Foam head crit an advice?
Digitigrade Cat fullsuit
Using a water/rubbing alcohol to sanitize inquiry.
I am trying to remember what the ratio mix for a spray bottle is to spray out a costume head. Is it 1:1 ratio (half water/half alcohol)?
What's the best adhesive for thin fabrics? Like, textured with holes, not a solid fabric.
What's the best way to have all three layers attached the best way I can possibly have them attached?
I know sewing would likely not be my best option.
Interlacing would show up as 'white' underneath >_< need this to be invisible on the edges, or looking nice.
![IMG_0028 IMG_0028]()
![IMG_0031 IMG_0031]()
Maybe a fabric to use as a border, like fleece and E6000? Hum... Or a glue that is VERY durable? I think E6000 MAY be an option, but it might leave a weird look afterwards.
Recommend stuff to me! What do you feel is best?
I know sewing would likely not be my best option.
Interlacing would show up as 'white' underneath >_< need this to be invisible on the edges, or looking nice.

Maybe a fabric to use as a border, like fleece and E6000? Hum... Or a glue that is VERY durable? I think E6000 MAY be an option, but it might leave a weird look afterwards.
Recommend stuff to me! What do you feel is best?
Quad pipe stilts: foam core or solid core?
I've made my first prototype quad foreleg stilt! \o/ The ankle hinge works and everything, so I'm very excited.
I started experimenting on ABS cell core pipe and am hoping I can use the prototypes in my suit.
Of course, a little more research shows that cell core pipes tend to be brittle and can shatter under impact. Ideally, I'm hoping to cut a little off the 'outside' of each stilt, both for better ventilation and to make a slimmer-from-the-front leg instead of a base tube, but I'm not sure if that would compromise the strength of the pipe too much to be safe.
So, quadsuit makers: What pipe do you use? Cell/foam core or solid core? Have you ever had a stilt shatter under regular use?
Has anyone used ABS pipe in other, weight-bearing applications? It's entirely possible that I'm imagining the impact of going down a ramp, and what would actually damage it is being run into by a bulldozer - am I worrying too much about this?
I started experimenting on ABS cell core pipe and am hoping I can use the prototypes in my suit.
Of course, a little more research shows that cell core pipes tend to be brittle and can shatter under impact. Ideally, I'm hoping to cut a little off the 'outside' of each stilt, both for better ventilation and to make a slimmer-from-the-front leg instead of a base tube, but I'm not sure if that would compromise the strength of the pipe too much to be safe.
So, quadsuit makers: What pipe do you use? Cell/foam core or solid core? Have you ever had a stilt shatter under regular use?
Has anyone used ABS pipe in other, weight-bearing applications? It's entirely possible that I'm imagining the impact of going down a ramp, and what would actually damage it is being run into by a bulldozer - am I worrying too much about this?
Critiques of foam work?
This is my first fursuit head and I want to make it as awesome as possible. If you guys could give me some critiques or tips on where to go from here or what to add/take away, it would be very much appreciated! :D
.. I also made the mistake of working without a reference. I just winged it, but I think it came out okay. :D He's a dragon/gshep.
