I kind of want to keep all my stuff together here while I try to make this fursuit. I have made some terrible fursuit heads and parts in the past, most recently in 2012, but I'm a somewhat competent sewer (I can do the thing, but have little knowledge of anything, even basic things like the names of stitches and what to use them for, but I've worked a machine and even sewed simple garments before so I'm not starting from ground zero) That being said I'm a giant perfectionist with little patience and experience. The combination is bad, and so I'm hoping to try this with actual guidance this time. Start to finish I'll be posting my Sodium work here. I just got this character and am /ready/ to try to bring him to life, but first I have to make a game plan and get materials, and go from there. I know I should work on the base first(for the head, which I figure I should make first) but I'm not sure where to get some things I'll probably need
I know I can get foam from Joanne's, what's the verdict on foam btw? is that a good foam to get? I'm not used to working with foam I've only done it once. What thicknesses should I get? I'm not afraid to go big, though I'm not the best at eyeballing measurements. How much foam should I get and how do I start with the head?
A Wig head thing. Where do I get that? How do I make sure that it will fit my head and not just the wig head? Are there sizes? Is there anything I should know about buying them/where to buy them specifically?
And lastly, fur. Any suggestions? I use Fabric.com but sometimes it's hard for me to find decent fur still. I'm worried about the fur looking completely different than the art for the character, I want to sell this grey/brown tabby look, it's a pretty common cat colouration.
The suit is supposed to look kind of tired/sad I think, is that a bad idea? will it not be cute if it's tired looking?
If you run into a tag that you think doesn't make sense I want to add it to the suit and am just not at that point yet, feel free to comment on it regardless.