Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Trying to match colours (kind of need small samples of these furs)

I recently got a swatch of DistinctiveFabric's chocolate faux tissavel (part of their metropolitan furs collection) and its absolutely -perfect- in texture, length and colour for a rather specific dark brown I've been searching around for. Anyways, I'm now looking for tissavel or tissavel-alike furs matching the rest of the colours I need!

I found this store on Etsy selling what I assume to be the exact types I need. Sadly, I don't want to waste the funds on getting a a fat quarter to a third a yard of each shade I think might be right when these furs being something totally different (or of terrible quality) is a big possibility.

By any chance would anyone be able to let me know if any of the following furs are a potential match for those colours? Feel free to suggest alternatives as well!

- "Blonde"
- "Cocoa Brown"
- "Rabbit White"
- "Latte" (don't care for this one that much since the pile is so short, but the colour seems nice)

These are the colours I'm trying to match:

If at all possible, I'd also *love* to actually be able to touch/feel/see these myself so if you have any of these furs or scraps of them lying around I'd definitely be interested in purchasing a small (3" x 4"?) section off you!!

Dewott head help?

I've got the foam carving about done for the head of the dewott suit I'm working on.  The mouth moves well and the vision is good.  I'm pretty happy with it, but the lower jaw area looks sort of off to me and I'm not sure how to fix it.  Suggestions and redlines would be awesome if anyone would be able to help.


The eyes, ears and mohawk are just pinned on for now.  I plan to sew/glue them once I get the face furred.

Edit:  I know the head isn't an oval like dewott's head usually is.  I was going more for making him look like an actual otter.

Shiba Inu Number Two!

I got commissioned to build another Shiba Inu (with another adorable Shiba Inu character on the way via auction)! The commissioner wanted the Shiba similar to my previous one in this link, but I decided to make it unique. Enjoy! (Sorry for unprofessional photos! I recently moved and had no time to take photos due to finishing it time for Halloween).


First build: opinions/advice/suggestions?

hi! i'm trying to make a hyena and this is my head so far:

i know the jaw looks really awkward because i put it lower then i needed too, and i put some weird piece of foam between the bottom of the cheek and beginning to the jaw. i made it to fit my head a bit more loose because i wear glasses. i still have some things to add like some bulk/detail for the ears. the jaw is static and those eyes are just place holders.

if you have any suggestions or see anything i can improve on, let me know please! i want to make this as best as i can. this head has been a lot of trial and error so far, so advice would be great too.

this build is going to be a partial based on my character, Thuq-

Clippers not clipping

I have bought an Oster A5 Recently and love them however I made an error that's driving me crazy...

I didn't read how to change the blades properly and took the screws out instead... I have since put them together but the fur is getting stuck in the plate piece. I also lubed them when I reassembled them, but maybe too much? I just know it's getting stuck as I try to run them through the fur (scraps).

Any advice, tips, or tutorials woud be appreciated!

Fur Color Matching? What is this?

Hi everyone! I've been having a lot of trouble finding a similar color match to this fur I have... I'm not even 100% sure what to call it. Pale Gray? Light Gray? Silver Gray? It seems to be a combination of those... Fabric.com's Gray Shag was far too dark, I'm afraid.

Here is a photo:

I apologize for the sort of blurriness in the photo. I hope this is enough, if not, I can take additional photos. But as you can see, it is sort of silvery gray, but can also appear slightly tinged with beige under certain lighting. It is most assuredly a gray though.

Thank you very much... I appreciate any help as I just can't find similar fur anywhere!

Huuuge ears on all foam

I'm back again, this time with ear questions!
I've seen several entries on huge ears, but a lot have to do with attaching them to resin bases or standard foam bases. I've got a bit of a non-standard head.

