Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Subtle Digitigrade Padding help

Hey there, I'm going to be making the body for my new fursuit and have decided to go for digi padding this time round.

I've only ever made one digi suit before and it was my first suit overall, and was terrible.

I've done a fair bit of research into the different ways of achieving digitigrade and am thinking or going the pillow direction.

However, I don't want MASSIVE toony digi padding.

My footpaws are sockpaws so are smaller than your average toony feet, and I'm wanting subtle padding so everything fits together.

However, I'm having trouble finding any examples of smaller/thinner padding on existing fursuits for reference/inspiration.
So far this is the only thing I've managed to find that looks like what I'm trying to achieve:

(by Qarrezel, image taken from their DA)

Would any of you have any idea of any suits I could take a gander at or any images/tutorials on smaller padding?

I will be making my DTD this week and was also wondering if I should try and get my boyf to stick the padding onto me, or wait until it's off and stuffed and do it myself? I'm super picky about symmetry and don't want the pattern to be off.


Cutting Fursuit Eyes

How does one achieve perfectly circular fursuit eye holes? It's damn near impossible for me to cut decent looking holes with a scissor. I bought a heavy duty hole punch that turned out to be so 'heavy duty' it barely cuts through paper. What can I use to get perfect circles?


Hi guys~
I was wondering if any of you have purchased any vinyl from Fabric.com?
I want to make horns out of white PVC vinyl for an upcoming suit and replace the soft fabric ones on my current fursona's suit. I have looked around my local fabric stores in Australia but haven't managed to find any suitable fabric, and if I did it wasn't the right colour.

So has anyone bought any material from Fabric.com that could be used for smooth white horns? I have done a search and looked at all their options but it is difficult to assess their quality through those photos. I would probably prefer shiny as opposed to faux-leather texture but I am open to any suggestions!

(I know Distinctive Fabrics has decent vinyl but sadly they don't ship to Aus)

Advice on foam head base

Hey there everyone, it's been a while since I've posted here but I really wanted to get some advice before moving to the next step on this head I am making.
It's of my jackal character, Ripley (http://s567.photobucket.com/user/kyralie/library/ripley), and I really want it to look awesome. Tacking some temporary eyes in place might give you a better idea but here it is without eyes. Does anyone have any ideas to perfect it? Does anyone see any major asymmetric parts? I've been looking at it so long I really need a fresh set of eyes to bring this sculpt over the top.

Dewott head progress! Also, eyebrows help?

Here's a slideshow of all my WIP shots of my head.

And here's the head so far (if you don't wanna see the whole silly slideshow XD), with fur and ears. It seems to be coming together alright aside from some minor hiccups.

I'm not really sure how to do the neck, and his mohawk needs to be cut out and sewn on.  Right now though, what is puzzling me most is what to do for the eyebrows.  Do I make them out of fur or fleece or something else?  Suggestions would be appreciated, as would comments and constructive criticisim (please note though, that I went for a more otter-like look intentionally rather than sticking to the original oval-head design of dewott).  This is my second try making a head. :)

Help with first foam base

I just began working on my first foam base, and I was able to complete quite a bit of it tonight but I wanted to get some feedback on it before I continues working. It is a helmet style base, and the intended character is going to be a white german shepherd. My main concerns are that the muzzle might be too short and that the ears are slightly uneven. It is a toony character, so I don't know if the short muzzle will effect it's appearance negatively. And I have tried to straighten the ears, they are at a point where I don't know if I should just start over or if they will look alright once they are furred. Cheeks, eyebrows, and the like will be added once I can get the base to a point where I like (or can tolerate) it :)
Thanks in advance

Seeking critique for husky head WIP

Hello everyone, I have started building a fursuit head after several years of not crafting anything and I am looking for critique.

It's supposed to be a husky - http://s664.photobucket.com/user/Kitesuna/library/WIP%20Husky

General critique, red-lines, etc appreciated, just please be gentle as this is my first work in a long time. I do think that the muzzle is a bit too large in that it completely covers the lower jaw, I'm going to change that unless people think it looks good that way. I just wanted to see if there are some other things I could fix or improve on before I continue. Thank you for reading, your time is appreciated!

Contact lenses recommendation?

With my new fursuit partial going to be coming to me soon, it's time to get supplies for fursuiting, specifically contacts. I wear glasses, but am going to be getting contacts specifically just for fursuiting. I haven't owned any contacts in several years and am wondering if there might be any better brands or features of contacts that would be better for fursuiting vs other leading brands/features. Or is it all a matter of preference?

