I'm in the process of learning about Arduino and basic electronics for my next suit, which I'm planning to put a lot of LEDs in. This is the character I'm making, for reference:
This will be a 3/4 suit.
I looking to make all the yellow/pink/green markings glow (with the exception of the fingers, tongue and mane/long hair. I'll likely change the markings around the knees and possibly elbows since I know having LEDS there will break the wires quickly. I'm planning to use LED strips on the legs, arms, and possibly tail since people on here recommended them for better durability. I definitely want to use LEDS because I want the dotted look they have vs. the glowing lines of EL wire.
Here's my questions:
How exactly would I have glowing lights below the knee/elbow if I can't have wires going over the joints? Would I have to have a seperate power source and light strip for the markings below the points? Also, I'm planning on using a 555 timer since I want them to at least flash, and possibly an Arduino for more elaborate light programs. How would I control all the light in the head, arms, tail and legs at once (if that's even possible). I'm an electronics noob, so sorry if that's something totally impractical and a stupid question.
How to I make LED eyes with acrylic cabochons? Most of the LED eyes I've seen have the lights cast into them, but that isn't an option with those blanks.
What do I attach all the wires and lights to? For the head, I'd imagine just the foam base, and for the arms some kind of undersuit beneath the fur. But how would I do it with the padded legs? Would I make a spandex undersuit to go over the pillow padding?
And I also have some non-LED questions.
If I wanted to screw something like horns into a non-resin based head, what would you guys recommend using as a solid base? A skateboard helmet comes to mind first, but there's probably something lighter or better out there. I'm looking for something lightweight and fairly cheap because I have a limited budget.
What a simple and cheap way to have a decent-quality electronic sound effect/voice box? I just have one sound I want to use, but if there's a fairly easy way to add more, that's nice as well.
This will be a 3/4 suit.
I looking to make all the yellow/pink/green markings glow (with the exception of the fingers, tongue and mane/long hair. I'll likely change the markings around the knees and possibly elbows since I know having LEDS there will break the wires quickly. I'm planning to use LED strips on the legs, arms, and possibly tail since people on here recommended them for better durability. I definitely want to use LEDS because I want the dotted look they have vs. the glowing lines of EL wire.
Here's my questions:
How exactly would I have glowing lights below the knee/elbow if I can't have wires going over the joints? Would I have to have a seperate power source and light strip for the markings below the points? Also, I'm planning on using a 555 timer since I want them to at least flash, and possibly an Arduino for more elaborate light programs. How would I control all the light in the head, arms, tail and legs at once (if that's even possible). I'm an electronics noob, so sorry if that's something totally impractical and a stupid question.
How to I make LED eyes with acrylic cabochons? Most of the LED eyes I've seen have the lights cast into them, but that isn't an option with those blanks.
What do I attach all the wires and lights to? For the head, I'd imagine just the foam base, and for the arms some kind of undersuit beneath the fur. But how would I do it with the padded legs? Would I make a spandex undersuit to go over the pillow padding?
And I also have some non-LED questions.
If I wanted to screw something like horns into a non-resin based head, what would you guys recommend using as a solid base? A skateboard helmet comes to mind first, but there's probably something lighter or better out there. I'm looking for something lightweight and fairly cheap because I have a limited budget.
What a simple and cheap way to have a decent-quality electronic sound effect/voice box? I just have one sound I want to use, but if there's a fairly easy way to add more, that's nice as well.