Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Bottom jaw sagging?

Hello! I am currently making a poodle fursuit and it's going along nicely except for one thing, the jaw is just too darn floppy!I wanted to make it so that it was partially open so I could drink water inside of it so I attached a jaw I made to a foam wedge to make it able to be attached to the chin but I think it's the weight of it or something but it just looks really silly! I know that not everything can be perfect but this is bothering me a great deal. I thought of putting something beneath the chin to keep it up but I tried and I couldn't make it look natural and foam lacked the strength to keep it up. I thought about sewing the top and bottom jaw together but I was worried about the thread breaking when I was fursuiting or it even burning @_@ has anyone else encountered this problem? It isn't a moveable jaw or anything, also.WIN_20141017_120805
once again thanks if you reply and sorry if I didn't get the livejournal cut right I'm still quite new to making posts, sorry ~v~'

Inexpensive ram horns

Target has these ram horns in-store for $10 in the Halloween section right now:


They're cast from foam and are hollow, making them very lightweight and a bit squooshy.

For some reason the in-store version is gold instead of horn-colored, but nothing a quick paint job can't fix. Or maybe you're a dragon and WANT them in gold.

They're about 1.5-ish times the size of the plastic "Damon Horns" [sic] at Party City, etc. that a lot of folks currently use.

Some feedback please?

hi again! i have started on the head base for my costume, and i was wondering if i could get some feedback so far! i have no idea how to put images, so heres a link :P


and anothr stupid question- after sewing the fur ect, what do you use to 'stick' the fur to the foam, or should it just stay (i doubt it) after you put it on?

Backwards facing Fur

I'm looking to see any examples people have of suits that have delierately backwards facing fur.

I'm looking at some point to have a hyena suit made and thinking of having the fur on the backs of the legs and the mane facing "upwards" so it tufts up more. Would love to see examples because I know I've seen it done before but I can't remember on what suit.

Thanks guys!

shaveing mongolian fur

I been googling all night and couldn't find a answer to this. I recently got a sample of DF Mongolian fur and think its perfect for the border collie suit I plan to do. I was just wondering how well it will take to shaving for the face markings before I risk my small sample. Would it look alright for large areas shaved down, or should I just stick to small parts or should I just try for long pile fur. I like the scruffiness of Mongolian once you brush it and think it looks more collie-ish than the long pile I seen.

Foam Questions for large head

Hey again guys! This is probably coming from a place of perfectionism and paranoia, but I'll ask anyway. The planning stages are over and now I need to actually buy foam. Choosing foam seems harder than I thought though, even after scouring over all the FAQs at various places.

The head I'll be making is quite large. Not quite "over the shoulders mascot head" large, but still. I drew a picture of about how big the head will be.
The ears are also huge, obviously!
The particular way I'm making the head also factors in. I basically created a 3D model of the shape I wanted, imported it into Pepakura Designer, and then created a pattern suitable for foam instead of paper (I hope).
I'm gonna trace all these shapes onto foam and then assemble it into the head shape, trimming or editing where need be. These weird factors make normal foam estimates kinda useless to me, too.

Basically, I was thinking 1" upholstery foam would be fine for this... but unfortunately my local (barely local) Joann's only has the green foam, and a crummy selection of it at that. It feels firm enough but I'm going to use a lot of white fur. So my options are to either buy those 4-pack sheets from walmart, or buy online where I'd have to know what density to buy without being able to even feel it in person! Joann's website has stuff like this, but is it similar to the walmart foam?? Those foam specialty stores online have way too many options... I'm going to need at least 3000 square inches foam in order to fit the whole pattern twice over. (each piece twice for the left and right side)

Does anyone have any tips on what foam to use? Should I do anything special with the ears? I can always reenforce the inside of the head if it's a bit too soft, I guess... I'm just really nervous about getting this right, especially since I'm on a budget. I'm also going to be making a padded body and legs, and a huge tail.

Does this look right? And teeth?

So, I've made a toony cow head that I'm trying to finish before Friday. She's coming along nicely, but there are a couple of issues I'm having.

Her name is Muffin; being that she's female, should her horns be this big? Or should they be stubbier?
Should they be more curved or straight?
Should she have teeth? If so, how should I go about doing them? I've never made toony flat teeth. :x
Also, is there a good way to get all the tiny shaved fuzz off? When I shaved the head, a lot of tiny "dusty" furs have tangled themselves in the fur (particularly on the pink fleece parts). I've tried brushing, lint rolling, and rubbing it off with my hands, but still the tiny fur bits remain. I just don't want her nose to look dirty from the little black fuzzies that have gotten stuck on it. D:

My Snapshot18
My Snapshot17

head base


Hi again :) I've got another for you guys.
Is there a different way to spot clean a fursuit head without folex or spot shot our place doesn't carry any of those spot cleaners.

What's that foam called?

For the life of me i cant remember what that foam is called, the one that you can use to cast stuff with. Its soft and kinda squishy used to cast foam heads and the like. Where do people get it from in the US, and is it hard to use for someone that hasn't casted anything before?

Tight neck?


Hey guys!

I was wondering, for anyone else who has made/wears a resin head, is the neck supposed to be tight? I just finished a personal head yesterday and I feel like the neck is only tight around my throat, just below my jaw. It's not something I'm crazy angry about, but I was curious if there's a way to fix that. The jaw is layer with 1" of foam which may be why, but it helps articulate the jaw a lot better. The throat problem is not eminent for a few minutes.

The neck also bunches up on me? (which you can see in the photo below) It's fine on my mannequin but when I put it on and zip it up, suddenly, the front makes a little pocket for itself.