Searching for a fur?



Has anyone seen a light orange fur similar to this?


Everything I've found so far has turned out disappointingly dark or too brown/reddish when I try to order a swatch. :(

Searching for CRs Koala/Kodiak & Longpile Black

Hi there! As I'm sure many of you are aware, CRs Crafts is out of just about everything useful right now ;P

Searching for some Koala/Kodiak! I only need 1 yard or even a bit less.

I also am in need of some long pile black, whether it is Black Fox or Black Monkey Shag does not matter to me! Or even something else... The places I have looked have been out of stock. I need a yard, maybe 1.5 yards.

Less of a priority, I also need a tiny strip of sparkle gray. And I mean tiny! Just enough for a few streaks in a hair tuft. So this isn't a huge priority right now but if someone is sending me one of the above and also has sparkle gray that they wouldn't mind giving me a bit, that would be fantastic!

Thank you everyone! :)

White beaver fur

Since im having no luck on fursuit auctions, thought id try here. Ive been on the hunt for some and just about everywhere is either out of stock, or back ordered. Would anyone have 2 yards or more on hand they would be willing to sell, or a place that happens to have it in stock so i can get some? I was suggested to get this http://www.onlinefabricstore.net/white-beaver-faux-fur-fabric-.htm but ive never ordered from here and dont know of the quality. Has anyone gotten this fur before? Is it more like "real" coraser fur, or soft/plush like seal? Im really in need of the coarser traditional beaver, but at this point ill take what i can get as long as its 1 inch pile.  

Blue and orange teddy bear fur?

So I'm working on a fursuit at the moment and as I near completion of the head I've started to look for the fur. I don't really like working with shag so I was going to use CRScrafts black and white teddy bear fur but the character has other colors. I was wondering if anyone has found a website that sells different color teddy bear fur or knows of a fur pile that comes close to teddy bear fur. I'm looking for either a light blue or electric blue and orange.

1/2 YRD DF Ivory Shag

Looking for a 1/2 yard of DF's basic Ivory Shag. Preferably close to SC.
I was going to order from Fursuitsupplies but they're out of stock : (.

EDIT: May have a lead.


Hunting for fur

So my sister has decided she wants my old, incomplete cat head to make a partial. The head is just foam for now, and while I'll be busy reshaping it to be less horrible, I want to start looking at furs.

So! What are some good, mid-length white furs? I want something that isn't as long as arctic fox, but is thicker than DF's shag. She has a pair of handpaws made with CR's cubby, but they're very.... yellow.


Hey guys, it is possible to create a one-size-fits-all pair of handpaws, right?

I'm going to be finishing up a fursuit head for auction sometime soon, and I was considering including handpaws and a tail in the auction. Tails are no problem for me, but I'm concerned with whether or not the handpaws would fit the person who would win the auction. If I made them to my exact hand measurements, they probably couldn't fit into a really tall man with huge hands. If I made them too big, they would just flop around and the dexterity would be lost.

I've been curious about this issue for a while, as I see multiple suit makers who don't request a hand tracing when you order one of their costumes. I don't think I've heard anyone complain about this issue, but I want for absolute satisfaction when a customer receives a set of handpaws from me.

What to charge for just hands?

I usually do just head commissions, partials, or fullsuits. But I just had someone request a price for hands and I honestly am not sure what to charge for just hands. What do most people charge for hand commissions?


DTD Questions

I have searched high and low, and can't find these answers, so I'm hoping for some help.

I am doing my first DTD bodysuit, for myself. I keep seeing "DON'T CUT THE DUMMY". Any reason why? It seems rather...redundant to tape over clothes while I'm wearing them, then do the same for the dummy.

If my dummy stuffing is a bit lumpy (not terrible, just a little off here and there) is that a huge issue?

How does one do the measurement method? Everyone mentions it, no one explains it (that I've seen, perhaps I'm missing something? I did a rather thorough search before posting, but I could have missed something).

Thanks in advance!

Horns on Etsy

Whiskers! (Dewott head almost done)

Been making little bits of progress on this guy and he's almost done!  I think I'm going to put some tufts of fuzz at the base of the ears, and he needs his neck sewn on, but other than that he's pretty much finished.  I'm really excited about how he's turned out since this is only my second try at something like this.


Comments and critiques are more than welcome.  I've enjoyed making this head a lot and I'm thinking about making another soon.
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