Hey there, I'm going to be making the body for my new fursuit and have decided to go for digi padding this time round.
I've only ever made one digi suit before and it was my first suit overall, and was terrible.
I've done a fair bit of research into the different ways of achieving digitigrade and am thinking or going the pillow direction.
However, I don't want MASSIVE toony digi padding.
My footpaws are sockpaws so are smaller than your average toony feet, and I'm wanting subtle padding so everything fits together.
However, I'm having trouble finding any examples of smaller/thinner padding on existing fursuits for reference/inspiration.
So far this is the only thing I've managed to find that looks like what I'm trying to achieve:
(by Qarrezel, image taken from their DA)
Would any of you have any idea of any suits I could take a gander at or any images/tutorials on smaller padding?
I will be making my DTD this week and was also wondering if I should try and get my boyf to stick the padding onto me, or wait until it's off and stuffed and do it myself? I'm super picky about symmetry and don't want the pattern to be off.
I've only ever made one digi suit before and it was my first suit overall, and was terrible.
I've done a fair bit of research into the different ways of achieving digitigrade and am thinking or going the pillow direction.
However, I don't want MASSIVE toony digi padding.
My footpaws are sockpaws so are smaller than your average toony feet, and I'm wanting subtle padding so everything fits together.
However, I'm having trouble finding any examples of smaller/thinner padding on existing fursuits for reference/inspiration.
So far this is the only thing I've managed to find that looks like what I'm trying to achieve:

(by Qarrezel, image taken from their DA)
Would any of you have any idea of any suits I could take a gander at or any images/tutorials on smaller padding?
I will be making my DTD this week and was also wondering if I should try and get my boyf to stick the padding onto me, or wait until it's off and stuffed and do it myself? I'm super picky about symmetry and don't want the pattern to be off.