Haven't posted an update on my suit in a while. I've been busy and took the time to gather some supplies. My original post was here http://fursuit.livejournal.com/5301247.html I'm still working on making the Pokemon Houndour in a toony style. I did major changes on the head since last time going on and off for a bit. I just recently started on the footpaws and digitigrade legs. I'm not sure if the illusion works well on the legs currently.
The leg padding is just pinned not sure if it works or I need more. I just have the footpaw where I can slip my shoe inside.
Right now the head just has the bone, ears, and eyes pinned on. The paper eyes are not the final version. The moving jaw works, but it kinda looks like it opens too much XD I'm not sure how I feel about the cheeks. I kinda like how they are puffy, but just not sure if it's too much. I plan on using shorter fur and fleece on the face.
The leg padding is just pinned not sure if it works or I need more. I just have the footpaw where I can slip my shoe inside.
Right now the head just has the bone, ears, and eyes pinned on. The paper eyes are not the final version. The moving jaw works, but it kinda looks like it opens too much XD I'm not sure how I feel about the cheeks. I kinda like how they are puffy, but just not sure if it's too much. I plan on using shorter fur and fleece on the face.