So I'm in a bit of a rut here. After asking around for many opinions I've come to the conclusion it would be best to seek advice from fursuiters on this.
I'm heading to a convention in April and I'm putting together a costume of Irving Wallace from Michele Soavi's "Stage Fright". (I know, sounds off topic, but bear with me.)
The costume itself hasn't been an issue for me, but I've run into a brick wall in regards to his big owl headdress.
It appears to be covered in feathers, but I haven't got that kind of money or time.
Any alternatives you can think of? I've thought of maybe using faux fur of the right colors, but I also need advice on what to use for the base and such. Any help is much appreciated.
I'm heading to a convention in April and I'm putting together a costume of Irving Wallace from Michele Soavi's "Stage Fright". (I know, sounds off topic, but bear with me.)
The costume itself hasn't been an issue for me, but I've run into a brick wall in regards to his big owl headdress.
It appears to be covered in feathers, but I haven't got that kind of money or time.
Any alternatives you can think of? I've thought of maybe using faux fur of the right colors, but I also need advice on what to use for the base and such. Any help is much appreciated.