Channel: How DO you make those Animal Costumes? (Fursuits)
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Finished Boxer head

Hi all, where I'm still working on my other projects and trying to raise money for fur and other products anyways. Here's a head I finished on easter that I think turned out pretty good though I'm still seeing a great deal of errors and I'm interested in hearing some constructive critique on it.
This head has follow-me eyes, DVC plastic toony K9 nose, partially moving jaw, floppy ears, fimo partial jawset.
I'm not very happy with how the fur trimming came out but, I was using scissors... Though I think the texture gives it a sort of brindle boxer appearance. The ears were made with funfoam and I used some metal spacers to way them down in the final furring. The entire head with an exception of the ears and part of the mouth was hand sewn. I was a bit bad with it. I didn't pattern it. I just took the scrap fur I had and put it together like a puzzle. In parts I attempted to sew wrinkles in it, like at the brow and on the muzzle. When I did the muzzle I made more fur than foam for the sides and wrinkles so it looks more realistic. Thanks to some advice from someone on deviant I've stuffed some foam beneath the nose so it's pointing upward now unlike in the pictures. I don't know if you can tell it in the pictures but, one of the Bukram eyes is a little loose at the bottom from where I cut a little too close when I was trimming around the eye. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it. The vision's really good and so is the ventilation though I'm still planning to put a fan in the top. Thanks to that person on deviant I've also learned that the ears are a little too centered though in my defense I was trying to figure out how to make it look like a boxer with floppy ears and not some demented bunny boxer. In addition to that I also had built the head in a bit unorthodox way so the vents were a little bigger though they don't seem to be visible in the pictures. Since I was just trying to find something the mouth is lined with part of a t-shirt though it seemed to do it justice. Right now I'm working on making it into a complete partial.
I'd love to get some feedback on this.


What kind of wire for an upright tail?

I'm trying to perfect the "upright tail" through a lot of trial and error (no one has made a tutorial about this yet that I can find - I'll share when I figure it out) and I'm wondering what kind of wire would be best. I want this to be a free standing skunk tail, and it is using a foam core. Basically I want to run the wire through the middle like a spine, and probably also along the outer edges of the foam core (attached to or slightly inside the foam). I plan to connect the middle "spine" wire with the outside wire in rungs for support on each side of the foam core if it needs it. I'll draw a picture if this doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I'm thinking coat hanger wire is probably going to work, but I wish it was a little more pliable (but not too pliable - the 28 guage at Michael's was way too pliable). Does anyone have any suggestions? Have any of you used wire in a tail before?

Thanks in advance!

Fur matching help?


So I was hoping to turn my partial into a fullsuit over this summer, but upon going to purchase the fur I needed, I discovered that CR's Crafts is down to a yard of their Warm Beige fur and doesn't appear to be getting any more.

Almost all of my suit is made with this fur, so I'm at a huge loss of what to do about his bodysuit, and am hoping the members here might be able to assist with finding a match to the fur.

The fur color is here

And here again, while being used on my suit

Photo on 8-8-13 at 1.43 PM

I'm good on the lighter fur, it's just the warmer one I'm completely stuck on.

If anyone could help, it would be much appreciated!

Fur Search

HELP! Is it possible to replace just part of the fur on a head?

So I've managed to make a mess of the fur on part of a head and I mean there is absolutely no saving it, sooooo is it possible to replace just part of the fur on a head? Like if I decided to just replace the fur that is just the color of one marking?

If there is a tutorial for this that exists or a way to explain how to do this I would homg appreciate it so much.



Basically what happened was after shaving the fur down to the acceptable level I found out the green foam I had used for the head showed through the white fur O_o. I thought oooooh lovely.