.. I also made the mistake of working without a reference. I just winged it, but I think it came out okay. :D He's a dragon/gshep.
Rust DF fur
This name seems to keep popping up on eBay and Etsy. They have DF furs with a new rust brown color that I haven't seen anywhere else. They seem to be out of stock for that color on eBay, yet on Etsy it doesn't say its unavailable, and they are still offering samples for the color on eBay. The pile is unknown, gonna assume it's 2" like DF fur.
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/123473721/60-wide-shag-faux-fur-fabric?ref=shop_home_active_1
eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Shag-Faux-Fur-Fabric-/170758328969?pt=US_Fabric&var=&hash=item27c1fd5289
So, has anyone ordered from Shavali Fabrics before?
Have you seen this rust color DF fur available anywhere else?
Also, have you seen a fur in that rust color that is 1/2" to 1" pile?
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/123473721/60-wide-shag-faux-fur-fabric?ref=shop_home_active_1
eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Shag-Faux-Fur-Fabric-/170758328969?pt=US_Fabric&var=&hash=item27c1fd5289
So, has anyone ordered from Shavali Fabrics before?
Have you seen this rust color DF fur available anywhere else?
Also, have you seen a fur in that rust color that is 1/2" to 1" pile?
Proxxon rotary tool?
Welp, basework on the sungazer is going to have to wait until I replace my rotary tool AGAIN... This one I didn't feel lived enough hours to justify its cost, and I'm extremely nonplussed (this is the one that died on me http://www.amazon.com/Kawasaki-840589-190-Piece-Rotary-Accessory/dp/B002FYJEPG). Does anyone have a suggestion for a rotary tool that will be a freaking beast machine for years? Budget caps at about $150, but I'd stretch a bit for something leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the pack.
I'm toying between the idea of a Proxxon (http://www.amazon.com/Proxxon-38481-Professional-Rotary-Tool/dp/B001FWXEO6), a Dremel 4000 (http://www.amazon.com/Dremel-4000-2-30-120-Volt-Variable/dp/B002L3RUVG), or possibly a Dremel 9100 (http://www.amazon.com/Dremel-9100-21-Forti-Flex-Stationary-Precision/dp/B00G5R4E9K/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1398278170&sr=1-1&keywords=dremel+9100). I think I'm leaning toward the Proxxon, but does anyone have experience with these particular tools? I've had issues with vibration injuries with my previous tools, until I added a flex shaft (though it's still tenuous to tool for too long), so the Proxxon looks pretty promising. The Dremel tools are more powerful, but I very rarely use the tools I get at high speeds because they're loud and scare me...
I'm toying between the idea of a Proxxon (http://www.amazon.com/Proxxon-38481-Professional-Rotary-Tool/dp/B001FWXEO6), a Dremel 4000 (http://www.amazon.com/Dremel-4000-2-30-120-Volt-Variable/dp/B002L3RUVG), or possibly a Dremel 9100 (http://www.amazon.com/Dremel-9100-21-Forti-Flex-Stationary-Precision/dp/B00G5R4E9K/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1398278170&sr=1-1&keywords=dremel+9100). I think I'm leaning toward the Proxxon, but does anyone have experience with these particular tools? I've had issues with vibration injuries with my previous tools, until I added a flex shaft (though it's still tenuous to tool for too long), so the Proxxon looks pretty promising. The Dremel tools are more powerful, but I very rarely use the tools I get at high speeds because they're loud and scare me...
Chinese Dragon

