So recently I've been looking for a good air brush, whether for fur or other designs. I was looking on Amazon the other night. This is one:
Have any of you bought this or know someone who bought it? Is it good for a starter/is it a reasonable price?
Or this one? The compressor looks a bit different than the first one. It's more expensive but comes with afew more brushes. What types are the brushes? Does it matter if I have one or three?/are they different?
If this one isn't good or if you know of a better one(for a reasonable price), please tell me where to find it and how good it works. Thanks!
Have any of you bought this or know someone who bought it? Is it good for a starter/is it a reasonable price?
Or this one? The compressor looks a bit different than the first one. It's more expensive but comes with afew more brushes. What types are the brushes? Does it matter if I have one or three?/are they different?
If this one isn't good or if you know of a better one(for a reasonable price), please tell me where to find it and how good it works. Thanks!