Fur quality?
I recently bought 5 yards of shag white from fabric.com and ive ordered this fur plenty of times before, but its not the same quality. The older stuff is more dense and fluffy, this new stuff is thin...
View ArticleCute little g-shep pup!
Been working hard lately on this little guy lately and just wanted to share with you all! Comments/questions/critiques are welcome, always love to hear the input!I got a TON of help from Kisho (...
View ArticleFur types
Hey hey folks! The start of the new year and I have just been shown this site by my girlie-butt so I was thinking I might as well post my stuff here too, photos of projects Im working on, and anything...
View ArticleRed Lines please
Hey furs,I'm working on my very first canine head base at the moment. I never sculpetd anything beside of claws and pawpads and now I work on this head for the last two days.It would be great if you...
View ArticleUsing chalk to mark fur pieces
Hiya! Thought I'd share a little something that might help cutting out pattern pieces and make it a much easier process! I'm sorry if this was posted before, but there weren't any specific tags related...
View ArticleFursuit Facelift
My fursuit head got a revamped look.It went from this: To this:The eyes and nose were switched out for new ones. The nose was originally made of felt (a big no no) built on a plastic canvas "base" and...
View ArticleFind that color
Hey all. I am having a time trying to find this shade of brown (or as close to it as possible) for a suit that I will be starting soon. Can anyone lend me a hand?It's the same color as the character in...
View ArticleA few Questions
So I am going to be making a costume and there's some things that I'm a little confused on.First of all I'm making a Magnadramon (Digimon, pictures below) costume.Second, I plan on doing a dropped...
View ArticleWhy do you duct tape?
Is there any reason to use duct tape other than for creating a pattern for the fur?Examples:http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/165/4/c/Fursuit_Wolf_Mask___WIP___by_Anioue.jpg-Confused furry that...
View ArticleQuick fur find help?
Just looking/wondering if there exists a light yellow/creamy yellow color for fur.Pretty flexible on the color, but not "schoolbus" yellow or cream white.A color like...
View ArticleWhite luxury shag sale on fabric.com
it may only be a few dollars off, but its still a sale. yay for me cuz i need some badly. on sale until the 14th...
View ArticleTrying to Make a Follow-Me Eye, but with a Twist...
I'm having trouble trying to figure out in what way I can make a pair of eyes for a resin fursuit head I am currently working on. Searching the Memories didn't help me too much.Right now, this is what...
View ArticleHooves and material question
Hey guys, I have a few projects lined up but a few questions I need to resolve before I can start.I want to make hooves, fashioned after a Clydesdale, but I want them to be fairly large. I need to...
View ArticleHow do you hot glue foam to shoes? And make them stay...
What type of hot glue works good with foam feet? I am having the hardest time hot gluing foam to my shoes. They stay there okay but once I move the shoe around the foam detaches itself from the shoe....
View Articlemm fox vs. crs fox?
not sure if this has been asked before but i looked and couldnt find the exact question i was looking for...is MM fox the same as CRS fox? they look the same but i'm not sure....
View ArticleTusken the Werewolf WIP
This is my second fullsuit plan for this year, besides my tauntaun. Tusken is for the fall. Halloween and Renaissance Festival.I wanted to share her because I am so proud of her for what she is where I...
View ArticleMy first ever fursuit completed!
This was a very interesting experience for me! This drove me up the wall with irritation and loved it at the same time. I've never had a challenge with art as much as this before! This took me about a...
View ArticleDalmatian Partial completed
Teaser for the suit that's under the cut :)This was a commission for someone. I've been doing fursuits fulltime since summer and it's been really cool! I've already seen a dramatic improvement in......
View ArticleFiberglass Detachable Horns Help
Here are the horns in their current state. Are approximately 11-12 inches long, and are fiberglass coated insulation foam. They are very strong and lightweight. There are some noticeable "flaws" in...
View ArticleBovine fur for fursuit
I'm making a bull fursuit and I've been looking for fur that I can buy but I can't seem to find the right pattern. Does anyone have any ideas for fur? Follows is a picture of the clay mask I made. I...
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