I'm still on the lookout for the perfect long-pile amber fur to go with a shorter mink I found at a local discount/outlet store. Today I got some swatches in the mail from FursuitSupplies, and it's just as I feared... Caramel is way too yellow, Copper is way too reddish brown.
brushed-out caramel on the left, mink in the middle, copper on the rightYou can see
here how tricky it is to capture the mink fur's color... there's subtle tips here and there and it's very shiny, so sometimes it looks more gold and sometimes it's more orange. Still not really close to either of these though... and bright/neon orange is right out.
Well, I started checking out some international suppliers, and I think I may have found a good match from MohairBearMakingSupplies in the UK... their
Golden Russet fur. The amber bits look spot-on! The cream base and dark guard hairs should match other parts of the suit, too c: I'm totally willing to drop the cash on an overseas order if that's what it takes for this partial to be truly awesome, but not sight unseen, and it appears these guys don't do swatches or samples :c
So, if anybody in the UK has a scrap of this stuff they'd be willing to ship to the US for me to compare in person, it would be greatly appreciated ;_; Or if anyone can suggest an alternative fur in the States I may have overlooked somehow, go ahead!
And so this entry isn't just me asking fur questions again, here's a sneak peak of what it will be going towards!
Voila! Snarky fox, first fursuit, probably destined to remain a partial if I have to order fur all the way from the UK lmao. I wanted something different from the standard rust fur you see on like every single fox suit, though!
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer! This is my first real attempt at fursuit making and I don't want to half-ass anything, including the fur choices.