EDIT: Thanks for all the information! I also made this edit to put emphasis on the fact that, as I stated in my original post, YES- I know that a seller has every right to sell an item at a price that he or she chooses. I'm not arguing their right, I'm not asking them to lower the price because honestly, it's not an item that I or anyone I know is interested in purchasing. I don't benefit at all by asking or forcing them to lower their price.
Again, I'm not asking if it's THEIR right, I'm more-so asking why this is considered "okay".
My feelings- I get that selling and buying is all about supply and demand. If the seller is lucky enough to get a base by a well known maker for an economical rate, great for them! I'm not knocking their getting a steal- more props to them for that!
Maybe this is just me, but I PERSONALLY would not feel okay charging, say $600 (I'm just going with a round, common number) if I got a second or third-hand base for that low of a price, especially knowing that my mask would be lower quality and with potentially older or damaged materials.
I guess the way I'm seeing it is like this (although most suit makers don't have copyrights per se) It's (to me) almost like getting a legit and licensed plush pattern for a normally expensive plush for an incredibly cheap price, modifying the design a bit, and then trying to sell the second-hand plush made off of the legit but modified patter for the same price as the plush would go for brand new.
As I said before- the seller has every right to do so. I'm not arguing their right to sell it for whatever they so choose. If someone buys it for that price, then someone buys it for that price. If someone doesn't buy it, either the seller will have said item for sale for a long time, or they will reconsider their prices.
The question isn't so much about their right to price it as they please, the question was more meant of a "Personally, this seems kinda shady to me" kinda thing.
Leaving all names out of this as this is a somewhat sensitive topic and I'm just getting some feelers out from the community :)
Some Extra Information Before the Question:
I know for certain that a maker bought a pre-made RTF (Ready to Fur) resin base made by a pretty well-known maker at least second-hand, if not third or fourth hand, for an incredibly economical price (I'm talking around $50 or less, which is crazy lucky/cheap for a RTF blank).
Question Time:
Knowing that they got said resin base for an incredibly economical (because cheap isn't a nice word, after all) is it "right/okay" for them to then sell the pre-made head they made off of that base for the same price that the original maker of said resin base (again, remember it's at least second-hand, pretty sure is third to fourth hand)?
Sorry if my question is worded weird, I have to talk in circles because I'm trying to avoid any makers names and all that jazz.
Finally- I understand that a maker/seller can sell an item for whatever price they see fit! If it doesn't sell, it's because people can't or won't pay for the price listed.
I'm not asking/telling them to lower the price, I just wanted to get feelers out for whether it's "right" or "fair" for them to charge what the original maker would have charged for a head (when the pre-made head off of said third-hand base is arguably of somewhat poorer quality/materials, etc.)
If that makes sense?
Again, I'm not asking if it's THEIR right, I'm more-so asking why this is considered "okay".
My feelings- I get that selling and buying is all about supply and demand. If the seller is lucky enough to get a base by a well known maker for an economical rate, great for them! I'm not knocking their getting a steal- more props to them for that!
Maybe this is just me, but I PERSONALLY would not feel okay charging, say $600 (I'm just going with a round, common number) if I got a second or third-hand base for that low of a price, especially knowing that my mask would be lower quality and with potentially older or damaged materials.
I guess the way I'm seeing it is like this (although most suit makers don't have copyrights per se) It's (to me) almost like getting a legit and licensed plush pattern for a normally expensive plush for an incredibly cheap price, modifying the design a bit, and then trying to sell the second-hand plush made off of the legit but modified patter for the same price as the plush would go for brand new.
As I said before- the seller has every right to do so. I'm not arguing their right to sell it for whatever they so choose. If someone buys it for that price, then someone buys it for that price. If someone doesn't buy it, either the seller will have said item for sale for a long time, or they will reconsider their prices.
The question isn't so much about their right to price it as they please, the question was more meant of a "Personally, this seems kinda shady to me" kinda thing.
Leaving all names out of this as this is a somewhat sensitive topic and I'm just getting some feelers out from the community :)
Some Extra Information Before the Question:
I know for certain that a maker bought a pre-made RTF (Ready to Fur) resin base made by a pretty well-known maker at least second-hand, if not third or fourth hand, for an incredibly economical price (I'm talking around $50 or less, which is crazy lucky/cheap for a RTF blank).
Question Time:
Knowing that they got said resin base for an incredibly economical (because cheap isn't a nice word, after all) is it "right/okay" for them to then sell the pre-made head they made off of that base for the same price that the original maker of said resin base (again, remember it's at least second-hand, pretty sure is third to fourth hand)?
Sorry if my question is worded weird, I have to talk in circles because I'm trying to avoid any makers names and all that jazz.
Finally- I understand that a maker/seller can sell an item for whatever price they see fit! If it doesn't sell, it's because people can't or won't pay for the price listed.
I'm not asking/telling them to lower the price, I just wanted to get feelers out for whether it's "right" or "fair" for them to charge what the original maker would have charged for a head (when the pre-made head off of said third-hand base is arguably of somewhat poorer quality/materials, etc.)
If that makes sense?