Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Durable feet claws: Vinyl got holes. Resin paint chips off. What to use?

As a user of Vinyl because of its durability, I recently found out that....
Cement rubbed against the foot claws from walking up steps and created small (unnoticed) holes, fabric was not durable enough and prefer to get more durability.

Is there a more durable type of white plain colored vinyl out there? Should I use white plasti dip? Should I just ditch that and use paper clay or resin for the feet?
I have Minwax: Policrylic protective spray. People mention a type of protective spray to use over resin and over clay. Is that enough to protect the claws from rubbing against cement stairs? What's the name of the spray that would work for this or does the spray I own currently work just as fine? Will the paint chip off?

Fur search and wig care?


I bought a fursuit second hand from a user on furaffinity. It only came with a head, arms and tail, no feet. So I'm going to have to make my own feet. The problem is, when I contacted the maker about what furs were used in the suit they were both local furs (maker lives in the uk I believe) and the brown, called "honey bear" they believe, has been discontinued. I'm posting here to see if anyone has anything close to these colors.

The suit head

The grey against df grey. Not quite the same.

The brown against df brown, df brown is too dark.

Also I had one more question. The suit came with a wig with faux dreadlocks. I took them out and brushed the wig but it's quite frizzy and hard to handle. Is there anyone out there with wig experience to help me out. It's my first time. I just would like to know how to keep the frizz down without killing the wig. Thank you all for your help. Sorry if my pics are super huge, I'm on mobile right now and I don't know how to resize

Tooldip vs Paperclay vs Celluclay for beaks

I sincerely apologise in advance for any mistakes I have made in joining and/or posting to this community. I have been looking through the beak memories and was wondering which one is most efficient in terms of lightness, gloss, sturdiness, appearance and easiness to paint/sand. I found tooldip or plastidip, as I'm pretty sure they are the same thing but different brands, to be expensive if it turns out I need a litre. Probably due to the shipping, not being readily available at hardware shops like Bunnings but I found it at Autobarn and I might do some ringing around to ask whether they have it or not. I tried paper mache with my first fursuit head's beak which was rushed and of course turned out horrible because of that. It was too clumpy and I didn't lay it down correctly making it wrinkle. So I'm wondering if I should try again with celluclay this time which again, is not readily available so I'll have to ship it but sounds pretty good with a sealer from what I've heard. Paperclay is another option but I'm unsure about using it. I'm worried about the heaviness of paperclay if I do end up using it? Just how good is celluclay in fursuits?
Just how much plastidip would I need for a macaw beak for factoring in the price?
Would it be better to get a couple of aerosols or dip it in a litre bucket? How do you attach the beak to the fursuit, do you leave an area of foam uncovered and sew it on?
Sorry for all the questions I am just really confused. I'd greatly appreciate feedback. :)

Making a dragon mask, what to use?

ok, so this isn't exatly fursuiting, but you guys might be able to help me anyway.

I'm doing a cosplay where I want to make a dragon mask that I can use liquid latex to mold to my head/face. I'm using a tin foil base, and probably paper mache for durability. What should I use to get a smooth/scaly surface? prefferably something that can be done in about 2 weeks

10% off your fist order for business cards and other cool stuff!

I really like Moo.com for business cards; they're really thick and glossy (unless you choose matte ;P).  They also have stuff like customizable stickers and letterheads and such.
Plus its really easy to upload designs.  Just grab the template and go to town!

Here's a link for 10% off your first order:

Just wanna share the love since I got hooked on them :D

A few more questions

This is my last post for a while, I promise. XD

With my new cow head, I've run in to some furring issues that I'd like to fix.

1. I sew everything together and then fit it up over the head. I draw on the "seam-lines" so I know exactly where to sew. Even with sewing right on the lines, when I put the fur over the face, I find it's kinda loose and baggy in spots. Ways to avoid this/fix this?

2. The seams inside (under the fur) make it look like it has spots where it bulges on the surface. It's making the back of the head look very square. :( When you rub the fur on the face, you can feel every seam quite noticeably. I fear shaving it because you'd be able to see the bulges where the seams are up under the fur. How can I fix this to where the seams lay flat/are not so noticeable?

