Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Reenforcing/repairing 3D eyes


Hi all,

Anyone have any tips on reenforcing 3D eyes? Also looking for any tips on any less intrusive/alternate means of repairing warped buckram?

I currently carve a cavity to match the eye depth exactly and install the eye into the foam like that prior to furring. My current eyes are buckram lined with foamies.

A head of mine that was very recently completed was packed poorly and the buckram of the eyes got warped (Looks like something got pushed into the eye) :( I'm really hoping to find out a way to repair them without having to pull the eyes out and completely repaint and refur the area but I also want to prevent this kind of issue in the future.

question on bodysuits and hair tufts

First question is -- I'd like to make a bodysuit similar to this -- http://www.furaffinity.net/view/9451864/

what I'm trying to achieve is I like the look of long fur combined with longer fur for the floofier parts of the suit. I'm not sure but pretty certain a combination of different pile furs were used on this suit. Question -- have any of you worked with all long pile fur and trimmed a bodysuit down? Is this a ridiculous amount of work or? Any thoughts? I'd like the suit to look less bulky, and I think trimming could help with that -- but not sure if it's going to be a monstrous task. Plus afraid after all the work I put into it I'm going to mess it up.

Hair tuft question -- I'd like to make like a side sweeping hair tuft -- like it lays to the side instead of going down the middle of the forehead .... because I want a hair poof but one that doesn't entirely cover this forehead marking she has. Unfortunately I've been unable to find any tutorials on how to make a hair piece like that. Any help would be super appreciated.


Making a tutorial/Making your own weave tracks(Lion mane or other hair applications from Kanekalon)

So I've scoured the net on how to make a "weave track" per-say but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. I'm trying to save time while I install a big white lion's mane and refuse to believe that just gluing the crap out of the ends and then gluing them in is my only option.

I have found a way but I'd like to know if you guys have any other suggestions? If not, then I will share mine in my first ever tutorial if I feel that the method is time and material saving as well as aesthetically pleasing when the final product in applied.

That being said, can I get some tips on how to make a tutorial? I've never done so before so perhaps I can get some links to tutorials that were done really well? Obviously there will be step by step pictures and comments but what makes a really great tutorial?


Help with colors?

The face is lighter than the rest of the head.

It's been requested that the facial fur is lighter than the hood and ears, but I'm having a hard time finding two shades or accidentally getting crap fur (I don't have much experience with short piles).

REF: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15316145/

Thanks! Anything is helpful, I've been looking and have found squat.

Online foam to Europe

Anyone know a good place online to get good foam online that ships to Norway ?

Patchwork/scrap fursuit: is it possible

Has anyone seen a person make a fursuit out of scraps and it come out well?

The thing I have found is that the type of fur is very important to me. Color and texture and supple feel means a lot to me.
There is this particular stuffed teddy bear whose fur is of the exact color and touch that I love. I doubt though I could ever find a fur cloth seller that could get something like that just right. There is one thing though... I can easily get ahold of a massive amount of these dolls, and unstitch them and be left with hundreds of pieces of matching fabric. Could conceivable be sewn together.... Would be a hell of a task.

But does anyone think this is at all a possible task and have it come out looking halfway decent?

Looking for a Short Pile Black fur (for an Iberian Bull)

Hi guys, I have a couple of beautiful fur fabrics picked out and now I'm on the hunt for the main fur that will be used throughout the majority of the costume. Do any of you have a good short pile black fur that is close to 1inch pile height and less shiny than CR's Teddy Black?
I'm looking for something essentially like a short pile version of Black Arctic Fox. Trying not to have to shave almost an entire bodysuit x.x


Looking for fur

Hey guys! Long time no post. :)

I need some help finding this seafoam/green-ish color inside the ears, length of fur doesnt matter.

artwork by wataameron

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!! 

my updated head

Alternative adhesive?

Hey guys so I'm new to fursuitting. I got a set of DVC feet toes with the claws and everything, all I need to do is glue them to a pair of my shoes. The only problem is I live in a very cold climate and in a place where I get no ventilation so E6000 i guess is out of the question until spring. However I would love to get this done soon since there is an anime convention in town soon but its foretasted to be in the -30s every day for the next few weeks. Is there anything I can use that won't... for a lack of better term... kill me if I use it inside? Thanks!

first head wip critique?

