I don't know if I'm doing this right...this is my second livejournal post ever o.o
But anywho, this is my very first fursuit ever! She is an unnamed (for now) toony female canine mutt!

The head is all 1/2" and 1" high density foam. I used Matrices foam head base tutorial for the very base, then I just eyeballed it from there with a few references.
The nose is made out of good ol Sculpey! I intend on making the teeth and stuff out of it too.
The deal with the elastic on the mouth: So this was originally intended to be a moving jaw. I found somewhere that you could bend wire into a jaw shape and somehow make a moving jaw with elastic or rubberbands or something. I tried. I failed. The wire is still in there because it's pretty sturdy and keeps the lower jaw on the head. The elastic was there to hold up the lower jaw, but...I really don't know. Haha this is why I need critiques!
So yeah...I gave up on the moving jaw. It looks fine static, so I'm okay with it.

Please don't mind my messy room.
A problem I've been having other than my jaw not moving properly is that my head is very front-heavy. It tends to fall forward a little bit. How can I secure it better to my face while not making it too hard to get in and out of?
Other than my main problems, does it look nice? Is there anything that I should change before furring? I think she looks decent for my first head, other than the muzzle maybe being a little bit too big. Any input would be great! :D
Random details: I intend her to be a full suit, light brown and white. I already made the feet! (They're so fun to walk in!) :D
I love you all and thanks so much for reading!! Y'all are great ^ᴗ^
Ps- if you have any cute name ideas, please tell me!