So I've scoured the net on how to make a "weave track" per-say but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. I'm trying to save time while I install a big white lion's mane and refuse to believe that just gluing the crap out of the ends and then gluing them in is my only option.
I have found a way but I'd like to know if you guys have any other suggestions? If not, then I will share mine in my first ever tutorial if I feel that the method is time and material saving as well as aesthetically pleasing when the final product in applied.
That being said, can I get some tips on how to make a tutorial? I've never done so before so perhaps I can get some links to tutorials that were done really well? Obviously there will be step by step pictures and comments but what makes a really great tutorial?
I have found a way but I'd like to know if you guys have any other suggestions? If not, then I will share mine in my first ever tutorial if I feel that the method is time and material saving as well as aesthetically pleasing when the final product in applied.
That being said, can I get some tips on how to make a tutorial? I've never done so before so perhaps I can get some links to tutorials that were done really well? Obviously there will be step by step pictures and comments but what makes a really great tutorial?