Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Redlines/critique on first foam base?


So... I've finally finished my first ever foam base!! She's a fennec/wolf mix, (big ears, long muzzle) and I was just wondering if anyone had critique/things I can fix on her before foaming. (I also have a couple of concerns I'd like to ask about as well.

Now, onto my concerns.

1. My biggest concern is the muzzle, which has a much larger than normal split in it. I'm not sure if I've been tentative on bulking it up and filling it out though, because my mouth is already very small, and I don't want less airflow than I've already got >m<.

2. I'm not really sure about my "smile lines" (the cuts I made in the cheeks so that she appears to be smiling from the front) should I fleece them or fur them inside? Or both? And are they too small? I know small details can be covered up after the fur adds a good half inch to the whole thing.

3. A good portion of the character's head is white, and due to poor planning, the majority of that white is where most of the green foam is .-. . Would it be alright to cover the green parts in white fleece, just in case the green can be seen after shaving?

4. Are the eyebrows too small/ close to the head? The character I'm making doesn't have eyebrows, so I tried to tone it down a bit, but I think i did too much. They blend in pretty well imo.

(Sorry for this HUGE wall of text! Thanks in advance to anyone who went through this whole post!!)

Teddy Heather vs Medium Brown

Can anyone show me suit that show the difference between CRS teddy heather brown and medium brown?  They both seem so dark but I can't get a good idea of how much one is darker than the other. 

Repurposing Mongolian fur...?

Hi all,

is it possible to remove the "stringy" look from Mongolian fur (the type of Mongolian that resembles the Luxury Shag)? If I use a hair dryer and a brush, will it straighten? I'd also be trimming it shorter, if that's any help.


OKAY I've tried airbrush paint, acrylic paint, paint pens. What in the name of sky cake can I paint milliput/apoxie sculpt with that won't chip off when hit with a stiff breeze but I can apply with a paint brush. 

Examples of Mendels/FursuitSupplies Copper fur in action?

I'm trying to match an amber colored mink-style fur with something shaggier for fluffy accents. This is kind of a tricky hue... it's not red enough for MM Rust and not yellow enough for DF Camel/Caramel, it's pretty solidly in the middle. A 'pure' orange, if you will... but not neon, either!

The Copper Shag photo on FursuitSupplies looks very close, but if it's the same as Mendels punky muppet copper then I can't be sure... the photo on Mendels is completely useless. D:

If anyone can verify if these Coppers are the same, tell me if they lean more towards red or gold, or better yet, show me what they actually look like on a suit, that would be awesome!

How the heck do you close a tail? :c

So I'm working on a tail for my first suit.

Here's the pattern for it. There's also a thin tapering panel that runs along the bottom, since I want to use a different color fur there.


It's somewhat wide at it's base, and I want it to have a flat base to rest against my lower back/rear.

I'm making a mockup tail out of muslin since I don't have much sewing or patterning experience. I have it all sewn up except the base. I just can't seem to get it to work out, no matter what I try. The panel always ends up too big or too small, or it gets all wrinkly and weird.

So my question is, when making a flat-based tail, how in the world do you figure out what size and shape the base panel needs to be to fit the hole properly? Is there an actual method for doing it, or is it more guess-and-check? I feel like I'm overcomplicating it. :c

one size fits all fursuit feet? is there a set in stone way to do it?

i checked memories but really didn't see anything so i hope im not digging up old questions.

i really do not like building off a shoe for feet, i was wondering about one size fits all or most feet where the wearer could shove in a shoe if they would like for extra support.

whats the best way of doing this so it fits most feet? i was thinking maybe working it out happy feet are made where its stuffed tightly on the inside. but i just want to make sure its pretty supported if that makes sense.

i thought i'd ask everyone here because this would be the place that would know!

Flying Southwest with an action packer and LEDs?

Hey guys!

I plan on flying Southwest Airlines out of Lambert in St. Louis on labor day weekend. It's my first time trying to take an action packer and I noticed the max width+height+length is 62'' for checked bags and the 24 gallon action packer checks out at 63.2''. :/ Has anyone flown Southwest with a container that size before? I'm not sure HOW picky they're going to be, I don't want to get charged $75 over an inch.

