Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Gluing fleece?

So, I decided to use fleece for my fursuit's head, and after a few tries, it looks pretty good. n_n Anyways, now that I have it in place, I realized I don't know how to glue it. D: The head is made out of typical upholstery foam. I thought about using hot glue, as it seems to be everyone's go-to, but I'm not too handy with it. Plus, I live in florida, where it gets relatively.. warm. If I had to leave the suit in a car for some reason, I'd be utterly scared that the glue would remelt :c Anyways, suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated. c:

looking to buy

I need to buy a yard of mm fox black. I would also like to buy some df stoplight red scraps or small pieces.

Realistic Fursuit Building Methods

Hello all!

Recently I've gotten frustrated with dropping $200 for a resin blank made by someone else for commissions or pre-mades. It's not my own work and I'd like to start making my own realistic heads.

Money is not an issue... It's just the "how"; how much time and how many problems can occur.

What method do you guys like to use: Regular foam, expanding foam, resin or some other method?
I don't think I'd like to do regular foam (balaclava and foam) because that's how I make my toony suits.



So I've heard a lot of horror stories about fabric.com's services. I need to order some fur and they have the kind I'm looking for but I'm a bit worried. Should I be okay?

Help with horns

I'm in some desperate need of some help and I figured this would be the best place to ask.

I'm trying to get a fursuit done in time for MWFF and Ive run into a big problem. My character has ram horns. Thought it'd be an easy thing for me to do. I got some vinyl, made the pattern, started piecing it together aaaand my sewing machine can not handle sewing the folded over areas that give them that horn effect.

More info and pics under the cut

Without folding the seams over like I did, it just didn't look nice at all. Just to see if they would look decent at all- I finished them with hot glue but its obvious up close with seams that popped and areas that glue seeped out so I thought Id just use them temporarily so I can keep working on the head.

Sorry the picture flipped xAx Cant seem to get it to go back the other way.

Character design: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14284185/http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14290942/

So what can I do? Any ideas on how I could make the vinyl work? maybe its just my pattern? I cant hand sew it because its pretty obvious and stands out(thanks vinyl). Is anyone able to make toony-ish ram horns like these the proper way for me by mwff? Does anyone know of some premade ram horns? I know of only DVC but Im trying to weigh my options before buying something expensive that might not go good with the toony-ness of the suit.

I live in Germany so me going out and getting supplies to do something different on my own is difficult (I live in the middle of nowhere. Literally corn fields and cattle farms)

Any help or advice would be appreciated :c

Inquiring about eyes

So I'm in the process of planning and gathering materials for my second go at making a suit.  This time, I've decided to make Dewott (see here for what he looks like http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130104223042/pokemontowerdefense/images/b/b7/Dewott.png ).

This suit will have a lot of new challenges for me, like digigrade legs.  But I think I'm up for the challege.  The one part of the design I'm really not sure about is how to do the eyes.  I'd really like to try follow-eyes, but I don't know if they'd look weird on dewott or not.  If anyone could point me at some eye tutorials or even just some eye-styles that could work I'd really appreciate the help.

trimming fursuit heads

I'd like to know if what I have is useable or if I need a different blade or new pair of clippers entirely?

This is what I have http://www.amazon.com/Andis-18465-Easy-Style-Clipper/dp/B007A6IEJQ/ref=sr_1_sc_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1412812089&sr=8-2-spell&keywords=andis+easystyle

it was recommended to me by a friend. I've done small projects and one head with this. Something I noticed though -- and this could be due to the fur or my technique and not even have to do with the clippers but....the fur turned out very choppy and I didn't get a smooth finish like I wanted.

I think the blade itself adjusts from a 000 to a 1 and I believe it comes with guards that measure 0 and 3. Is it possible to trim a head so it looks nice even and get the fur short enough with this tool? If not do I need another blade? I watched a video and it seemed like having a seven would be useful ... but unless it's absolutely necessary I'd like to wait on purchasing more stuff.

And if I'm correct I'd use the 3 guard first then the 0 guard and then my regular blade? I've watched a few trimming tutorials but this is still something I need to get the hang of and it bothers me because I know a good trim can make a HUGE difference and it's something I'd like to make sure I have the right tools for. If I'm set in that area then at least I know it's practice I need not a different trimmer....although I'm sure a new blade probably wouldn't hurt.

piercings on fursuit: help?

okay so, ive having a bit of trouble here trying to figure out how i should go about this..
my character has both plugs/gauges as well as a tongue piercing, but i have absolutely no idea how i should do the tongue piercing any suggestions for that would be great!! waaahh

about the plugs, i wanted them to be hollow like the ones he has. he has really big ones so i have no idea which would fit his ears.

this is what he looks like and and example of his piercings : http://d.facdn.net/art/daipan/1406827265.daipan_entropy.png

any suggestions would b super helpful!! thank you!!

