I need help with some LEDs both I have on hand and plan to order.
Both mostly involving resisters. The first problem is I found some already done LED kits with 10 LEDs each, but for ease since I plan to use them in one tail I want to rewire the pair together. I'm not sure what resister I would need to get. I was able to find that the current are 25ohms with 10% tolerance both powered by 2 AA. Could I get a resister to have all 10 LEDS running on the same AA or would I have to also get a new case so they run on 4 since it's double the lights? Or just connect the resisters in series? Sadly the pack says nothing about the LED voltage(the are cylindrical red rather than round topped if that matters) and I'm assuming the current is 20. :/ Because of that I'm asking here. I checked the instructable but without that I'm at a loss being so new to this.
The second I have ordered but don't have yet but it is a blue 12v LED strip the power being 0.05w x 60. Originally meant for a car. Using a 12v battery would I need a resister for the strip? If so what ohm? Thanks a bunch!