Secondly, does anyone know if they'd be unhappy with LEDs/batteries? I plan on taking a tail with LEDs in it and wasn't sure if that'd look suspicious. Thanks! :)

Fursuit head coloring

Is there a way to add a few small details in the fur of a fursuit, like different color fur in some spots? Maybe without using an airbrush.

Padded fursuits, how do you do it?

I'm really wanting a bear fursuit or a monster that require quite a bit of body padding. I just don't know where to start though. Do you glue the padding on the dive suit? If so how do you wash your suit? I don't want to be cute and smelly. The padding is really just lower body padding, like legs, belly and butt.

I have no idea what to do....can anyone post some tips or even a tutorial? :(


Feet Soles

Hey! Hopefully someone here can help me out. I'm looking to redo my mousie's feet. I had used pink yoga mat rubber for the feet soles which was a pretty bad idea. I have replaced them once already and they need it again badly. I want something more durable so I don't have to do this after every other con. :P I found those floor mats (the interlocking tiles you use under exercise equipment) in pink, but when I tried to order was told I need to order 6 at a time which I totally do NOT need and is expensive.

So does anyone know where I can find foot soling material in pink that will hold up to some wear and tear, and I don't have to order 12 feet of it or pay an arm and a leg? Thanks!

Fursuiting San Diego area

I am sorry if this isn't the place to post this here. But not sure where to post this. I live in San Luis obispo area. And I be in the San Diego and solana beach area. I will in there for a week. I will be bringing one of my fursuits. And was hoping I can meet up with some local furs n have some suiting fun in San Diego? ^,^ my FA is shakarri28 if anyone wants to note me there or message me here is fine too.
Thanks millions hope to meet some more awesome furs n have some suiting fun. ^,^

Updated Husky Foam Head

I took what you guys suggested last time (http://fursuit.livejournal.com/6081556.html) and I'm about to wrap it up and get the pattern so I can start furing.
But before I do that, is there anything that I could improve? Like last time redlines would be helpful. Thanks! :)

New To fursuiting need help D:

The other day I decided I wanted to make a fluttershy fursuit for an event in November but I have minimal/no idea how or what I am meant to be doing any help would be great (For the record I'm 14 and most of the supplies will be coming from my parents :P)

Could I get some crits on my head?

I'm stuck without motivation to sew my fur, so I'd like some crits on my head so far.

The eyes are just kinda gently placed in this one

Preference on body padding?

Hello everyone!

I have a question for anyone who has done body padding on a fursuit before. Does anyone have a personal preference for which type of padding they like to use? Straight foam padding? Or stuffed 'pillow' padding'?...or maybe some weird combination of both?
Ive only ever worked with straight foam padding before, and never really had any issues with it, but always kinda worried when it came to washing it, worrying that it might get mildewy and what not (Im from Louisiana so its fairly humid here), or detach from the costume cause ive always used glue to hold it in place, with fabric to cover them. I have a commission that im working on for someone and it required digitigrade legs (im making Renamon if anyone was curious) and I just wanted to get some insight from others on what they liked using and maybe why they prefer that type of padding.

Any advice/suggestions would be great, so thanks for taking the time to look at this!

Looking for some tips on a pant suit c:

So last year, I made some digitigrade faun legs for the local renaissance faire. However, this year, I would like to re-create the pants and work out the things I didn't like about the first pair. Along with using a duct-tape dummy and using an actual pants pattern, I'd like to get some advice from this skilled community to see if I can work out the kinks c:

A bit about the pants themselves: I don't have any pictures, but basically it was a pair of thin sweatpants sewn onto a pair of comfortable shoes, with carved white upholstery foam sewn onto the top of my thighs, back of my calves, and the tops of my feet, and then the actual fur pants over top of that, glued onto the shoes.

1. So my first kink was the foam pads. Someone told me to sew them on instead of glue them on, but I had a lot of trouble with sitting down and having the stitches rip out (I'll get back to that in another question). The main problem I had with the suit was that the foam pads were almost constantly shifting around and falling down, dragging my waistband down with it. I spent the whole day pulling my pants up. Is this a normal occurrence with foam pads? Or did I do something wrong? Do people put belts inside the suit or something? I couldn't figure out how to include a belt without it looking super weird...

