Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Dorumon Digimon (Dragon Fox) Foam Base Head

Just sharing my foam base head for a Dorumon Fursuit made by myself (Eternal Skyy Costumes) :)
Teeth will be added soon. NOTE: Jaw was sitting at an odd angle sitting on the surface, it's actually perfectly straight otherwise.

Critique is ALWAYS welcome!

Fursuit Sandals?

So I've been poking around and the only tutorial I could find didn't look very good and used EVA foam, which I imagine would wear down awfully quickly.


Can anyone explain how to make ones like these, and where to buy a rubber mat like they're talking about?

Commissions, Parts, and Credentials

Hello everyone! As you may or may not know, I am a fursuit maker and I recently started college, so as for having a workspace, it has really been decreased... a lot! So for the time being, I will start making and selling heads. However, since I'm not in the comfort of my home, I do not want to use chemicals to make resin eyes, jaw sets, teeth, claws, etc. as I have previously done. So here is the question?

When buying parts from other makers or artists (such as head bases, jawsets, claws, eyes, etc.) is there a certain "law" (lack of better word) for claiming ownership? Like, do I have to give credic towards those artists if I were to, say, sell a commission? I never knew how this worked.

So for example, I buy a headbase from DVC, would it still fully belong in my credit?

I know some artists simple would just like a link to see what you've made, but I was curious as to how much credit they'd like to recieve, y'know? I don't wanna fuck up XD
I had no idea how to explain this, so if you understood, a reply would be the best!

Have great days!

Work spaces?

Hi folks! We've got plans to buy a house in the near future. Owning a house means I can make actual changes to the structure, and really customize my work roomroom, and make it a dedicated work space. :)

So now I'm curious, how do you folks have your workspaces set up? Care to share some pictures?

This whole time I've been working in a carpeted room, mostly sitting on the floor. Now I'm thinking it may be good to have a hard floor and possibly cover it in those foam exercise mats--easier to clean, and easier on my butt. But I'm also wondering if getting a big standing table would be a good idea for things like cutting patterns, where I have to do a lot of leaning and stretching. Ideas? Thoughts? Share away! :)

Fur questions

So I'm going to be trying to make my first fursuit. And I'm wondering about colors and types of fur. I was looking at df's site and I want to get the extra long fur for the boots of my paws, I was wondering how well that shaves? Then I was wondering if color matching would be hard?

I was thinking df xtra long grey for the dark parts (shave where needed), the silver from fursuit supplies for the light grey, and fire red df for the red parts. The other question is how to achieve an undercut look on her hair. She's got an undercut on the right side of her head and I'm not sure how to get that look.

Anyone have any extra?


Hello everyone, I was going to purchase a yard of the Punky Muppet Copper from Mendal's but with shipping it comes to $45! Holy crap that's expensive for a yard of fur! I tried seeing if DF, fabric.com, and even shannon fabrics had any, but they dont, it only seems Mendal's does. :c

Would any one by chance have a yard they could sell to me? Or know of  place that sells the copper color? I kind of need it soon, thanks in advance!

Best fursuit shaving clippers?

I'm thinking of investing in one of the professional-level clippers, but I'm getting conflicting opinions. The Oster A5 Turbo looks like a popular choice, but Andis models look good too. Amazon has a myriad of different choices and it's hard to decide what exactly I'm going to need and not spend more than I have to. I can afford the big name $150 ones, so I'm willing to splurge if they're worth the price. And I'll also be picking up a 7F blade as well.

The one I've heard reccommended are the Andis ProPet and the Oster A5 Turbo. I've used a Wahl before and while it did a good job, it was a little uneven. So far I've been using a ConAir something and it's not all that great.

Looking for a fur.

Smiley husky redline?

I'm working on a smiley/derpy husky suit at the moment, and would appreciate any advice or redlines!

xander wip

This head is actually built off of a 3D printed base (specifically this one here) that was way too small for the commissioner, so I had to pull all the pieces apart and expand them carefully. Due to that, the lower jaw is going to be permanently slightly open while on the commissioner, which works perfectly for the derpy expression he wanted. One of the ears is also going to be a bit floppy, which is why it's been chopped off :P

I've also had to pad it out a ton to try and lessen the blocky shapes of the base itself, and dremel out larger eye-holes for a toonier look. The printed "face" is stuck to a baseball-cap like thing so it's not as claustrophobic as a balaclava.

If anyone thinks anything should be adjusted, please let me know! This is the first base of this type I've worked with, and the first time I've had to foam anything this extensively. The only thing I can maybe think of doing is taking the upper edge of the smile and bringing it down towards the muzzle some. 

Anyone have ideas how to make a moving jaw for a head above mine?

I want to make a flamingo costume. The idea is my head will be in the chest of the flamingo the shape hidden with feather ruffles. I'd like to build a neck and head built either coming up from a backpack or on a headdress like this

I want to have a bird tweeter in my mouth while being able to move the beak like a puppet, so ideally instantaneous, lightweight, quiet and easily triggered with a squeeze of my hand or something.

edit: found this

Think it'll work for what I want?

My very first tail (pattern)

So I'm trying to crunch time with a faun suit (I want it done by Halloween x.x) and spent yesterday drafting and redrafting a pattern.


here is what I've come up with.

I'm pretty happy, what do you guys think? (please don't be mean)

also for the paw marking, I was honestly thinking that instead of cutting out each individual piece, I'd just cut out a square of white fur and sew it to the back--once I have the seams all picked out it shouldn't be noticeable, right?

Fur help!

Hi everyone,

I am completely new to buying fur online, and I'm thinking about going with fabric.com's furs. They have quite a few different kinds (I think) and I have no idea which is a good one to go with. I'm working on a raccoon, and there isn't really a specific type of fur I need, just the average soft, good quality fur you see on most suits.