My pepakura pattern method worked like a charm, but the ears are gonna need more finesse to their construction. These ears are 2 feet along the longest edge, and I'm attaching them to a huge head of foam as well.
The first issue is, that while the foam head holds itself together great, it's still got some give to it, as pictured.
I plan to reenforce the inside of the head with some "boning" of another layer of foam, or a slightly thicker foam, but I still worry about the weight of the ears creating a dent. Especially since theres gonna be big fur tufts on the inner ear too. Also considering I'm gonna need something hold it to my head inside, how the heck do I "anchor" anything to the foam like this?

Attaching them is a bit of an issue too. I already tried gluing them on regularly and it wasn't working out too well, lol. Would cutting a gap and using a thicker foam at the base still work? Or maybe I should use a plastic or something? The actual logistics of "getting it to securely stick" is still lost on me somehow.

My other issue is that even though I curve the ears along the base (you can see my guidline a bit in the one photo) the top portion of the ears still resist curving a little bit, and kinda "flatten out" towards the tips.
Whats a good way to force them into shape? Here's my pattern for the ears by the way, for reference.
 photo 8e8b65d7-8c86-4638-bc89-ae770677c997_zps978c349d.png
It works great and getting it to 'want' to curve, but still not effective enough that it doesn't need some kinda re-enforcement.


Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!

This isn't quite a fursuit, but I did make it using the same techniques and I'm VERY proud of it, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to share. :)

More behind the cut!

This was a surprise gift I made for my girlfriend KellsterKitten on FurAffinity. Kellster made a journal months ago saying she wanted a Beetlejuice head and a bunch of people told her it would look bad or that nobody could make it or human fursuits are creepy. PSHHH.

He's built with foam on a balaclava with dyed antron fleece. The eyes and teeth are sculpey light and premo clay. The teeth are sewn and glued in. Vision is limited for the sake of accuracy, but ventilation is great. His hair is a rare local find. I went in expecting to having to settle on something, but this fur was perfect!

I'm so pleased with this! It's one of those rare times where I make something for someone and then badly want to keep it for myself, haha. My middle school self would kick me in the shins if she found out I didn't make this for me! But if ANYONE deserves a costume of cartoon Beetlejuice, it's definitely Kellster. And I'm so SO happy she loves it. :)

Here's her unboxing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ebzXrhSszE

Courtesy of Kellster. The suit/hands are hers, I didn't make them/a>

Hope you guys like it! :)

Need Help Finding Fur!

Hey guys,

I've been having the urge to make a suit of my character and I'm in quite a tough spot with finding the right colors of fur for my project.

Here's a swatch of the colors I'll be needing for this project. If any of you have seen or know of a place that would carry it, would you point me in the right direction? I've been on Ebay and Etsy as well as crscrafts and fabric.com, but I can't seem to find the right hue.

I'm looking for a light blue/cerulean as well as a dark gray.

Thanks! =D

Difference between "Yellow" and "Neon Yellow"

My Halloween "Fursuit" + Help with fur for next project?

Sorry I don't have better pics but I was Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's for Halloween. He's made of fleece but I think he still technically counts as a fursuit!

He's made of fleece and looks a little nicer when I wear him right lD Usually I tuck his 'torso' into the pants and his neck down into the neckhole of the torso, but this was taken after trick or treating so I'm a little disheveled here. His eyes are instamorph with buckram irises and I have some orange LEDs hidden under his eyelids. Here's the only pic I got of that unfortunately.

And unrelated, but I don't feel right making another post, but the next fursuit I want to make requires a fur I'm having trouble finding.

For my character Honey Bunny, I need to find a sort of 'baby yellow' fur and it cannot be shag. I'm looking for a short yellow fur that is pale enough that she doesn't look like a big highlighter dyed rabbit, but I've found ivory is a too pale. Any recommendations, at least for good short fur?

Hia! looking for some help


I've been having the opportunity to get a suit made of my character by OED, but im having trouble finding the right fur colors. If any of you know where I can get fur in these colors, I would LOVE the help.
I've checked a few places other have recommend, like etsy, fabric.com and mendels.
If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be awesome! ; w ;/

Fur colors I need:

Budget horns!

