I have been looking high and low for a rusty, amber long fur. I found this and the color is pretty much exactly what I want but sadly it has thatkink stripe on it. http://www.fabric.com/apparel-fashion-fabric-faux-fur-fabric-exotic-faux-fur-fabric-faux-fur-fox-tail-gold.aspx
Does anyone know of any foxy like furs that are not just MM rust or anything like that? I need something a little more nuetural, more amber than red and it needs to be as long as possible. Something like this little guy's fur would be pretty much perfect! I just need it to be as long as possible.
Does anyone know of any foxy like furs that are not just MM rust or anything like that? I need something a little more nuetural, more amber than red and it needs to be as long as possible. Something like this little guy's fur would be pretty much perfect! I just need it to be as long as possible.