Fair warning, im posting from my phone

Anyhow, im working on my first suit, and id like some comments on the head so far

bonus pic of me wearing it with jaw pinned on

Anyway id just like critiques of my progress

The head is all foam, and the character is a fox

Does it look like a fox? I think it looks too doggish, but my mother insists it looks like a fox

I still have plenty of shaping to do, and sorry for the terrible lighting

Foam WIP Redline Request

Worked on my baby deer head today. After pinning on the ears I realised that she is looking rather rabbity. I was wondering if I could ask someone on here to redline my photos to help make her read more deer than rabbit. The antler buds are pinned on and temp. I really would like her to be understood as a baby deer without antlers since she's a girl but if they help differenciate her between a rabbit and doe, I'll add some. Ears can be moved as well.

2/22 Updated photos to more recent sculpting.

Photo Feb 22, 4 22 36 PM
Photo Feb 22, 4 22 47 PM
Photo Feb 22, 4 22 57 PM


Does anyone have any swatches or fur from


I'm looking for a more "neon" orange and I'm not sure which would look better/more bright (If you find/know of a even more neon orange fur please link!)

I already have the other colors i'm buying from fabric empire.


Really odd question about tails

I know that most people make tails without mechanisms inside and the way people walk and the lightness of the tail will make it move pretty realistically (hip-shaking FTW!).

But if one wanted to do a snake character without legs (or like a naga), and have a long tail dragging behind in a sinuous fashion, would an internal mechanism be enough to make the tail wiggle? Or would rubber on the bottom help it catch and release the floor in a wiggly motion? Or would it require wheels and some other internal structure to get a snakey movement?

Or, to cover another avenue, is it possible to extend a tail out from a person for a very long distance (let's say, 6 feet/2 meters or more) and have it supportable from the waist of the person without dragging the ground, along with the ability to sway back and forth?

Foamies or plastic for 3D eyes?

Both have their own merits, but I'm curious as to what materials are generally preferred or seen as the most 'professional' in the making of 3D eyes for toony suits. Genuinely curious of your opinions!

Or, if you don't make your eyes out of thin foam or plastic, what do you use?

fur help!

Tips and tricks for building a bodysuit?

Hey guys, I haven't had much free time to lurk, but I'm curious to hear what ya'll have to say about fitting a fursuit. I'm planning on working with a future client this summer about building a fullsuit with digi-padding, and I'm just wondering how to go about fitting a bodysuit so it works well with the padding but also allows for the wearer to raise their arms without strain, bend their knees, etc. It is simply that you leave a little bit of space under the arms and crotch, and at the ends of the sleeves?

I plan on using the draping method to fit the suit, where you build pillow padding first and then tailor the costume around the pattern, marking the designs and such.

Again, I'm extremely busy right now and unable to lurk, but once I get the time this weekend I will look a little further into the subject.

It lives!! Critique me please :D

Lord, it's finally complete! This is my first mascot/fursuit project and I'm pretty pleased! Technically the mask isn't 100% done; the project is a collaboration between my best friend and I, and she will be finishing up the head along with the body she's made. I also made some feet (included below; obviously she'll be finishing those up too :P).

The mask is meant to be the pokemon Typhlosion. Together we took some artistic liberty with the head shape, although I think the jaw came out a little thick. There is venelation through the nostrils so a fan can be installed later, and vision is through the throat. I haven't worn any other mask like this so I can't compare the vision, but honestly I think it's pretty good.  We intend to add electronics at a later date, so the eyes are placeholders. They are attached with rare earth magnets and will be interchangable with a few other pairs.

Please don't hold back on the critique as I am very interested in improving. I am aware of there are some symmetry issues, but to me they look mild (of course, I've been staring at this thing for a few months so I'm desensitized to the problems xD). How does he look? *crosses fingers*

Pics below!complilation low resshoes

Fur from fabric exchange

My first tail!


It looks a lot nicer brushed out (like..the spots are all the same size and stuff, doesn't look like it in this picture)

but yeah, this is my first 'big girl' tail (as in I've made a bunch of them that were just...no.)

what do you guys think?
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