So, I've been gathering materials and looking up tutorials, making lots of notes and now I think I'm ready to start my Dewott costume :)
Here's my concept art of what I'm aiming for.
So, as a question to all of you more experianced makers out there, what are the most important things to keep in mind when starting a suit? What are some common first time mistakes to avoid? I'm just looking for any little pro-tips y'all care to share that might help a newbie out but are too short to make into a full tutorial or something. Also, any tips specific to follow eyes, digigrade padding and otter faces would be especially appreciated. Thanks and can't wait to share my progress and panics along the way as I try to figure out all this. XD
Here's my concept art of what I'm aiming for.
So, as a question to all of you more experianced makers out there, what are the most important things to keep in mind when starting a suit? What are some common first time mistakes to avoid? I'm just looking for any little pro-tips y'all care to share that might help a newbie out but are too short to make into a full tutorial or something. Also, any tips specific to follow eyes, digigrade padding and otter faces would be especially appreciated. Thanks and can't wait to share my progress and panics along the way as I try to figure out all this. XD