This is how much white is on the head:
Nose and "eye liner" are not attached in this picture

I thought I could just peel the fur back and maybe put white fabric over the green foam to cover it so that it wouldn't show through but when I discovered how hard the glue had gotten in the places even gently pulling the fur it was tearing and then I actually did try the idea of blow drying it and even blow drying it through the backing and doing it carefully it ruined the fur and now the fur looks like this:

Also I would never recommend using a blow dryer to anyone else. But that is just me personally. It not only ruins the fur even through the backing because it seriously takes a lot of heat to loosen up some areas and also guess what the head is held together with? Hot glue.....so I may have to touch up a couple areas on the mouth of the actual base now where it changed the expression to a more open mouth excited expression instead of shy >_<.

90% finished bat head

shaveshave side

I finally got around to shaving a head I've been working on recently! And by shaving I mean using scissors, since I don't have any electric clippers. I figured I'd post it here, and see what the community has to say about it. This is my first time making any kind of fursuit head, and my first time working with faux fur.

I'm super close to being done with this head I think. I probably need to touch up the ears a bit more, smooth out the edges where the fur meets the foam on them, maybe trim them a little more. I might also need to clean up around the eyes as well, maybe emphasize the eyelids more.

I'm thinking the ears might be a little too far forward on the head as well, but then again this is based off of a vampire bat, and their ears are set pretty close to their faces. This is built off of a resin base, and the maker also made the ears specifically to go with it. This is pretty much the second example that there is using this base, and the photos the maker took of their finished head didn't really show the ear placement all that well so I kinda guessed off of actual bat photo references.

Has anyone used CRs Crafts rust fox fur

Short pile yellow?

Does anyone know of a decent quality, short pile yellow fur?

Beaver, seal, super seal, etc... any type is fine. I just can't find any. :c

shaving seal fur?

i apologize, i haven't posted on here in a very long time so if i'm doing anything wrong, let me know.

however; i have a question for the community. i'm not sure if anyone has an answer.

i notice that if i ever try and shave seal fur. its not that it wont shave, but it shaves awkwardly. no matter which guard i use, or how little or gentle i am with it. it always winds up having a sort of crop rows appearance? there's lines in it that you can see from where the clippers shaved. i apologize that i have no pictures.

if it means anything, i take very good care of my clippers and clean them after each use and oil them when needed. they shave other types of fur very very well so i'm very convinced its not an issue present in my clippers.

i know for the most part you really don't need to shave seal fur as its very short and sleek already. but i usually wind up shaving a little on the ears and muzzle if i use it and it always gets this really unappealing look. i've asked several other makes and they agree with me that it does shave awkwardly.

its there anyway to shave seal fur so that it stays smooth looking or is it just the nature of the fur to not really enjoy being shaved at all?

To vac or not to vac

I saved up a little cash to upgrade some of my equipment so I can get things done faster. I'm seriously considering getting a vac form table (and I'll make a heat source) I feel it will be a less expensive upgrade compared to resin and silicone and be a little more versatile for a little less money. Also since I do a lot of toony stuff and heavily foam out things the lack of detail isn't a big deal. A few questions.

I've been wondering if it's possible to vac form claws. It should be but I could be wrong.

How big should I make the table?

Does anyone have a good reason why resin would be absolutely better to invest in.

Anything I should be aware of before I decide to do this?

Flip-flop paw base

Has anyone actually used flip flops for fursuit feet with success? I see a rising trend in it and honestly can't imagine how you'd go about foaming and furring some feet to a flip flop sole.

I do have my clients send me comfortable close-toed shoes when they commission me, but I want to work on some pre-mades this summer and I think this may be a nicer alternative than losing my fingers cutting out stiff foam mats with scissors.


Deer Fursuit (Red line help)

You would think after two other fursuits, I would be able to do the head on my own. *Sighs* I have checked and rechecked and I just I'm just derpy right now because I can't figure out how to make this head look like a deer. Can anyone help?

I don't have the picture of my character right now, she's on my phone. This is one of the inspirations I was using while (poorly) attempting to shape it. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/283/3/c/3c880fd95c2d86dc8abcc0092eb24c87-d6pyv9n.jpg
The eyes will be bigger though, not resin.