Hey folks! I need some horn help.

I have a commission due out by Thanksgiving and I'm looking at making a pair of smooth Eastern dragon style horns that look roughly like this:

I've looked through the memories, and I'm thinking about making a card board pattern, wrapping that baby with tinfoil, covering the tinfoil with some masking tape, adding some celluclay and then plasti-dip. Is that going to give me a decent horn? Would I need the celluclay over the masking tape to hide bumps, or will the plasti-dip smooth those areas? I'm not expecting fully crush proof here, but durability is a concern, as is materials cost (I'm very, very broke and cannot afford casting materials at this time).

My other option is to use apoxie (the eyelid clay) over the tinfoil/masking tape, but all I have is black and I'd rather not use it all up, even though I think it would work well.

That said, does anyone have a small amount of celluclay that's sitting around collecting dust? Willing to sell to me and ship quickly? I'd rather not have to buy a bunch for one small project.

Any helpful tips are appreciated!

How do you store your faux fur yardage?

So I have quite a few yards of roughly 6 different furs. I'd like to find a better way to store them as I dont want to end up having to cut around wrinkled fur or unwrinkle it. I currently live in a tiny apartment, though I have contemplated a low wide bookshelf, I've found that the standard bolt size is just a touch longer than the area I have to store it in.

How do YOU store your fur?

A little critique please?

Working on a new base, Whatcha think?
Goal is a shorter muzzled canine critter that could be manipulated into a few different species if desired. Not wanting the super toon happy expression. Trying for a softer 'cool' smile. Pretty happy with it so far, something about the eyes seems a little wrong though (not just the symmetry, I havent worked on that just yet. Just getting the shape down.)


All-fleece fursuit?

Hi there!
I'm working on an all-fleece pokemon suit soon (well, all fleece except for the mane, which I'm using faux rabbit fur for) and I was wondering if anybody had any tips are far as how to make it all look clean?
This is the pokemon:

I'm not too terribly worried about the seams showing on most of it, but I would like the seams on the head to at least look a little bit cleaner than the rest. I've heard of the stretch-and-glue technique, but I'm worried that I'd fudge it up in some way or my glue would make the creases look and feel all crusty and gross.
All-in all, I guess I'm asking about stitching techniques and overall crafting help to make the suit look nicer and neater than it would if I was going in blind. Normally I use a blanket stitch on everything, but as far as any other stitch I have no idea.

Thank you so much and I hope I can get some help on this!

WTB head mannequin!

So I noticed the monster makers head mannequin has an elongated neck to compensate for latex shrinkage. WELL that just wont do for me so since they have changed that I dont know where to buy one!

Do any of you have one you will sell me? Or could you recommend a site to get a good one? I really want it to have shoulders and all that. Not just a head and neck.

Thanks guys!

EDIT or perhaps some of you have used the long necked thangs and if they work okay (when patterning the neck piece) please let me know and I will buy on.Maybe it has always been elongated and I just never noticed that bit of information years ago when i first considered purchasing one.

A little help please

A long time ago I saw a post where someone had used a chese grater to get exeptionally smooth foam carving results
Im planning on doing a project soon that will be using stretchy furless material and I need to get the same result.
does anyone know what type of grater was used or any way to get foam incredibly smooth?

Needing a Brown Fur


So I've been working on a fursuit of the Beast (Based on the Disney Version) and have been having some ridiculous trouble finding one last shade of brown.

( Full size of pic: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/314/b/5/31c0fefbcacbeebf0cb52e62879799bb_by_paradedemon-d85yp1c.png )

I've currently got every brown needed except for the shade that is along his neck / brow. I've been searching around and have simply been unable to find a shade inbetween chocolate and copper that's 1.5 inches long or longer. Does anyone know where to find this?? (Also enjoy the progress photos ;u;)

Thank you!
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