I was looking at pictures of my aardvark suit and realized that her smile is NOWHERE near as pronounced as I want it to be.
This is what she currently looks like:
I want her to have a shy look, but I'm achieving that mostly through the swept back ears and her eyebrows, which I will also be exaggerating more when I fix the smile problem. She should have a cute goofy smile. In that picture, though, she looks more worried than anything else.
I have to refur her anyway, so I'd love some tips or even redlines on really making her smile shine when she gets redone. I don't really want to change too much on the head, just the mouth/cheek area.
Thanks in advance for your time! ^-^
This is what she currently looks like:
I want her to have a shy look, but I'm achieving that mostly through the swept back ears and her eyebrows, which I will also be exaggerating more when I fix the smile problem. She should have a cute goofy smile. In that picture, though, she looks more worried than anything else.
I have to refur her anyway, so I'd love some tips or even redlines on really making her smile shine when she gets redone. I don't really want to change too much on the head, just the mouth/cheek area.
Thanks in advance for your time! ^-^