2. Stitching the foam pads on. I think this had a lot to do with why my pads were shifting around so much. Does anyone have tips or a guide on how to properly attach foam padding? or is there a better method to making digitigrade legs? What sort of pants should I be using inside the fur layer?

3. The third thing I was really disappointed with was the stretchiness of the fur. I want the suit to be as tight as possible, but I noticed that if I pinned the fur too tight, it wouldn't stretch enough for me to sit. Is there a good method of making a skintight costume? I was thinking I could make the fur tight in all the non-bendy places but have a bit of extra fur around my knee and ankles. Thoughts?

4. What's the best way to attach the tail? I sewed it right onto the pants but the tail kept drooping and pulling the back of my pants with it; I really wanted the tail to stand up at a 45 degree angle (not straight up, but not down either). Would it just be better to let the tail droop? In your opinion, would that look better?

That's all I can think of for now. Those were my main burning questions. Hopefully you all have some good tips, tricks, and advice for me :) Thank you!

NYC Garment District?

Hey all! I've been crazy busy and haven't had much time to get on LJ lately, I've missed you all. :<

I've got the opportunity to spend some time in New York City next month and I'm planning on hitting the garment district while I'm there to find some nice materials! Those of you that have shopped there for furs, what stores are your favorites? Which ones should I not bother with? Any tips for haggling on price?

And if you haven't shopped for fabrics, but you've visited/are from the NYC area, feel free to offer other suggestions like must-see attractions, and good places for lunch or dinner. We'll be spending two days there so we'll have a little bit of time to hang out. :)

Looking for short yellow fur


I'm trying to find a short pile, yellow fur for a future duckling gryphon.
All I've been able to find so far is DF fur, which I am avoiding at all costs.

Is there a nice, short yellow out there that I'm overlooking or have I made a terrible design mistake?

I'm willing to take anything from cubby and teddy length furs to a thick seal.

So I'm seeking a use-your-own-eyes canine-type base/wanting to mod a typical base...

Hi all,

Anyone here that's used any of the DVC canine/fox bases, do you think they could be modified to become a "use your own eyes" style and not look utterly stupid while so doing?  I've never even touched one of their bases before, so I literally have no idea how they are able to fit on someone's face, and there seem to be very few pictures of people wearing their unfurred WIP bases for me to get any sort of idea.

Basically, I need to make a werewolfy, snarly type face (okay, it's Kurama the nine-tails, from Naruto), using my own eyes with black eye makeup and red cat-eye contacts to blend in.  Unfortunately due to prior commitments, I really don't have time to sculpt and cast this myself...  I have only 6 weeks before the event that I NEED this head for, and plenty of other things to do (DragonCon-related) in the meanwhile, so I'm in a bit of a pickle.  I have a Dremel, a heat gun and some resin clay, and some other basic crafts skills from years of cosplay... I have foam and such to add lumps and bumps where needed, and I can reshape or remove any lumps or bumps that need it.. I can make my own jawset with sculpey teeth.  Oh, AND I also have an ultracal cast of my own actual face, so if I need to heat the blank to get it to fit around my eyes and face better, I can actually do that, without burning my face!  Normally I'd jump at the chance to FINALLY sculpt and cast this blank on my own... but is just too big of a time crunch to do this from scratch, especially given that things don't often go how I'd planned the FIRST time around.

Also, there's the fact that I'm allergic to Smooth-on's resin, that doesn't help at all.  :(  I really wish I was joking... uncured resin hates me.  I CAN'T do this in a hurry.  Every time I try to rush resin, no matter how much protective equipment I use, I always wind up having to go to the doctor for a steroid shot and pills to cure the weeping, maddeningly itchy, painful rash I always get within MINUTES of exposure.  I don't even know HOW it got on me last time!  I didn't spill any of it, plus I was wearing gloves and a full face shield with total coverage, and I STILL got it on my face... (anyone else with this problem?  If so, how do you handle it???)

Um, alternatively, anyone here have or know someone who makes resin bases (preferably in black) that they'd sell me one of, that could be modded for this purpose?  :/   Or best of all, that's actually DESIGNED to be used with your own eyes?

Thanks in advance.  I didn't even know I was supposed to be making this head until LAST NIGHT, so I'm already kind of mad at my hubby about this, lol.....
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