Newest suit head!


Hey guys just wanted to show off my newest made suit head. It is a realistic Pink and purple "bubblegum" themed tiger! :D
I had a lot of fun with it and it is my most airbrush intensive suit so far. ( I have another suit I'm making that had minor airbrushing.)
I also Have Leds in the eyes and teeth. They glow green!

Close Up
Leds 1
Leds 2

I have this suit up for sale on furbuy so if you do choose to post any sort of critique I would like you to pm it to me, please.

You can view all of my WIPs and my other fursuit work in my Gallery!

Thanks for looking! 

Translucent Silicone: What to use for paw pads and feet?

I've been researching silicone for many many many months lately, and i'm feeling a bit un-confident with things.

Well, my favorite things are translucent with glitter/starry effects, and after dreaming of creating a very shiny glitter see-through silicone and researching how to do it for the longest time: I found exactly what I was trying to make for a few years!

*Does Dragon Skin Silicone have this same translucent effect? Or is this maybe another brand? The only time I seen Dragon Skin is when it's not translucent at all.

*Does Shore Hardness 30 work well for paw pads? I don't like sticky or squishy very much, but i'd like in between clay-hard and the normal feel that paw pads tend to have. Nothing like silicone toys at the store. I'd like not-very soft, kind of like how there is a little bit of squishy feeling like the snake toys at stores that don't stretch, just a liiiitle bit of squish. Can this be achieved with the translucent effect? Would I use Silicone Thickener to get it like this? D: sounds expensive.

*Can I cure silicone without expensive equipment? I found there was a cheap way to create a vacuum chamber. Am I fine without using a vacuum chamber?

*Is the shine created from NOVOCS™ GLOSS and NOVOCS™ MATTE Silicone Solvents or another brand likely?

*Shore hardness 55-60 I heard is ideal for feet. I kind of wonder HOW long this would last compared to flat rubber. Mentioned: Reoflex and Silicone as choices for this. Is there a way to create the same translucent effect for feet pads that are durable or nope?

*Do I really have to wait 16 hours to cure? Would any accelerators work or mess up the paw pads/noses I create? What Accelerators would I use for this project?

*Would I lay fleece or fabric (what type?) on top of the silicone as it cures or would I have an adhesive do this job? I heard E6000 doesn't work!

First fursuit, critique my progress?

Hey guys! I've been working on a partial fursuit of my Shiba Inu sona Spooky and was wondering what you guys thought of my progress! This is my first ever attempt so maybe you guys can point out some stuff I'm doing wrong that I've missed.


I've been working on this guy for about three days off and on (workin' life).


I'll probs cut some ear vents into the head as I heard that those are really helpful for venting heat.

Since I have a bad chin (it's small and the strap I sewed into the balaclava kept slipping off) I made myself a prosthetic sculpy chin that I glued directly to the strap. Problem solved. Ha! I'll have to line it with something comfy later on.


Also I've finished up these cute beantoe handpaws that I based off of a picture I found earlier. (colors are by chance, didn't notice they were IDENTICAL until I finished, whoops.)


And my ref!

Thanks so much guys!

Critiques/redlines again please C:

Pfffttttt, back again because I can.

Last post: http://fursuit.livejournal.com/6072552.html

Picture 023Picture 025Picture 021Picture 016

Slimmed down the muzzle quite a bit more as suggested, and he's taking on more of a German Shepard look now, which is okay-ish. I'm probably gonna take a bit more off.

The eyes have not been completely fixed, but the holes have been cut bigger towards the muzzle to avoid favoring one eye. I'm thinking I'll probably have to widen the face to make them look proper, get better vision, and not set them all the way in the back of the hole like I've got cut out.

His lower jaw makes him have a severe under-bite, and will be jut out further.

A few questions again...
  A. How do I deal with the overhang of the eyebrow when I start to fur?
  B. I feel like the cheeks aren't pronounced enough. Do you guys think they'll stand out under fur?
  C. How would I go about thin, bat-like ears? I can't use taxidermy ear-liners, but that would be fabu to use.

Thanks in advance! C:


Do you need a business license to make fursuits?

and if so, where/how do you go about getting one o _ o?