An artistic liberty commission. The customer wanted something that was a mix between the dragon dancers (or rather lion dancers but us Westerners have commonly misinterpreted them as dragons) seen in Asian parades and the dragons seen in traditional Chinese artwork, he wanted something that was friendly but not overly cute, so I went for a fairly plush cartoon look but kept things not overly cute with the teeth and overall expression.
This suit has vision out the mouth so we could make the dragon very tall, the jaw is set on a hinge with a spring so it bobbles open and shut as he moves. He has wiggle ears, whiskers on heavy gauge wire, an attached tail with internal belt loops, extra large "stompy feet", and features a wide variety of fur including a type called "bubble fur" for the scales (I have been itching to use this fur as scales for years now, I finally got the chance!).
Features small and medium raptor claws from DVC

lion dancers have also got massive heads, and the customer likes the big heads, and so I did "think big" while building it intending for it to be a bit over-sized http://www.emplion.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/hawaiilion.224230806_large.jpg but trust me, in these pics it is a tad too over-sized for my taste but the size of it will be a bit more in proportion once it is on the customer :)
Constructive Criticism on my foam base?
Hey guys :3
This is my furst post on here, so I hope it doesn't stuff up xD
I'm currently working on my second fursuit head, and I'm doing my foaming stage, at the moment.
I would just really appreciate some constructive criticism on it, due to the fact that I hate how it looks, so far.
I've tried rounding it off /so/ much, and it still looks blocky, and I don't know why. This was the same case for my furst head, as well. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
And I can't seem to add a top piece of foam, on his head, because it just crinkles up and doesn't go around the head. And even if I do it in segments, there are just large gaps everywhere. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
This is what it looks like, so far~
![fursuit-head-base-13764271 fursuit-head-base-13764271]()
Note: The ears, nose and mohawk aren't the real deal, at the moment. I just pinned them there, so it didn't look like a duck, for the photo, lol xD
Thanks, in advance!! :D
This is my furst post on here, so I hope it doesn't stuff up xD
I'm currently working on my second fursuit head, and I'm doing my foaming stage, at the moment.
I would just really appreciate some constructive criticism on it, due to the fact that I hate how it looks, so far.
I've tried rounding it off /so/ much, and it still looks blocky, and I don't know why. This was the same case for my furst head, as well. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
And I can't seem to add a top piece of foam, on his head, because it just crinkles up and doesn't go around the head. And even if I do it in segments, there are just large gaps everywhere. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
This is what it looks like, so far~

Note: The ears, nose and mohawk aren't the real deal, at the moment. I just pinned them there, so it didn't look like a duck, for the photo, lol xD
Thanks, in advance!! :D
Possible Scammer?
Hey, I have a question regarding a person who I had commissioned. I was wondering if anyone has had a problem with them before, or know anything about them.
They go by the name Hisui Hyena
Any help would be greatly appreciated....I keep writing to them but they don't respond...
They go by the name Hisui Hyena
Any help would be greatly appreciated....I keep writing to them but they don't respond...
Really need help finding this Warm/Light grey fur. "Latte shag" last seen sold from imstuffedfur

More so the image on the right. Its a very light warm gray fur. It HAS to be at least 3 inch pile, not wavy/mongolian Ive looked at every website and even the fabric district in SF, any it is no where to be found. Im posting here hoping someone will be willing to sell at least a yard of this fur.
for this upcoming suit by autumn fallings, the grey will be used for the mane and accents.

Tail fin?
Anyone know how to go about making the tail fin on this guy?
Someone suggested I hot glue a few plastic sheets together and put fleece around it, but I was looking to see if any of you had ideas. c:
Someone suggested I hot glue a few plastic sheets together and put fleece around it, but I was looking to see if any of you had ideas. c:
Question about Mendel's arctic fox brown fur
Hi. :3
Mendels.com is offline for a few days now and I really need some of that Arctic Fox Brown fur.
And so I went to search for other websites that are selling this fur and stumbled across imstuffedfur.com, but I'm not really sure if it's the same fur...
So, my question is: are Mendel's Arctic Fox Brown and Imstuffedfur's Dark Brown Fox the same furs?
Mendels.com is offline for a few days now and I really need some of that Arctic Fox Brown fur.
And so I went to search for other websites that are selling this fur and stumbled across imstuffedfur.com, but I'm not really sure if it's the same fur...
So, my question is: are Mendel's Arctic Fox Brown and Imstuffedfur's Dark Brown Fox the same furs?
Need help with maybe doing a jagged jaw head
At some point, most likely for Halloween, I'm wanting to make my character Kat.
He has a jagged jaw and I'm wanting to make a moving jaw but I'm not sure if I should make his head out of foam, or get a resin blank and modify it with a jagged jaw made of foam on top of it.
:I Kind of stumped and I kind of suck at foam work but it would give me a reason to try my hand at it again.
Any type of help would be nice. ;w;
This is Kat -hoping the image is not to big-

Questions about head construction --
Hey there; it's me again, this time with questions about head construction. I'm starting my first official fursuit soon (ref is here: http://nebula-vomit.tumblr.com/image/82614263851 ).
Cheekbones? I've never seen them done in a large scale before. My character has elevated cheekbones to give him a sinister, sunken look. I'm doing a foam and balaclava head, so does anyone have any tips about how to make them look dramatic but believable? Also, does anyone have examples of a suit which features strong cheekbones?
Next are ears, this character has tall, thin ears that lean backward, much like Flux's fursuit. They are like fennec ears, but not quite as wide. I want them to stand upright, but not so rigid that you can't move them/or are at risk of damaging them. Should I just stick to foam? I'm worried about them being too thick and not standing upright. Any and all help is appreciated! Thank you!
Here is a rather quick sketch of him:
Cheekbones? I've never seen them done in a large scale before. My character has elevated cheekbones to give him a sinister, sunken look. I'm doing a foam and balaclava head, so does anyone have any tips about how to make them look dramatic but believable? Also, does anyone have examples of a suit which features strong cheekbones?
Next are ears, this character has tall, thin ears that lean backward, much like Flux's fursuit. They are like fennec ears, but not quite as wide. I want them to stand upright, but not so rigid that you can't move them/or are at risk of damaging them. Should I just stick to foam? I'm worried about them being too thick and not standing upright. Any and all help is appreciated! Thank you!
Here is a rather quick sketch of him:

