statement.

Things you should know/that I already know:

- Not having a set "style" for my suits may be a big part of my downfall. If you'd like to reference another maker's style as a sample of how to improve, please do! But I would not like comments like "make your suits like _____ does!"

- It's been said before that the shapes of my heads are "bad", "weird", and "odd". Looking at it, that's probably correct.
If you see a sample of a shape that needs improvement, saying "change ____ shape" is good, I suppose, but what's better is saying "shave down a little bit off the front and top of the ____ shape" in MUCH more helpful and the type of advice I'm looking for!

Here it goes.
Here's a collection of my more recent suits:

Thank you in advance! I will be coming back frequently to check this post!
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