Starting to foam, need help with shapes and redlines

Hi there! I'm a long time lurker, new to LiveJournal, and not a very good fursuit maker (well I think so). Which is why I could use you guys help. I want to do this one right!

I just got the tube/helmet thing made and before I even start adding a muzzle or ears, I would like some redlines/feedback. It's gonna be a husky/ canine head. I've always ran into this 5head problem were the eyes seem tiny compared to the forehead and that it still looks like a tube when furred.

As you can see there is this vast 5head and I didn't know what side of the head would look like.

The elastic strap is there so I can put it on like a hat without having it in my face, kinda like Beastcub does hers.
So yeah, those are my markups and they don't look to good. Any help would be great! Thanks!

Fur swirls?

For a convention next year, I want to try making a fursuit of Aramashira from The Witch And The Hundred Knight. However... she's got a swirl pattern that covers her whole back, and I'm not sure how I'd go about recreating that. :'|

[sorry for the phone photo quality; I don't have a scanner]

I've heard that airbrushing colour onto dark fur doesn't work, but could I airbrush black lowlights onto coloured fur? I was also curious if sewing or gluing coloured swirls of unspun wool into a black fur base would be doable.
I'm thinking of using unspun wool for the tails, since it appears to braid nicely and would probably look better than braided pillows of faux fur.


High Transparency Adhesive?

Hi, I'm looking to follow the tutorial here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/9787843/
And the tutorial states to use high transparency adhesive but I'm not sure which would be a good brand to use and see out of. Can anyone help?

One other thing: I'm looking for a soft, breathable, fabric to use for chest binding that wicks away sweat. Can someone recommend anything?

Need help finding fur colors please!

So I want to work on making myself a new fursuit, but unfortunately I've challenged myself by making a character with hard colors to match....silly me >_<.

So here are the main colors of my character:

The first purple is pretty easy to find in a few places. I'm not having any troubles there, but the second one is very hard. I'm almost wondering if I'm going to have to resort to using a light pink in order to get the lighter contrast I'm looking for, but I wanted to ask you guys if you've seen a close color to this in a long fur first before I give up and do the pink.

Also what is a really good fur to use for a nice beige/creamy colored fur that is super thick and fluffy/long fur that is good quality.
It would be for her neck fluff:

Thanks guys!

Does this nose look as fugly to you as it does to me?

Made this nose out of sculpy and something seems off. I'm gonna spray it with filler primer and then spray it sky blueish.



It hardly stays on because duct tape, oops.

Ok, one last progress check! Please critique!

I started my second wolf head of my fursona, Akota, quite recently. I'm not too happy with it, but I hope I can improve as I continue making fursuit heads. (And I have a lot of time to do so...! I'm only 14 haha.)

I already started to add on some ductape, sorry about that, but I could always remove duct tape to alter the head if anyone has any critiques.

Also, I think the ears look.... off. If anyone could help me with this, it'd be hugely appreciated!
(My biggest apologies about the poor lighting in the photos... It's difficult to get decent light in this room.)

Oh, and for the nose, should I glue it directly onto the muzzle, or should I carve out a sort of notch for the nose to fit in, so it
doesn't bulge out?


Crocks for fursuit feet?

Has anyone ever used them? They're made entirely of foam so my thoughts are that hot glue would adhere very well. My roommate recently made some feet paws on a pair and they look great! (I don't just wanna start tugging on them to test its strength because that's just rude :P) but have you ever used them? Do you know anyone who has?

I'm asking because they are insanely comfortable but way too tacky to actually wear in public imho

I'd love to know what you think~

Redline please

Resized the images to a useful scale. This is my second fursuit head, first try at a feline and first try at a moving jaw, so I'm looking for some advice on getting it to look right.

The character is missing his right eye, so I've opted to merely narrow the right eye opening and I intend to use black mesh to convey the missing eye without compromising my vision.

My main concern is that I was trying to make the cat a siamese, but I think it might be leaning too much towards canine at this point. Maybe when I add the cheeks and ears it'll look right?


Also, for a moving jaw, what sort of cheek works the best? A solid cheek with the bottom jaw sliding underneath it or a curved strip along the edge of the bottom jaw?

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