The head in question is this one: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14819438/


Getting ready to start, any tips?

So, I've been gathering materials and looking up tutorials, making lots of notes and now I think I'm ready to start my Dewott costume :)
Here's my concept art of what I'm aiming for. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14812396/

So, as a question to all of you more experianced makers out there, what are the most important things to keep in mind when starting a suit?  What are some common first time mistakes to avoid?  I'm just looking for any little pro-tips y'all care to share that might help a newbie out but are too short to make into a full tutorial or something.  Also, any tips specific to follow eyes, digigrade padding and otter faces would be especially appreciated.  Thanks and can't wait to share my progress and panics along the way as I try to figure out all this. XD

Gin search of right color faux fur!

Hello my fellow furs, I am in need of a specific color fur that the fabric store online does not carry anymore. And my fursuit head has that color. ;( any help would be greatly appreciated. As I really want to get my body suit made. Hopefully these pics loaded right. On the left is my head with the color it's like a cream color. The right is light camel color. And I tried golden and both are too dark... I ordered swatches for cream color from a couple sites. But if anyone knows where I can find this fur for sure would be ever so grateful!
Thank you all! image

Help finding the right colors?

I'm making a fursuit of this little guy, and I'm having an awfully hard time finding the right colors. (Sorry for the very messy reference picture, I made it on a whim).

I need to find a grey color, a darker grey, and a dark grey (almost black) color fur. I've looked everywhere, but it's been very hard to find anything. I'm looking for fur that is NOT tipped/frosted, and is about 1"-4" pile long. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!

Critiques on first finished suit?

After a few months of work and an even longer period of research + trial and error, I am happy to reveal my first finished partial, Mena the fennec fox/wolf mix!

She features follow-me eyes, very wiggly ears, and glued seams. (I'll be switching to sewn seams next time.. Too many glue burns to count came from working with glued seams. ;n; )
Anyway, here are a few larger pictures of the individual parts:

Handpaw. (I'm not a huge fan of them; and I'll be remaking them in march or april. I've misplaced my pattern, and I actually need to make one more. )

My tail.

My head, which still needs a few touchups + a neck. Unfortunately, I can't work on those touchups until 2015, because I won't be able to buy new fur until then. ;n;
The full partial (along with the outfit I'll wear with her) viewed from the side to demonstrate follow me eyes.

So far I'm aware that the nose is rather lopsided, the handpaws should be remade, and the head is VERY large. Additionally, my ventilation is in no way spectacular, (although I didn't really expect it to be, with a long muzzle and how much foam I used on it. ) and I was wondering if there were any methods to improving it? (aside from a fan) I already have ear vents and two small vents in the back. behind the ears. Are there any more things I could add to/subtract from it, or general critique? I'd really appreciate any advice, even if it's a little harsh.

Aaand while I'm at it, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who put up with me asking so many questions, and gave me advice on my base along the way!! it definitely helped, and I really appreciate it. ;w;


desperate in need of this color fur.

Hello all. I have posted to the community before. I got some help with some leads, but when I ordered swatches the color did not match. I am awaiting on one more swatch from sy fabrics.
so far
Distinctive fabrics
Sy fabrics,
fabric empyer
these places do not have the color I am looking for any help would ever so aprecaited! :) This pic is my fursuit head and the cream like color I need. SO far all the colors are too yellow from what I need. :(
Thank you all so much!

Foot shape

I've been working on the feet for my Dewott costume today.  Here are some pictures of the first one all foamed up and roughly carved.
What do you folks think?  It's kinda different from the way I've seen most feet made, but I thought this might work and give me a digi-boot instead of carving up big blocks of foam for the legs that don't move with the foot as well.

Finished Partial + Cleaning Questions?

Hey guys, thank you so much for your help with everything! ^^ I was able to finish my cow partial by my deadline of last Friday. So I have a couple photos from the pre-Halloween party I went to wearing Muffin the Cow.

Feel free to give critiques! ^^

My sister (sharkliver on FA) is the gladiator in the photos. :) I'm wearing a halo and wings with Muffin so I was a Holy Cow.
This is my fourth head, and second hands/tail I've made.
The mask has a moving jaw also. :3
I was able to finish the head, and make the gloves and tail, but as of right now, she has no feet. Also, Muffin does have eyelashes, they're just very hard to see against the black. XD

cow cutenessrsz
cow slaughter
holy cow

About the cleaning questions, I would like to give Muffin a bath; no stinky suit for me! However, I've heard many conflicting methods, and I am wondering what to do.
1. How should I clean the inside and outside of the head? I've heard that you shouldn't submerge any parts with foam, but other guides tell you to do this.
2. The right glove gor some red lipstick on it from my sister's makeup-cuts. How can I get this out without damaging the fur?
3. The palms of both hands got a little dirty; can I machine wash the gloves and lay them out to air dry?
4. If my whites become faded in some spots, how can I keep whites bright and clean looking? (I've heard conflicting stories with use of bleach)

Help with legs

Hi, I just finished sewing the leg of my costume, but I have a problem with bending my leg. The front of my leg gets a little tight and the area on the back of my leg with the joint has fabric bunching, giving it resisance and tightness when I bend my knees. Could anyone help?

My first fursuit head

Hi everyone! I'm attempting to make my first fursuit head and... well, it's giving me quite a bit of trouble. I'm trying to make a toony-style tiger on a balaclava base and I'm at a loss of what to do now (besides actually carving out slots for my eyes, I guess). Any advice/red lines would be a huge help. Here's a link to some photos: http://s26.photobucket.com/user/FeralNeko/library/?view=recent&page=1
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