Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Help with moving jaw

I have looked and cannot find anything helpful, can someone help?
I want to make a moving jaw on a all foam, cat head.
(if possible...)

and if possible, does anyone have any tips on making a cat fursuit muzzle/face, and cheeks/neck- my fursuit heads always look like buckets!- thanks!

and does anyone know of any places to go in your fursuit (conventions) in Melbourne? i'm in year 8.

sorry for all of the questions---

Nevermind-- I got one!

OK, so my man's been really excited about getting an airbrush for his next costume.

Does anyone know of an under-$150 brush + compressor kit that's okay for fursuits? I'll admit that I don't know diddly about paint in general and even less than airbrushes-- they're all on about horsepower and PSI and gravity feed and what? I just want it to shoot paint D:

We're from Canada so we're restricted to Amazon.ca and Ebay for the most part (we tried local and they're all ridiculously out of our price range). I found this one which seems decent (the American site has more reviews and it averaged to 4/5 stars) and I'm wondering how this one does for painting fur. I really just want to get my feet wet on a few suits so I can determine whether or not I want to invest more later. I'd be using it to blend furs and do some minor detailing, I wouldn't be painting the entire costume or anything like that.

Thanks for your help! <3

Fabric.com: Save 15% on Faux Fur


This weekend, save 15% on Faux fur at Fabric.com It's already marked down so there is no coupon code.
Sale ends 06.01.14 (June 1st) at Midnight ET.



Heeey, me again!

I've had a poke through the memories, and some websites for tutorials about flex-foam, but unfortunately they're not the most clear.

I'm wanting to make some larger claws with flex-foam so they can be more durable than using actual foam that's been covered with fleece or vinyl, and can potentially be damaged (as well as look imperfect).

I've been looking into ideas, and flex-foam does seem to be the best solution, since it can create a good and smooth appearance, and it won't be hard enough to do any damage.

I can understand making the claws out of clay, and then proceeding to make a mold out of them, but if I wanted to make it so it's just a curved piece (like DVC's hooves) how would I go about that?

Many thanks :)

Sturdy Balaclava Base

Alright, let's hope I don't mess this one up explaining.
So about a year ago I made fursuits from balaclava bases. It turns out that the heads were WAY too small and the bases weren't sturdy at all.
Recently I've switched to making heads out of all-foam and it's improved my work by a lot.

However, the insides of the heads are not lined.

I recently worked on 3 fursuit bases not made by me... And they were all balaclava bases. Somehow, though, the foam was so strongly on the base that it wasn't very flexible and once furred was the same size as an all-foam head.
I've come down to two conclusions:

1. Make a base out of all-foam, glue a balaclava to the inside and then cut around the eyes and mouth.
2. Make a base out of all-foam, cut off the back piece (for another head) and glue the face to the balaclava, then cut where needed.

Does anybody else use these methods? I'm rather afraid to try them out, only to have the whole head ruined.



Alright, so I've pretty much put my foam base on hold at the moment (after I finish the eyes at least) and since I'm out of work at the moment I'm looking for a more long-term project I can tinker with whenever I'm able.

This has lead me to the concept of sculpting and resing casting, a generic big cat resin blank in particular. I've got everything else just about down and I've been trying to figure out the costs of everything I'll need.

Now, thinking far into the future, I'm wondering how I'll cut apart the blank(s) I make. I've taken a peek through the memories and done countless google searches on the topic and I've seen two widely used methods: 1. heat gun + x-acto/heavy duty crafting knife and 2. Dremel.

1. I DO NOT trust myself with a heat gun or using the force that is sometimes needed to cut off bits with a knife. (Absolutely horrified of heat guns, tips of glue guns and anything visibly hot/warm)

2. I really like the thought of this option. It seems much easier and consistent.

Because of this I've basically come to the conclusion I'd prefer purchasing a Dremel. If there are any reasons or solid evidence you feel the heating + manually cutting would be a much better option, let me know!!

On a related note, I'm currently looking at THIS model. Has anyone here had experience using it before? How well does it hold up to what I plan on using it for? Does it come with the necessary "bits"? What are the bits I should use?

How to make the poof

I've been skulking around here for a bit and I haven't seen anything about this as of yet.

So I'm begining working on my first personal suit and my character has a sort of feathery ploom around their neck and I don't really know how to go about constructing it.

