I finished one of the Gashy's paw and I found a bit bad surprise after I finished it. Getting INTO the paw is quite annoying, like the fingers part. They are so tightly pushed together with the polyfilled padding and I literally felt I did something wrong and this should be much more comfy to put on hand. Any tips what should be done to avoid the fingers getting so pushed together with the filling? My fingers get lost in the paw, especially last 2 fingers. I try a new hand with a different technique. I bough such gloves called Tamrex winter gloves:
They have latex fingers on the top and these are very comfy to put on hand and as the fingers are a bit tight, I hope this wont push the damn fingers into labyrinth. Its odd to find so little info about paws padding in fursuit stuff. There's barely any info, most are with fingers but for the whole arm and even sleeve.