I need a dark brown/grayish color, a light beige grayish color, and then a lighter beige grayish color, almost white.
So my question is... what do you think would be the best type of fur to go with on fabric.com?
And if you know of a better site that could ship to canada, that would be great. All I know of is fabric.com.

Sorry for being so vague about the type of fur I need! Thanks for reading though!!

Alright be honest.

How silly does he look?


Yes the whole head is sorta smooshed on one side. He's a miscast.

The wig was originally for a costume but it looks far too fat on my other half's head, so I've been throwing it on fursuit heads to see how it looks. Not sure if I want to keep it yet, but it's growing on me!

A big general post (need help)

So I notice I've been posting here an awful lot lately and decided I was just going to make one big master post to get the last few things I need help with outta the way.

1) Wigs, horns and ears (oh my)

So I'm hopefully going to be getting a wig in time for this cosplay's debut. If you don't already know, I'm making a goat / deer faun.

I ordered a pair of dvc antler tips (the cute little nubby two pointers) to go with. I'm not sure what to do about attaching them to the wig. My first thought was to cut a slit in the web backing of the wig, attach the antlers to small pieces of craft foamies, then glue the foamy bit to the inside of the wig with the antlers poking through the slits. But I have no idea if that'll work.

and ears..I'm not even sure what to do about ears (the actual making of them). I know I'm going to use little hair clips to attach them to the wig. The problem is, I'm not sure how to construct them. The one tutorial I found didn't look very promising (and they showed no pictures of a finished product) so I'm at a bit of a loss there.

2) Hooves.

I have some dvc hooves (large cloven) that I'm going to use for the project. I just..don't know what to do with them. I have no idea how to finish the bottom or attach them to shoes or fur them or anything. My original plan was to use a pair of heels (height advantage woo) but that sounds even more complex and I'd like to keep it simple. Does anyone have a tutorial for using dvc hooves?

Wolf Sculpt

Hey! Long time no see!

So I'm working on my Halloween costume for this year and I'm trying something new. I'm doing a sculpt of a wolf mask that I plan on casting and using in a faux wolf pelt headdress. It's going to be a direwolf/werewolf, but I want it to be as realistic as I can get it. This is the first time I've sculpted a realistic head, but I'm kinda surprised how stumped I am working on this!
I plan on ordering a DVC nose and eyes (the ones you'll see in the pics are just place holders), but I wanted to get the rough shape and size of the rest of the face first because I have NO IDEA what size to order. Actually, if you can suggest a size nose/eyes for a realistic-style werewolf or direwolf, that'd be great too!

Anyway. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. Let me know if you see any problems- symmetry, size or otherwise- happening yet. Redlines also great!

'Soft and Comfy' fabric?

I'm looking at Joanne's 'soft and comfy' fabric because it came up when I looked up 'short fur'. What is it, exactly? Is it minky fur? Or just long fleece? Would it be suitable to use on a suit as a short fur?

Things are starting to come together..(a few last things)

Okay. So. I have most of what I need planned out.

I'm going to be using Joanne's soft n comfy fleece for the main part of my legs. They're going to be similar in design to http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13386584/ marking wise. The main color will be gray, with black accents and white spots, as well as a white belly / tail underside combo. The black and white will be regular length fur. I'm also going to give her furry 'legwarmers' (for lack of a better term) where the fur will go from gray to black, short to long pile all the way to the hooves.

I don't want my crotch to look poofy, but using fleece would make it pill up when I walk. Am I just too concerned or should I shave the fur down?

I'm having problems envisioning the digigrade padding, though. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14703609/ is my pattern. I don't know if I'm just being too picky or what but it doesn't look right to me. Critiques, please? I'm going to be using the pillow method.

My ear plan is to get some plastic canvas, cut it out in the shape of the ear (base unfurled) then a sleeve over that of fleece / fur. I'll sew the sleeve shut, then roll the base and add some stitches through the fleece (using yarn) to hold the base together. Then I sew barrettes onto the ends to clip to my wig. The stitches are going to be both functional AND design oriented. My plan for those is fleece for the back, then a thin strip of fur outlining the inner ear + more fleece for the 'deep' inner ear, to give it some fluff.

I'm wearing a black underbust corset with a white 'pirate' undershirt and a black curly wig.

I'm not sure how to attach the horns to the wig--I don't want to use a headband. I've noticed that with one of the wigs I have, it has a more mesh-like underside. Could I slip the antlers through that and secure them with craft foam on the underside? (they're the DVC antler points, not large or heavy).

I think this should be my last post unless something goes wrong :x

(newbie) is this the right kind of fur?


i'm planning on making my first fursuit - a creamy-white and pink corgi (apologies for the astoundingly bad picture quality/resizing) - and i was wondering if this fur in off-white would be okay to use for the cream parts and this fur in blossom for the pink parts?

they're both the perfect colours and all, and i was linked to that site as a place to get good fur and it looks promising, but they look...i don't know, a little short. you guys are all better at this than me, please could you tell me if i should get these?

thank you! <3

Eye color and visibility


How much does eye color (read: color of the mesh you see out of) affect visibility?

Is it much harder to see out of a lightly colored eye, especially one without a pupil, than a dark eye or one with pupils in general?

Quickly doodled example:

The first fursuit I can think of to compare this to would be like Telephone the Angel Dragon who has white centered eyes.

I am asking this because I'm planning on making a head with just plain yellow eyes and all I've worked with before has been dark/black tearducts.


I'm looking to buy some realistic resin eyes for my wolf sculpt (which, btw, I'm still looking for crit on). I know of DVC and StuffedPanda's Etsy, but I'm looking for more options with shipping within the USA.
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