I was wondering if anyone has advice on getting the most crisp markings possible, particularly on the face. I find that doing a tape pattern with allowance tends to lead to wonkiness, even though I hand stitch everything. Perfect circles will turn out oblong or with wavy edges, triangles or stars look like, well, oblong circles with wavy edges. Small stripes can end up wobbly and asymmetrical.
Is there a particular stitching method that yields consistent results? Do you glue small markings instead? Tweak seam allowance? I've seen heads with ridiculously straight lines and concise markings, so I know it can be done. Any tips are appreciated!
Is there a particular stitching method that yields consistent results? Do you glue small markings instead? Tweak seam allowance? I've seen heads with ridiculously straight lines and concise markings, so I know it can be done. Any tips are appreciated!