So, it's been a while, but I'm back! Reving to get this missy done! This is SnowBunny, my first fullsuit and about the fourth tauntaun to exist in the fandom, I think.
Some things to be done are, the back of her ears, of course, gluing her woolly locks to her horns so you can't see under the wool/fur. Sewing the back of the cape to the ears and to the locks or the fur on top of her head.
Yes, she only has one eye here, but I sewed an excess of woolly fur to fall over this one eye, if I like because not all animals that have a forelock can see out of both eyes with such excess and I figured, it was being realistic. I'm leaving it unglued(The base) so I can tuck that excess up under itself so the eye can show if I feel it looks better on one day more than another. When I shot this she had it over one eye.
My mother was pretty honest with me and said one eye being covered looked...dumb. I was just being anal about how her eye looked while exposed, but my mom insisted I just show the eye. So I will, once I get the head completely finished not too long from now.
Critiques welcome! For those of you that helped me figure out what I needed to work on the last time, I thank you again, as embaressed as I still am about it. Nonetheless, this is a new opportunity to receive help from the community so many stand back and admire or they just like to stay in awe of and not ruin the magic. ;)