1) How exactly do you compile people together and how do you gather interest for this type of thing? I don't really know anyone! Could I ask for your help to get the word out as much as possible? Do you keep people's emails or do they just comment here? What instrustions do you get after that takes place?
2) If a physical color isn't really possible to give to them, how could I go about this? Printers never print out the right color, nothing is ever bright enough and the ONLY physical color copy I can think of in this color would be the actual printer cartridge for "cyan". Sometimes this 'cyan' isn't the cyan i'm after, so it's a little hard to find it but its possible.
Fursuitsupplies.com ( https://fursuitsupplies.com/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=19 ) is where i'm going with this.
Here is my picture showing what I want. I personally need 7 yards of the cyan, 3+ yards of white and 1 yard of yellow.
The above blue faux furs: Turquoise shag, Aqua shag (still not right), baby blue fur and even polar bear blue fur. All not the type of cyan I am trying for.
The cyan is kind of like the 'missing lighter blue' color in the Neon/Highlighter Shag choices your familliar with shown below (they used a dark blue oddly).
Should this be posted to fursuitauctions instead? Anyone know of anywhere else this can be posted? Confused and needing help!
The more interest I can gather the cheaper this fur will be.
Please if interested leave a comment in this thread and what colors interest you and how many yards of each color interest you. At least I can get a little interest started and keep track of it that way. I have no other ideas on how to! Lol. The Cyan is especially important. I appreciate all the help I can get, this type of thing would be a community effort.
2) If a physical color isn't really possible to give to them, how could I go about this? Printers never print out the right color, nothing is ever bright enough and the ONLY physical color copy I can think of in this color would be the actual printer cartridge for "cyan". Sometimes this 'cyan' isn't the cyan i'm after, so it's a little hard to find it but its possible.
Fursuitsupplies.com ( https://fursuitsupplies.com/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=19 ) is where i'm going with this.
Here is my picture showing what I want. I personally need 7 yards of the cyan, 3+ yards of white and 1 yard of yellow.
The above blue faux furs: Turquoise shag, Aqua shag (still not right), baby blue fur and even polar bear blue fur. All not the type of cyan I am trying for.
The cyan is kind of like the 'missing lighter blue' color in the Neon/Highlighter Shag choices your familliar with shown below (they used a dark blue oddly).
Should this be posted to fursuitauctions instead? Anyone know of anywhere else this can be posted? Confused and needing help!
The more interest I can gather the cheaper this fur will be.
Please if interested leave a comment in this thread and what colors interest you and how many yards of each color interest you. At least I can get a little interest started and keep track of it that way. I have no other ideas on how to! Lol. The Cyan is especially important. I appreciate all the help I can get, this type of thing would be a community effort.