Need a little help

So i am helping a deer friend of mine make a faun  costume and we wanted some white spots on it.
I recall Matrices having a tutorial for making pretty spots using some yarn and a large needle but I have been unsucessful in finding it. i believe it was for her Binturong character. Could anyone help us out?

Edit: Well i found the link, but it missing most of the photos showing some much needed parts :<

Neon/lime green seal/beaver fur?

Frustrated with spots

Hi everyone,
I'm currently making a spotty dog suit but I've noticed a problem with my spots. I've been cutting them, tracing them onto the fur and then cutting out the shape, leaving a border to sew them in. The problem I have is that every spot I sew pulls in the fabric around it so that it's puckering up. It's not so much of a problem on fur since the puckers (is that a word?) are quite small but when I do it with fleece it's really obvious.
What am I doing wrong here? I've tried changing the size of the border I leave with seemingly no effect, are my stitches too tight? I struggle to hand-sew loosely.
Does anyone have any better ways of sewing spots into fur?
Any help would be appreciated- sorry if this is a stupid question, it seems a really simple thing to fix but I'm getting infuriated!


Came up on this sewing machine tonight, owner bought it so long ago and doesn't have any other information. Google gives me little solid information. Just wondering if it's worth any more time investment, maybe someone knows what it is or has worked with one?


Fabric.com are having a thing

Most people who are interested probably got emailed this, but just in case...

Use Coupon Code: FABRIC10 to Save 10% off $100 to $149.99.
Use Coupon Code: FABRIC15 to Save 15% off $150 to $249.99.
Use Coupon Code: FABRIC20 to Save 20% off $250 and up.

LTB specific fur

Hey guys! Never posted here before, hoping I'm doing it more or less right.

My commissioner and I agree that CR's Crafts' honey beige short teddy is the best fur option for their partial I'm working on, but it's backordered-- I placed my order for it nearly a month ago and it still hasn't been shipped, and it's starting to severely affect the timeframe in which I'll be able to do their commission, so I'm cutting my losses and looking elsewhere. Does anyone know where I might be able to buy it that isn't CR's Crafts (I've been furnished with an etsy link that looks like a similar fur, but I think it's honey teddy rather than honey beige short teddy), or have half a yard of it I can take off your hands? I'm willing to pay $17-20 + shipping to 27613.


Head too big?


Hello there!

Recently I picked up a foam base from IsabellaPrice to start work on a Foxy fursuit from Five Nights at Freddy's. I've never worked with a foam cast before, and it's proving to be an interesting experiance so far, mostly in the sense that the head seems to be too big

I'm not sure why, but to me it just looks too large, and I was curious if I could get a second opinion on if in fact it is, or if I'm just nuts~

I've included two images, of the head by itself, and of it being worn. Thank's so much!!

Photo on 10-11-14 at 2.27 PM

Fixing "is my head too big"

Hey there, so I posted yesterday asking advice on if you all thought my new fursuit head was too big.

After studying the photos and thinking about what else I had to still add to it (mohawk and ears) I deemed it too large.

So, I've stripped all the fur off and started trimming and snipping away at the foam.

I've been using the overall size of my old fursuit head as a "guide" (not the shape, just the size) as I really liked the size of it.
It was fine for a partial but also big enough to work as a fullsuit, and that's what I want.

So, here's what I have so far. Do you think I should trim some more off?
The first photo shows what it looked like before I took the fur off. WAYYY too big.
The others are after I've trimmed it down by maybe 1/2 inch. I still think in places I could stand to take a bit more off.


As before, any help would be greatly appreciated. This LJ is always so helpful, you're all seriously awesome people c:

Sewing Bat wings

So I'm working on a Bat bodysuit for someone and I'm getting to the point where I need to sew the wings. However I'm not sure how to go about this part. I'm using a fleece type material for the membranes and its going to be attached along the body and connect with the hand so it all one piece in the end. Plus a couple extra bits between then fingers which are extended out and extra 10 inches or so from the end of the hand.

Guess I'm just wondering if anyone has ny advice on how to proceed here.

Faun Heels

Emergency Buckram, help please??

I'm looking for this type of buckram- Here

I've tried to buy it from them but it asks me to select "type" and I'm not getting any options? So I can't purchase any.
Preferably from someone close to SC. I need to get it in time to finish a halloween rush project. I would be forever greatful!
I only need a paper sized piece, or even half that size. 

Beginner questions and tips?


Hey everyone!  I'm a long time member but a first time maker and I had some questions!

So long story short, my boyfriend baught me a mask cast from spades_wolf and I already have a pretty good idea of what I want to do with it.


I'm going to be massing out and changing some of the shape of the mask with foam, but what I'm unsure about is how to make a convincing beak, horn, and a readable waddle?

The first thing that comes to mind is using tooldip, but I'm not sure if that would be a great idea?  Anyone have any tips for getting a good clean beak like texture?

And anyone have any ideas on best way to go about making a waddle?

Also last question, but how do you go about attatching the mask to the cowl?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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