(character design: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10592319/)

I've come up with several Ideas including having the 'fur' (using this feather fur: https://www.fabric.com/buy/0260765/faux-fur-fancy-feather-denim-blue ) flowing upwards towards the head, and creating a sort of neck brace but the i don't think the first one would give a good amount of poof and the second idea just seemed impractical (and uncomfortable) Does anyone have any experiance/ ideas of what I could/should do?

Tape Pattern Problems

I seem to be having an issue with tapping up my foam head. I tested out my duct tape on a scrap piece of foam and it tore the foam up. :( so I eventually used a base layer of masking tape and then a layer of duct tape. Not sure if this will work or not. Has anyone ever had this problem?

feather fabric?

Is there such thing as faux fur, but with feathers instead of fur? i think it'd be much easier and faster than gluing on each individual feather and it'd look better than gluing on boas. Any ideas?

Queen Chrysalis Legs?

Looking For a New Tail ,Paws and Feet for a good price.

Soo i just got my head updated but the person I got it updated from while it came out good wasnt very responsive and delayed my head for months.
So im looking to get someone to update my paws feet and tail before August and is willing to take payment plans.

Obviously i need it to match my head

I have specific ideas as to how i want my parts done.
My characters is her own species and is kinda complicated
Firstly here is the character
NSFW http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12814285/
SFW http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13438787/

First her tail i want it be based on a fluffy version of this but instead of being slender at the at the end and bulky at the bottom it would be revrse or atleast bulkier at the end .

Her Hands/ arms are the most complicated because i want the ends to be bulk and claws to be big like in the ref.
arm and paw style like this http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11941945/ but i want the ends of the paws where the finger would start to just consist of her claws like the paw here http://www.furaffinity.net/view/9217915/ also want 4 fingers

For here feet just want her to have big claws not dinky ones
feet like this would be want im looking for but maybe pointer claws

So thats everything im looking for .. its alot i know
If your intrested please give me examples of your work and what you would charage and also if you could do a payment plan .

Fur & Shaver Questions and Found New Fur Store

Question 1: I've heard that Hancock Fabrics sells some CR furs.. Is it Teddy or Cubby? This is my first time looking at Hancocks website. If they do have Cubby fur, does it go by a certain name? There are so many furs listed.. http://hancockfabrics.com/fur

Question 2: We need a shaver that can cut down DF/Punky Muppet furs cleanly, with no lumpy appearance or chunks missing. Are there shavers you would recommend? Model names/numbers help.

One of the fashion designers from Weta Workshop mentioned a site called B&J. They have a lot of leathers, but also many odd furs, including fish scale furs. Fur starts on page 2. http://bandjfabrics.com/fabrics/faux-fur-%2526-leather I have not ordered from them myself. They look nice!

Heat Guns

I'm looking in to getting a heat gun to bend some delrin rods and maybe thin PVC with, but am unsure what kind to buy. Are there any brands you would recommend using, or recommend staying away from? Is there any heat gun in the $20-$30 range that works particularly well? $30-$50 range?

Tips for Skintight Fursuits?


I am wanting to pick back up fursuit making, and for my suit I was thinking of going for the skin tight fur fabric. Does anyone know what kind of fur would work best for that? I believe it is different than normal fur. Thank you so much!

Some help needed!

Hi, I am currently trying to make my fursuit cat, and was wondering, is it okay to make an all foam head? im only 14 and im not sure what to do about it. I have made a couple of attempts in the past, but none turned out very well. and my fursuit will also have a thin, tail that curls upright with a large shape made from foam at the end- how will I do this- I cant find any example. thanks in advance!

And does anyone know of any fursit conventions in Melbourne, vic, Australia? that I could attend?

and is it still okay to talk in a fursuit without a moving mouth, or can someone explain how it works in an all foam head? thanks!

Article 1


I keep this short and sweet! I am in desperate need of at least five yards of crscraft teddy bear honey (bone) fabric! If anyone has yardage, even if it may not be five yards, please let me know and about how much shipping would be to 70070! Crs hasn't had it in stock for a long while :(

Boarder Collie Fursuit for Sale!

Mint fur and eye problems?

1. Does anyone know where I could get mint green fur?

2. Should I glue my eyes in before or after I fur my head?

CRs honey bone teddy example

Hi guys! Just a quick one, can anyone link me to suits that have used CRsCrafts honey (bone) teddy fur? I need to show a customer what it looks like under proper lighting since the photo doesn't quite show how 'yellow' it actually is, so if you guys could show me suits that have used it I'd really appreciate it!

Beastcub's Califur 2014 Panel


Watch Beastcub explain how she made her suits!

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