Searching for suit builder

Long story short, has anyone taken on a character named South? Looks like this:

The person trying to commission South is no longer with the original owner, who let them use the character as their own. I'm the original owner of design. The suit was commissioned without my consent and I'm trying to halt the commission before it becomes a big mess.

I'm willing to work with the suit builder to cancel the commission, refund my ex and I'll compensate the builder for time, labor and material.

Contact me please if you have any information or may know who might have taken this commission on, please contact me here or over FA at Northwestspiritwolf!

Making hair out of fur?

A lot of people use the "hair puff" thing to simulate hair on some suits, but I'm not too sure on how to make one. There was a tutorial on doing something like it but the website's been dead for a while. Any advice on how to make them?

washing a yarn fursuit?

There's a company called Fuzumi that makes things made from some type of crocheted fur like yarn.

My mate has an entire suit made from it. Head and all. I'd like to be able to help them wash it, but I'm very worried and have no idea how you would go about washing the bodysuit.
Personally I hate the yarn, it gets everywhere fast and you barely have to pet it. I know that if I wash it with normal methods, it will easily leave bald spots.

How can I safely wash everything without losing to much of the yarn?

First time poster, long time lurker

I'm planning on doing a Khoshekh (monster cat) partial and the problem I'm having is figuring out the handpaws. Khoshekh is missing part of his left paw and I'm not sure how to go about that. Tucking two of my fingers all day won't work because they'll cramp, so that's out. I've considered padding the paws so that the left one can have two fingers in each padded finger, but I worry that that will also make the right paw too bulky for me to be able to manipulate comfortably.


Help with some eyes?


So I'm making a new suit, and I've looked through the memories trying to find the answer, but can't seem to find it!

Here is the new suit design: http://sta.sh/04o7ct85ytf

And here is a close up of the eyes: http://sta.sh/01d8euqowfn3

What I'm trying to figure out is how I would do eyes like this? I've made a few other fursuits, but used the normal toony eyes, with the plastic white sheet, and then paint the iris and pupil; glue it behind the plastic.
But I don't want to use the plastic white with this character, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to how to make the eyes? uwu thanks in advance!

Progress on "Beau the doe" (Head help?)

(Before asking why a doe has antlers, I just wanted her to and some white tailed deer have antlers in both genders, ^^ so I'm not completely crazy.) I know I posted about four days ago, and the red lines were very helpful. I'm just concerned about a few things.
First off, I'll show the concept art because I didn't before. I'm not the best, sure, and I prefer sketching over digital so the pics are blurry, but here you go-


Here's the hand hooves and hoof boots I've made-


And here's my problem area right now, the head. I got some great redlining help, but probably botched it up when I was gluing and such. I've only attached one ear, and I put wire around it and at the base to give it extra hold. I was thinking about extending the forehead, but I just wanted to be sure before I did it. Here's the head so far-


I'm worried about my vision I guess, because Ican't really see below the tear ducts. I had some trouble with this in my last suit and it ended up okay, I mean I know vision is impaired in suits anyway. I guess I just want to know when it's too much and if I should lower the eyes. Another redline would be great, but I'm not sure if I need to do anything on it or not. I mean I doubt it's perfect, but I just wanted to know you guys' opinion. 

Degassing silicone with a vacuum chamber

I didn't see anything about this in the memories and I can't find a clear answer anywhere - so I'm hoping someone here will know the answer! This may be a silly question, but do you degass the silicone in a vacuum chamber BEFORE pouring into a mold, or do you put the mold into the vacuum chamber? Thanks guys! :)

Muzzle help?

Ok so ive never been happy with the way the musslze droops down on the head but im not sure how to fix it. Its to long on the sides and the bottom jaw fits into the upper one and thats never been right. How would i go about getting the right shape for the muzzle..? So it wont look like is drooping from the front like it does now.

here are pics of it


it looks like a doberman muzzle instead of a wolf one like i need
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