I am going to be getting into casting resin based heads. I wish to produce resin heads with a certain texture, hardness and colour.
This frame that I stumbled across on dA (DreamVisionCreations) interested me because of the colour and texture. - http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/247/5/4/otter_ready_resin_blank_by_dreamvisioncreations-d5dm9j8.png
I was wondering if anyone knew how to reproduce this type of resin appearance and colour. (I don't wish to copy the sculpture or copy anyone else's design; only wish to get a proper formula for the resin). Would Smooth-On 300, with a So-Strong black pigment work for this? I am questioning between Smooth-On ONYX, however, that looks really heavy and it has a high hardness. I am aiming for a very black, smooth and fairly hard resin base head. I noticed a lot of people use Ure-Fil 3 with their resin too. If I could have a picture linked to me with an example of a resin head that was made with it then that would be great!
Can't wait for a reply!
I am going to be getting into casting resin based heads. I wish to produce resin heads with a certain texture, hardness and colour.
This frame that I stumbled across on dA (DreamVisionCreations) interested me because of the colour and texture. - http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/247/5/4/otter_ready_resin_blank_by_dreamvisioncreations-d5dm9j8.png
I was wondering if anyone knew how to reproduce this type of resin appearance and colour. (I don't wish to copy the sculpture or copy anyone else's design; only wish to get a proper formula for the resin). Would Smooth-On 300, with a So-Strong black pigment work for this? I am questioning between Smooth-On ONYX, however, that looks really heavy and it has a high hardness. I am aiming for a very black, smooth and fairly hard resin base head. I noticed a lot of people use Ure-Fil 3 with their resin too. If I could have a picture linked to me with an example of a resin head that was made with it then that would be great!
Can't wait for a reply!