Original post here: http://fursuit.livejournal.com/5704657.html
Thanks to wonderful critiques I think i fixed the nose as well as I can. Yes it is still crooked but I'm ok with that. My face is crooked too *shrug*
I have almost everything installed except eyelids and I'm ready to fur. But it's quite intimidating...
Does anyone else have trouble furring? I have seen the tutorials I just can't seem to make it look decent. :(
Anyway thank you to the folks who helped me!
Thanks to wonderful critiques I think i fixed the nose as well as I can. Yes it is still crooked but I'm ok with that. My face is crooked too *shrug*
I have almost everything installed except eyelids and I'm ready to fur. But it's quite intimidating...
Does anyone else have trouble furring? I have seen the tutorials I just can't seem to make it look decent. :(
Anyway thank you to the folks who helped me!