So I've been doodling mask concepts and have decided to try a lutino cockatiel. I've realized that there's 2 snags I could potentially hit with this, and I'm wondering the following.
Crest: Since no fur really is entirely long enough, do you thing employing the use of acrylic yarn threaded into the head at the proper length and styled would work out? Any better ideas at all? I don't have the budget for any NFT as much as I wish to use it. I can, however, snag some yarn easily enough. (Also, can you dry brush acrylic yarn the same way you can acrylic fur? I assume you can, but I need to double check for color matching.)
Beak: I'm interested in using fosshape for the beak (which will be static.) This will be on a foam base, so would it be possible to glue it on? Is there a better way to attach it? Which one would you recommend using, the 600 or 300?
Also anyone with experience regarding fosshape, I'd love to hear what you have to say!