Hiya! My name is Sal, or Salem. I've dabbled in sewing and even a few fursuit heads in the past, but I really want to make a project to work on during break. I figured with FWA in March I might as well try my hand at making a fullsuit of my sona! I have a lot of questions but I think I'm on the right track so far from my research. Any help will be greatly appreciated. c:
So, for starters I want to show which character I'm hoping to emulate.
My first problem is going to be finding a fur remotely near that color. Grey is hard to come by, but purplish grey? Oh jeez. If there's a fur out there that is remotely this color, please let me know. I'm thinking seal would be the best length, at least for the body.
I want to make this suit as form-fitting as possible, which will mean a lot of darts and tweaking and possibly sewing elastic thread into the backing (as shown here: http://fursuit.livejournal.com/4065775.html). I'm willing to take the time to do that but it does mean I need to find a fur that's thick enough and good enough quality that the darts and work with shaping don't show through... I'm debating buying white fur and dying it using beetlecat's acrylic method. (http://beetlecat.livejournal.com/188117.html) but that is going to be tricky to get even for all that fur. If anyone could help locate a fur in this color or offer some advice, that would be a great start. c:
From there, I'm simply planning on the head... But I'll add more when I get there!
So, for starters I want to show which character I'm hoping to emulate.

My first problem is going to be finding a fur remotely near that color. Grey is hard to come by, but purplish grey? Oh jeez. If there's a fur out there that is remotely this color, please let me know. I'm thinking seal would be the best length, at least for the body.
I want to make this suit as form-fitting as possible, which will mean a lot of darts and tweaking and possibly sewing elastic thread into the backing (as shown here: http://fursuit.livejournal.com/4065775.html). I'm willing to take the time to do that but it does mean I need to find a fur that's thick enough and good enough quality that the darts and work with shaping don't show through... I'm debating buying white fur and dying it using beetlecat's acrylic method. (http://beetlecat.livejournal.com/188117.html) but that is going to be tricky to get even for all that fur. If anyone could help locate a fur in this color or offer some advice, that would be a great start. c:
From there, I'm simply planning on the head... But I'll add more when I get there!