Hey all,
I haven't posted here in awhile but I finally got ALL fur colors for
my fursona and am going to start working over christmas break!
Fursona for markings and such http://sta.sh/0c6cu5l3633
QUESTION TIME! (plus two smaller ones)
I can't seem to decide on how I should make my suit,
I can't decide between partial, 3/4 suit, or a fullsuit
It would be LOADS easier if my fursona's main fur color wasn't discontinued,
but I was able to get a few yards from a community member
I have plenty of the other colors, but only about 2 yards of gold, give or take.
Can I even possibly make a fullsuit?
Can you make parts for a partial and then change it into a 3/4 suit,
a full suit, depending on the occasion? I would like it to be interchangeable
between the three, if that's even possible XP
And can you make removable digitigrade padding if I was to
make an interchangeable suit, granted that it's possible?
if I didn't alter the legs and just stuck foam into the suit would it fall down, not work?
Last question: What is the average size for a fursuit head before fur? I think that I have
made my heads too small, and would like to make this one bigger,
considering it's a fennec, but not out of porportion to one's body ^^'
Opinions please, suggestion welcome!!
Thank you guys so much, i'll have WIP pics over break for critique help XD
(P.S. if this needs to be spread out I can do that XP)
Convertable suits and back again? also head sizes, and digi or no?