Poodle Fursuit head WIP
Possibly Relevant: Dye for Synthetics
Announcing Rit DyeMore, Rit’s New Polyester Dye!
Colors polyester, acrylic, acetate, nylon and polyester/cotton blends. 'Disperse dyes' for synthetics aren't new, but having a mainstream source for them (Rit) should make this more accessible, will probably turn up at Michael's and the like. Question then is whether the required level of heat would be damaging to fake fur.
padded handpaws?
nose problems
Finished Suit!

Eye Woes
After trying different methods I still have no success. I have tried:
Buying a whole new kind of paint, painting multiple layers, waiting several days, using a matte spray finish on the backing, using E6000, putting a fabric on the backs of the eyes and even using a different kind of hot glue stick.
I literally cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. The resin is cured, the paint is cured, I just glue it on and 30 minutes later some parts of the eyes get a mirror/watery-eye effect to them. Help?
Light blue seal pile?
I recently realised that I completely messed up furring my first head, and have to order all new fur.
I want to order seal pile because I think it looks so much cleaner than having to shave everything, but I can't find any light blue in the pile I want, except for from imstuffedfur.com.
Either does anyone have any suggestions for light blue fur, or has anyone bought seal pile from i'm stuffed before?
Here's the character i'm making: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/203/e/d/badge_for_nonny_by_freezekitteh-d7rv89h.png
Material for "Skinning" a bat like ear?
"Garuda" Style Fursuit Eyes
Thanks as always! :)
Muscle Suits
But how could I make the muscle suit removable and reusable for multiple suits? Aside from just putting a suit over the muscle suit, that is. I want the muscles to be defined. Both characters would use antron fleece instead of fur if that makes any difference. And I'm talking full all-over body padding. Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Sewing machine acting up and I don't know what to do.
I've tried changing the needle (using both regular and ball point of varying sizes), changing the thread, changing the thread type (polyester and upholstery, and I use the same thread in the bobbin as well), cleaning the bobbin area, adjusting the tension, trying different fabrics; nothing works. If my thread doesn't suddenly snap then it just skips stitches, sometimes in very large gaps. It's driving me up the wall.
There's got to be something I'm missing.
I can't take it in to get serviced--I did that when I got it 6 months ago and the shop severely ripped me off. Unfortunately they're the only ones in the area that service old machines, so I'm pretty much out of luck there.
Any advice would be appreciated.
EDIT: Seems I've figured it out. When switching out the original needle, I THOUGHT I put the new ones in facing the same direction as the old one, but apparently I've had it backwards this whole time, with the flat side facing the wrong direction. I feel like a dummy, but hey, at least the problem has been solved. Thanks for all the help and suggestions, guys! I definitely realized I need to oil my machine more often than I have been (and in more locations than I realized!), so I'm pretty glad I got suggestions for that. :)
Fixing or preventing bent eyes: Buckram and Kemono style?
I've been creating fursuits with only buckram eyes and going into kemono style eyes.
There's the weight of the foam and potentials for the heads being smashed, especially with large eyes like Jolteon's. Would there be a tutorial out there with interior support like a frame to keep the eyes from getting smashed/bent? I am curious about a flat wood support inside, but feel as though it could snap and break or get wood splints unless its covered by fleece.
Once an eye is bent up, would there be a way to straighten it back up without replacing them? I am just curious, I don't want to try a hair dryer on something that might melt or get worse. I never wrestled with my suits or have done anything similar to that, it just tends to happen over time I noticed.
I understand there may not be a whole lot I could do about this, as i'm planning on leaning towards plastic eyes moreso due to some of my fursuit eyes are showing small signs of warp/bending and could get worse so i'm not expecting a lot of answers, however they would be a big blessing as my suits have a very large field of vision and it would be amazing to keep it that way but not feeling as though i'll find a way around it XD But I wish to get the kemono fursuit eyes looking nice with less damage done to them if at all possible.
Would appreciate all of your knowledge!
pirate costume
Anyone wager a guess what mesh material that might be? Also, how I could go about making something like that? I was thinking of cheating and going to like a halloween store or party city and getting an eye patch, cutting off the plastic or fabric piece, and replacing with with a traced out piece of whatever that mesh fabric is. It kind of looks like some kind of screen material? Doesn't look like buckram to me.
Also here http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3896770/
trying to figure out how exactly to get a bandana to fit so nicely like this? I imagine holes are cut for the ears? Any input on this would be awesome. Only have a couple of weeks mew!
Jaw Hinge Problems
I'm having some problems with the hinges on my resin mask. I don't have a good place to glue the lower hinge to jaw since it's curved. I tried using some of that plastic mesh stuff (the stuff some people use for ears, or jaw hinges on foam heads), but it's not strong enough to keep the jaw aligned with the top half properly. How do you attach the hinge to the jaw? Do I just need to re-position it? I'll post pictures under the cut.
On another note, do I need to attach my resin blank to a balaclava before I fur it? How do you do the back of a resin head?
Thanks! :)

Hello! new member, advise for first timer
I have a lot of sewing equipment right now. Ready to go but I have never made anything yet! I knew a little about hand sewing. So how do I move to crafting bodysuits, whats my first steps? Any resources?
Brands of Soft/Oil Based Clays to avoid for casting?
A long time ago I have read a statement regarding certain soft clays may interfere with resin/plasters when making molds. I am not sure if this is true or not, so I wanted to ask to clarify. I believe it had a certain ingredient in the clay. I have no whereabouts on where that comment went to :( Can anyone tell me the ingredient in which to avoid/look out for with types of clays?
Can you name some brands that are safe to use with plaster/resin for me? ^^ I know I heard these work: Klean Klay and Wed Clay. I want to know what I can find easily that could work for me or if I have clay that would work already which I think is either Ez Shape Modeling Clay or Chenille Kraft modeling clay or some unknown brand, just wanted to be safe and avoid a lot of problems.
Also is there a cheaper resin I could find for this purpose other than the art store brand of white colored Amazing Casting Resin? I could just stick to trying the DAP Plaster Brand if not.
Thank you all!
Final critique on foamwork
Well its happening
Im almost done
My fox has undergone cosmetic surgery to become a japanese bobtail cat and my foamwork is nearly done
I would like critiques/red lines to work on tomorrow pls

Sorry the only ref I have is this crappy phone picture
Basically id like to know where I should trim down/shape up/whatever
Also, tips for making the back of the head not look like a cylinder?
Also also, the ears are supposed to be lopsided so no need to critique that pls
List of things to do:
Smooth the transition between cheek and lower jaw
Somehow make the cheek and eyebrow ridge less flat
Fix the former cheeks (sticking out from under the current cheeks)
Ear vents maybe?
Make and add eyes ofc
Also ignore the freaking Halloween decoration in the background
Brown Arctic Fox?
Any comments appreciated, and thanks!
Making Foam Patterns for a Head?
*Note, I'm planning on making a toony head w/ a balaclava base*