I've been looking around for dark and medium brown fur, around 1.5 pile length to match the medium and dark brown here :https://s11.postimg.org/zdenkcmcj/fur_color.png
I ordered samples from the fabric exchange and the medium brown was way too light. It has to be in the middle because the lightest brown that's shown is indeed a brown and not a white, so there needs to be some kind of contrast. I was thinking about the med and dark brown here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AB177XG/ref=twister_B016HXL3BI?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
but I'm not sure about the quality or if it will shave nicely.
Has anyone had better experience with other fur?
I ordered samples from the fabric exchange and the medium brown was way too light. It has to be in the middle because the lightest brown that's shown is indeed a brown and not a white, so there needs to be some kind of contrast. I was thinking about the med and dark brown here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AB177XG/ref=twister_B016HXL3BI?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
but I'm not sure about the quality or if it will shave nicely.
Has anyone had better experience with other fur?