Need material suggestion - Widening eye socket
So I need to widen the eye sockets on my first head (yes the foam and fur has enough give for me to achieve the size I want). I didnt think about the fur making the sockets look smaller and boy do they ever. My idea is to either use an epoxy to make the eyes stiff (though im afraid the head will melt the foamies) or more ideally, take something like an aluminum band/strap and shape it to teh size I want and insert it before inserting foamies.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
Touch Ups Finished
Did a few touch ups on my first foam head, and I am pretty sure she is ready to get duct taped and have patterns made once I can afford fur. If anyone has any critiques that would be great! I already have a lot of ideas on how to make my next head better. The nose is going to be done with sculpy so I can get the exact shape I want and I know what I'm going to be doing with the ears to make them floppy. Pics under the cut!
<lj-cut text="Finished Foam Head">![]()
<lj-cut text="Finished Foam Head">

Fur and Space bags?
Hey guys! I was just curious if anybody has any experience with using space bags to condense fur down. I'm moving across the country and I have just a tub full, and I really could use the space for other things.
Would keeping fur in a space bag for a week crinkle the fur horribly?
I went ahead and purchased two boxes of JUMBO spacebags. 12.99 for a jumbo and an xl. These are both jumbo bags since XL are going to be used for my clothes and doesn't matter to fursuit how that goes. DOGE FOR SCALE
First bag:
All the fur in the bag was in the blue tub + two other boxes of misc parts. There is a solid foam tail in that, a 3+ ft dragon tail with plush spikes, a few handpaws, and some extra fabric that I threw in because why not.
2nd bag:
Mostly foam this time around. an ENTIRE quadsuit foam body, Sully from Mother inc being suffocated on the bottom there, blocks of foam, a few foam heads and feetpaws from DHC (which are STURDY but they're huge!)
After Vacuum
First bag:
Second bag:
It doesn't fit flat at the bottom of the tub, but I can stack the bags horizontally!
The downside is that I REALLY stuffed these, and the first one had a leak in the ziplock at the front while I was writing this, so I'm going to have to use duct tape to make sure they stay closed. :)
Wow this is my longest post aha. Hopefully this will be of use to somebody in the future. I just wanted to document my experience with space bags
Would keeping fur in a space bag for a week crinkle the fur horribly?
I went ahead and purchased two boxes of JUMBO spacebags. 12.99 for a jumbo and an xl. These are both jumbo bags since XL are going to be used for my clothes and doesn't matter to fursuit how that goes. DOGE FOR SCALE
First bag:

All the fur in the bag was in the blue tub + two other boxes of misc parts. There is a solid foam tail in that, a 3+ ft dragon tail with plush spikes, a few handpaws, and some extra fabric that I threw in because why not.
2nd bag:

Mostly foam this time around. an ENTIRE quadsuit foam body, Sully from Mother inc being suffocated on the bottom there, blocks of foam, a few foam heads and feetpaws from DHC (which are STURDY but they're huge!)
After Vacuum
First bag:

Second bag:

It doesn't fit flat at the bottom of the tub, but I can stack the bags horizontally!
The downside is that I REALLY stuffed these, and the first one had a leak in the ziplock at the front while I was writing this, so I'm going to have to use duct tape to make sure they stay closed. :)
Wow this is my longest post aha. Hopefully this will be of use to somebody in the future. I just wanted to document my experience with space bags
Done with Spectrum