So a bit of a strange question about what furs you can and cant use.
I was browsing around a furniture store the other day and saw a rug that was an absolutely GORGEOUS blue.
My question is, could I use said fur on a head? I.E, I just cut the pieces out of the rug like you would any yard of faux fur. I would be using it on the back of the head where long pile is needed, so I wouldn't have to worry about shaving it down.
I was browsing around a furniture store the other day and saw a rug that was an absolutely GORGEOUS blue.
My question is, could I use said fur on a head? I.E, I just cut the pieces out of the rug like you would any yard of faux fur. I would be using it on the back of the head where long pile is needed, so I wouldn't have to worry about shaving it down.