The frame for the wings is finally completed! Before you ask, no, I did not create these myself, but had a blacksmith make them out of aluminium. It's only loosely fitted together at the moment, as first the groundplate will have to be sewn on to the harness using vinyl band. You can probably get an idea of how it will work from the photos, though.
There's 2 different sets of wings, one shorter and really narrow for crowded indoor events, and one larger set for studio work / outdoor events:
I already have the wingtips completed (resin), but was in a hurry to make the photographs in what little daylight there was still left. All the vertical tubes will be furred, and I will line the spaces in between with latex-colored cloth. I had originally thought to use glossy black, to create this effect (art (c) Kanthara): (somewhat true to the cartoon, at least when looking at Brooklyn action figures), but when I was in the shop, I also saw a material with snakeprint. So I bought both and put off making a decision.
So, what do you guys think would look better, glossy or snakepattern? One set of each? Different fabrics for the front and rear side?
Character reference sheets:
Opinions much appreciated, thank you in advance.
There's 2 different sets of wings, one shorter and really narrow for crowded indoor events, and one larger set for studio work / outdoor events:
I already have the wingtips completed (resin), but was in a hurry to make the photographs in what little daylight there was still left. All the vertical tubes will be furred, and I will line the spaces in between with latex-colored cloth. I had originally thought to use glossy black, to create this effect (art (c) Kanthara): (somewhat true to the cartoon, at least when looking at Brooklyn action figures), but when I was in the shop, I also saw a material with snakeprint. So I bought both and put off making a decision.
So, what do you guys think would look better, glossy or snakepattern? One set of each? Different fabrics for the front and rear side?
Character reference sheets:
Opinions much appreciated, thank you in advance.